Mishka's way to MUTANT

Grab a glucose monitor brother, its cheap and easy to use.
Got one at home. Freestyle Libre 3. wanted to install it today, but got to the ER before.

Had another one before, but it ran out.

Thank you for the tip. Will discontinue the insulin anyway, or I will get divorced. So, yea, hope sensitivity works as soon as possible again.

As soon as I hit 8% BF I am gonna start a „lean bulk“ and use insulin without telling my wife - keeping it in my gym bag. So I can still start to get massive in like 4-5 months from now, after diet break and rest of the cut is done…
How did this happen? You don't go from diabetic to extremely insulin sensitive overnight. Did you dose it incorrectly somehow?
I'd love to see you argue with a PhD in endocrinology or counter his arguments. It was another another PhD guest on who made that statement. You're just a random guy calling doctors frauds. What credentials do you have apart from calling Doctors frauds?

PS: Doctors (PhD) don't have an "opinion" they actually research stuff and write papers based on facts.

Kurt Havens doesn't even have a PhD lmao
Having a PhD doesn't mean shit anyway, you can be a doctor and still be a fucking retard.

The problem is they are way more knowledgeable than us will ever be, did anyone here even stepped or worked in a clinical setting/real laboratory or even interpret a real peer reviewed study?

It's me and I agree with all of this. Having a PhD isn't a guarantee of much.

Also, this:

What do you mean having a phd doesn’t mean anything? Do you let your gardener fly your airplane or the dog walker check your prostate?

A PhD doesn't mean you're an expert on everything.
A PhD doesn't mean you're an expert on everything.
I didn’t say they are expert on everything, I just said they know more than us in regards to what they’re talking about especially Kurt Havens. Given their resume and people they work with, is it safe to assume they have more knowledge in application and experience when it comes to bodybuilding than your regular gymbro in this forums?

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe everything they say is true but unless you’re a doctor/coach to the pros yourself then they know more than you.
I didn’t say they are expert on everything, I just said they know more than us in regards to what they’re talking about especially Kurt Havens. Given their resume and people they work with, is it safe to assume they have more knowledge in application and experience when it comes to bodybuilding than your regular gymbro in this forums?

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe everything they say is true but unless you’re a doctor/coach to the pros yourself then they know more than you.

Sure. The more podcasts they do & the more they secretly read MESO, the better well-spoken & relevant they become for generating content. Having an academic background helps.
No. 40 Basaglar in the burning, like always. And did even go to 8 IU fast acting from 10 IU. No idea.
Well on the bright side you are now the living proof that you don’t go insulin resistant from using too much insulin

What does your blood sugars look like without insulin in the mix now?

They all Improve your Insulin sensitivity a LOT. Based on my own experience with them my Hba1c and Insulin response has improved a ton

When using these my fasted glucose is usually around 70 (even with 3-4iu HGH in the system)
My Glucose spikes to 120 max. after meals within the first 30 minutes and then goes back down to 80 extremely fast

Cannot run Sematuglide with these either, blood glucose does down to 50-60 with just 1mg a week

Its the best choice to drop the Insulin honestly
Well on the bright side you are now the living proof that you don’t go insulin resistant from using too much insulin

What does your blood sugars look like without insulin in the mix now?
Dunno yet, gonna place the new CGM on Sunday.

They all Improve your Insulin sensitivity a LOT. Based on my own experience with them my Hba1c and Insulin response has improved a ton

When using these my fasted glucose is usually around 70 (even with 3-4iu HGH in the system)
My Glucose spikes to 120 max. after meals within the first 30 minutes and then goes back down to 80 extremely fast

Cannot run Sematuglide with these either, blood glucose does down to 50-60 with just 1mg a week

Its the best choice to drop the Insulin honestly
Thank you.

May I ask, according to L-Carnitine:

A) do I really need to take it with insulin / carb meals? Or can I inject whenever?

B) „should“ / „must“ one half the dosage to 500 mg after 14 days of 1 g „loading phase“? Or can I just keep 1 g for the rest of my life to keep sensitivity up, fat burn up / gain at bay while building size?
Thank you.

May I ask, according to L-Carnitine:

A) do I really need to take it with insulin / carb meals? Or can I inject whenever?

B) „should“ / „must“ one half the dosage to 500 mg after 14 days of 1 g „loading phase“? Or can I just keep 1 g for the rest of my life to keep sensitivity up, fat burn up / gain at bay while building size?

