Probably around 10-12% now bud, looking good.

All advices are good and all but always remember if it’s not broke don’t fix it. Nobody here knows anything about what you are really doing, no daily check ins and we don’t even know what your current measurements are.

Unless it’s an obvious health issue/hazard visible from your body or cycle listed , nobody knows your body better than yourself.

What’s your metabolism like naturally? For all we know you’re like Roman Fritz who can diet on 800g carbs or john meadows who needs to go 1500kcals to get peeled.
You’re right. That’s exactly what I thought / think.

Never change a running system. And it is running better than ever.

So if I get to like 90 I am sub 10% and ready to reverse ?
Why are you associating 'feelz' with potency? It makes me roll my eyes every time I see people relying on 'feelz.' Be glad you're not experiencing any side effects—why would you want to feel them? Some people can only tolerate 20mg of caffeine, while others can consume grams without feeling anything. Stop basing your judgment on 'feelz.'

Because we're talking about stimulants and not a compound, i didn't expect to feel testosterone neither primo, i'm not feeling anavar either while many say they have accute response to it. I know some guys feel it even at 20mcg. I'm not begging for side effects though, just trying to get a read if it's actually doing anything or not. No increased temp, no raise in RHR, no jitters, hand shakes..nothing. I can "feel" caffeine and yohimbine though.

No, I don’t feel anything - never did.

Tbh I am happy about this, all that stories about jittering like having Parkinson etc. sound very bad.

Only thing I realized is my RHR increased by like 10 bpm. But that’s okay for the time of the cut tbh.

Ok, cool. I'll probably go up to 80mcg and call it a day, it will get me through for 3-4 weeks. Cheers man!
No, I don’t feel anything - never did.

Tbh I am happy about this, all that stories about jittering like having Parkinson etc. sound very bad.

Only thing I realized is my RHR increased by like 10 bpm. But that’s okay for the time of the cut tbh.
Dont neglect cardio. 20 min on the stair master after each lifing season mabe leg days just walk or do the bike 20 min.
Dont neglect cardio. 20 min on the stair master after each lifing season mabe leg days just walk or do the bike 20 min.
Doing 90 mins fasted stationary bike 7 times per week - on arm day I also do 30 mins of treadmill walking 15% incline after arms because day is very short haha.
You’re right. That’s exactly what I thought / think.

Never change a running system. And it is running better than ever.

So if I get to like 90 I am sub 10% and ready to reverse ?

Seconding this. You are at a point that you have to pave your own path, the approach or opinions of 80% of the posters here really wont be of much relevance to you.

Thats not to say its not good to still receive those opinions and hear about those approaches, but ultimately you will have to determine if its worth factoring in or not, as you are at a more advanced point walking the walk, not just talking it.

Keep at it big guy, looking great.
Doing 90 mins fasted stationary bike 7 times per week - on arm day I also do 30 mins of treadmill walking 15% incline after arms because day is very short haha.
Nice man , man ur on it.

That's y i shouldn't assume shit, I cant even do 90 min and I have alot mess muscle than u.

Good for u bud.
So I just stop m insulin tomorrow and continue doing my cut and my body will perfectly produce insulin by itself instantly again?
If you're consuming only 2k calories and 260 grams of carbs, would there be any reason why not unless you're diabetic or severely resistant? Do you see where I'm coming from? You're just "masking" an underlying issue here.

I'm neither your physician nor your coach and you shouldn't listen to me, but personally, I'd prioritize addressing the issue. Initially, I'd recommend discontinuing insulin completely, possibly with gradual support from GDA's. If that approach proves ineffective, exploring alternative measures like Carb cycling, PSMF, DNP, fasting, Increasing cardio,... could be considered.
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Because we're talking about stimulants and not a compound, i didn't expect to feel testosterone neither primo, i'm not feeling anavar either while many say they have accute response to it. I know some guys feel it even at 20mcg. I'm not begging for side effects though, just trying to get a read if it's actually doing anything or not. No increased temp, no raise in RHR, no jitters, hand shakes..nothing. I can "feel" caffeine and yohimbine though.

