My First Cycle results TEST+TREN+ANAVAR+ANADROL +20KG

This was your very first cycle? That is more like competitive body builder cycle.
Yep made some mistakes in my first one some guys here already helped me with that also i have someone making my diet plan / protocols for now so i feel more confortable to continue

i like be strong and lift weights tbh idk too much about hormones so i made it wrong in my first time that was being better now i promise ty for the advice bro
Phenomenal physique, even your quads look fuller dude, well done! And props to the guy helping you, he might saw you're a hard worker and you have the genetics to achieve something very good.
Hi i'm Sam

I'm here for share my progress in my bodybuilder journey

a little bit about my history
I've been training since I was 15, but I went to the gym just to maintain visible abs. I didn't like it and didn't dedicate myself that much (standard teenager focused on parties and drinking, an idiot) I focused on my physique and realized that I ended up making good progress. my physical progress with my personal improvement and now I like to take care of my physique more than anything

actual :
5' 10
BF something about 8~12%

My physique Natty 2 years on gym no steroids until this pic only had a "cycle" > some clen during last 4 weeks (Screenshot) 79KG

So lets talk about the evolution and the cycle

So basically my diet was in a high amount of carbs tbh i almost hit 1000 Carbs in this phase

was on 5.600 calories in this time > (Screenshot) 86KG

After it i was suffering a lot for eat more so i just drop some kcals but still gaining size (ty peds)
after it i stayed around 4000/4300 kcal for more 2 months

My cycle here was
1-24 500 Test E /W
1-24 250 Ace T/W
1-12 30 Anavar /Daily
12-24 Anadrol 100/D

My actual physique with +19kg from 1 photo

Now running on
500 Nandrolone
I want prepare myself to stage in like 10 weeks, I accept opinions and comments about possible improvements
Some poses from 06/06/24

You're massive Sam, congrats !!!!!!!

All the dudes with stage pictures commenting on your thread look worse than you, don't listen to their "advice".
Phenomenal physique, even your quads look fuller dude, well done! And props to the guy helping you, he might saw you're a hard worker and you have the genetics to achieve something very good.
Tysm bro them really full now and i was on pump after a leg day in this front lat pic felling really nice all going well ty for the words i will get this overall if it is God's will Lets go
Sick genetics!
Tysm bro
You're massive Sam, congrats !!!!!!!

All the dudes with stage pictures commenting on your thread look worse than you, don't listen to their "advice".
Ty bro for all tbh i like hear peoples with more experience because they have already made mistakes and can warn me of what to avoid/what to learn, reaching a certain point is variable, especially in a sport with so many external factors such as bodybuilding, genetics, investment, etc...

So is a natural instinct for me but i understand is not good hear everyone older ty for the words bro Take care
Tysm bro them really full now and i was on pump after a leg day in this front lat pic felling really nice all going well ty for the words i will get this overall if it is God's will Lets go

Tysm bro

Ty bro for all tbh i like hear peoples with more experience because they have already made mistakes and can warn me of what to avoid/what to learn, reaching a certain point is variable, especially in a sport with so many external factors such as bodybuilding, genetics, investment, etc...

So is a natural instinct for me but i understand is not good hear everyone older ty for the words bro Take care

I got your back bro ;)

Let me know if anyone is bothering you ;)