Carnitin, ideally Pre-Workout with Carbs when the body is producing Insulin on its own (If without a meal, 2ius of Slin do the job). Can basically inject it any time with a meal present (preferably the pre-workout meal)

I personally like to take it all with my Pre-Workout meal (usually takes 2 weeks anyways to have a solid carnitine level)

I do 1g for 2 weeks myself and go down to 500mg and achieved the same results so far, i personally feel no difference at all

You could try it for yourself and see if that does something for you but given the injection volume of carnitine these days (1g/5ml) i dont mind the half the dose

The lowest i've run is 250mg and i notice a difference between 250 and 500mgs

Honestly, with my personal experience: I would always run Carnitin, better pump, more endurance for cardio, even in a strict caloric deficit i dont feel flat ot lethargic and it improves my Lipid profile + is apparently really good for the heart + the Insulin sensitivity and some studies suggest it also slightly up regulates the androgen receptors (i believe it was around 6-8% very minimal but hey, i take anything to give it a small bost eh?)
Wow !! Just wow !!
If my wife wasn’t there and tell me she will get divorced I would’ve left the ER yesterday - inject insulin again (lower dose those - lol) and train today.

So now I had to stay in the ER over night - tell them I don’t care what they say I will go home today and had to take a day off. Complete waste of time.

Like 2-3 months diet break. I’ve been like 4 weeks max from my goal… completely dumb to stop now. So I hope to still recomp on 3k Cals.
If my wife wasn’t there and tell me she will get divorced I would’ve left the ER yesterday - inject insulin again (lower dose those - lol) and train today.

So now I had to stay in the ER over night - tell them I don’t care what they say I will go home today and had to take a day off. Complete waste of time.

Like 2-3 months diet break. I’ve been like 4 weeks max from my goal… completely dumb to stop now. So I hope to still recomp on 3k Cals.
Mental illness is real...
If my wife wasn’t there and tell me she will get divorced I would’ve left the ER yesterday - inject insulin again (lower dose those - lol) and train today.

So now I had to stay in the ER over night - tell them I don’t care what they say I will go home today and had to take a day off. Complete waste of time.

Like 2-3 months diet break. I’ve been like 4 weeks max from my goal… completely dumb to stop now. So I hope to still recomp on 3k Cals.
I'm glad you're okay, brother!

You've been eating at a deficit, doing cardio, and dropping body fat. This alone should have increased your insulin sensitivity. Previously, you might have needed 5-8g carbs/IU of insulin, but now you may need around 15g/IU. That's why it's crucial to keep track and understand your body well.

I recommend getting an accurate glucose monitor. The Counter Next is highly rated for its accuracy and is pretty cheap and readily available. (Comparative Accuracy of 17 Point-of-Care Glucose Meters).

Keep monitoring your fasting glucose levels and postprandial levels (2 to 2.5 hours after meals, it should return to baseline).

Don't rush adding food back in, as you'll gain fat quickly and undo your hard work. Keep up with the cardio, either maintaining your current level or cut the cardio in half. Increase your carbs significantly while minimizing fat intake on workout days. Do this for a week or two, monitor your weight, and once it stabilizes, add more carbs.

You're already planning to reintroduce insulin in a few weeks or months without being certain if you'll really need it. If your body can manage insulin production on its own, why add more? I understand that the pumps are amazing and you're looking blasting full, but this is only temporary that could come at the cost of your health.
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Thank you.

May I ask, according to L-Carnitine:

A) do I really need to take it with insulin / carb meals? Or can I inject whenever?

B) „should“ / „must“ one half the dosage to 500 mg after 14 days of 1 g „loading phase“? Or can I just keep 1 g for the rest of my life to keep sensitivity up, fat burn up / gain at bay while building size?

I think carnitine is nothingsauce in this context. Low risk but low/zero benefit.

An easy decision to discontinue, & simplify your protocol. Imo.
If my wife wasn’t there and tell me she will get divorced I would’ve left the ER yesterday - inject insulin again (lower dose those - lol) and train today.

So now I had to stay in the ER over night - tell them I don’t care what they say I will go home today and had to take a day off. Complete waste of time.

Like 2-3 months diet break. I’ve been like 4 weeks max from my goal… completely dumb to stop now. So I hope to still recomp on 3k Cals.
What’s your goal going to get ya ?

Didn’t I read you’re unemployed recently ?

Recomp lol yep that’s what’s important !!! Again wow !!!!
Yeah, bodybuilding. It's in DSM-5.
Sadly it all affects is in all forms, big or small. If we don’t stop what we are doing before it permanently damages our health, we are all going to die from our abuse of this substances it’s just a matter of when and how.

However, like in Mishka’s case, the sign manifested already, the logical move is to stop and remove everything and reevaluate but I don’t know if he is willing to do that. I hope you reconsider your choices brother, there’s no point in looking muscular if you’re not around to show it.


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