Ok, cool. I'll probably go up to 80mcg and call it a day, it will get me through for 3-4 weeks. Cheers man!
It’s easy to forget that stims’ effect accumulate over time. There have been so many of us who had stimulant related overdoses for years now be it clen, t3 or even fatburners like dnp because we relied on side effect as gauge on when to up our dosages.

Titrate slowly is the safest way of doing things. But if you think your stuff is bunk get it tested to be sure, imagine if it is and then you switch to another brand and you think you’re a non responder then ingest the same amount of real product and bam, ER visit!
It’s easy to forget that stims’ effect accumulate over time. There have been so many of us who had stimulant related overdoses for years now be it clen, t3 or even fatburners like dnp because we relied on side effect as gauge on when to up our dosages.

Titrate slowly is the safest way of doing things. But if you think your stuff is bunk get it tested to be sure, imagine if it is and then you switch to another brand and you think you’re a non responder then ingest the same amount of real product and bam, ER visit!

Yeah i know that, nothing to argue. Only i'm using clen again after 13 years. I've never taken other stims besides yohimbine which i started couple days ago. Coffee doesn't do anything for me because it's a habit, i'm having 1-2 every day. But i recently tried some pre workout after at least a decade (i'm not into that stuff) and it made me jittery and anxious af. Best way ofc is to get it tested but i'm not sparing 150$ to test a product that costs 10$. Either way in 4-5 weeks i'm ending the current diet phase. Anyway, thanks for the response man.

Sorry for the off topic in your thread @Mishka1903
If you're consuming only 2k calories and 260 grams of carbs, would there be any reason why not unless you're diabetic or severely resistant? Do you see where I'm coming from? You're just "masking" an underlying issue here.

I'm neither your physician nor your coach and you shouldn't listen to me, but personally, I'd prioritize addressing the issue. Initially, I'd recommend discontinuing insulin completely, possibly with gradual support from GDA's. If that approach proves ineffective, exploring alternative measures like Carb cycling, PSMF, DNP, fasting, Increasing cardio,... could be considered.
Quick question, I don’t have any knowledge of insulin use, I only watched videos and just read about it; do you become diabetic from injecting insulin? I thought you can’t?
Quick question, I don’t have any knowledge of insulin use, I only watched videos and just read about it; do you become diabetic from injecting insulin? I thought you can’t?
IMHO / IME and what I’ve read, yes - you can’t get diabetic from using it.

Quick question, I don’t have any knowledge of insulin use, I only watched videos and just read about it; do you become diabetic from injecting insulin? I thought you can’t?
It absolutely can, especially if insulin is abused to consume more food. There's a reason why coaches (like hardcore Lantus enthusiasts like Bleu Taylor) have moved away from daily Lantus protocols. Anecdotal evidence from their clients suggests it causes issues in the long run.

Check out this video—it's very informative. Actual doctors with bodybuilding experience talking about the application and potential dangers of insulin. If you want to skip directly to the insulin part skip to 17:00

How's your sleep or what do you take to sleep when you are running almost a gram of tren.
Waking up like 4-5 times per night to pee.

Yesterday it also took me almost two hours to get to sleep.

But I guess one will accommodate. It’s like second or maybe third week on that Tren dosage now. I think it only starts to work now.
It absolutely can, especially if insulin is abused to consume more food. There's a reason why coaches (like hardcore Lantus enthusiasts like Bleu Taylor) have moved away from daily Lantus protocols. Anecdotal evidence from their clients suggests it causes issues in the long run.

Check out this video—it's very informative. Actual doctors with bodybuilding experience talking about the application and potential dangers of insulin. If you want to skip directly to the insulin part skip to 17:00


If that’s true, I am diabetic now anyway.

I bulked on Slin like two years. Peak was 100 Basaglar per day and 30 Novo per meal - without even caring about the carbs in the meal - just plain 30 per any kind of meal.
I only can do it because I play Diablo 4 while doing cardio and I am unemployed Bodybuilder right at this moment of my life. lol.

Haha real talk.

Doing 90 mins fasted stationary bike 7 times per week - on arm day I also do 30 mins of treadmill walking 15% incline after arms because day is very short haha.

This is gonna do a lot for health overall.

*Take notes, guys. Get your cardio however you can.