MuscleCandy - US Domestic

Bitching about a little odor in the pack? What?

I thought this source would be right up your alley....doesn't even test his raws for API strength. Trust but verify is so passe.

Isn't that what all the cool kids are doing these days?

Man up.
Until one gets busted or an abscess...

This source admittedly does NOT test his raws. If you look at finished product testing you see that his numbers are all over the place. Amateur brewers and they really don't know what they are brewing since they don't test raws.

The irony that readalot gets all the hate for suggesting sources test raws… but as soon as a source admits to not testing raws, all hell breaks loose :rolleyes:
What do you think normal tests are?
Guessing substance ID and purity percentage, right?

Assuming a vendor tests raws and gets back, for example, 90% purity, you’re ok with the vendor adjusting the raws used in the brew so that the final oil reaches the advertised mg/ml dose? That’s the only thing that matters to you?

You have no concern with what’s in the other 10% of the raws, right?

Just trying to clarify your position on the additional testing suggested by readalot.
Personally, I would like to see viscosity tests on finished oils. I've done a lot of personal tests on what works best for erotic lubricants. I find Mast P in MCT to be the superior choice for a quick power fuck. Sustanon in GSO reigns supreme for a more romantic, light some candles because you're going to be there awhile situation. Test U is castor oil is the only rational choice for butt stuff.

Sadly, all my N=1 data means very little to actually get to the bottom of this quandary. Maybe we can stop arguing and focus our attention on something important like this? If anyone 's into it we can pool money and finally solve this puzzle.
Personally, I would like to see viscosity tests on finished oils. I've done a lot of personal tests on what works best for erotic lubricants. I find Mast P in MCT to be the superior choice for a quick power fuck. Sustanon in GSO reigns supreme for a more romantic, light some candles because you're going to be there awhile situation. Test U is castor oil is the only rational choice for butt stuff.

Sadly, all my N=1 data means very little to actually get to the bottom of this quandary. Maybe we can stop arguing and focus our attention on something important like this? If anyone 's into it we can pool money and finally solve this puzzle.
I have recently brewed with castor oil. I use test U for my TRT.(haven't used castor yet.)

I plan to switch off to when I am getting off cycle
Personally, I would like to see viscosity tests on finished oils. I've done a lot of personal tests on what works best for erotic lubricants. I find Mast P in MCT to be the superior choice for a quick power fuck. Sustanon in GSO reigns supreme for a more romantic, light some candles because you're going to be there awhile situation. Test U is castor oil is the only rational choice for butt stuff.

Sadly, all my N=1 data means very little to actually get to the bottom of this quandary. Maybe we can stop arguing and focus our attention on something important like this? If anyone 's into it we can pool money and finally solve this puzzle.
Go on. I want to learn more
I have recently brewed with castor oil. I use test U for my TRT.(haven't used castor yet.)

I plan to switch off to when I am getting off cycle
I'm planning to switch to test U for TRT. Never considered it before but became interested after following your process switching and reading your threads. Thanks for on the great info on test U!
I'm planning to switch to test U for TRT. Never considered it before but became interested after following your process switching and reading your threads. Thanks for on the great info on test U!

I won't bore you with my TRT case for the natural small circadian variations in endogenous testosterone secretion; like sustanon 2x/wk vs. weekly Test U.

But here and here.
Now I do cyp EOD and I'm fine. Planning to do undec e5d. I'm not worried about it. I really don't think sustanon e3.5d is even close to mimicking natural production. Maybe sust ED or test P ED.
4:3 mix of TC/TP or TE/TP injected daily about as close as you can get to mimic older gonadal rhythm.

Another product idea for sources who want to differentiate themselves from the herd.
