NapsGear.Net - reviews

Everything gp line?
I try to use it with a different line of gear and didn't work. It just applied to serms .
Hey guys iv been wondering lately why so many people hate on naps. Iv had 1 cycle with ok results and one with less than remarkable results. But could have been poor training and diet on my part as much as gear quality. My most recent cycle though has been great and I have blood work to show very high quality test and bold.abd naps support has worked with me on a recent thing to get a very favorable result for me. Now I love telling a first time poster his mom thought my nuts were g2g but that's hate directed toward a shill. Did I miss sometging?
Sry for jumping in, but isn't it a little bias when naps is testing their own gear?

Anyone is welcome to retest the same batch on their own or any other product from our website. In fact I do want to ask you guys to help us with this. I will reimburse the testing costs plus add $100 store credit to your napsgear account.
Well considering you make hundreds of thousands of dollars. The average guy doesn't want to shell out near $600 a vial. MB's program is a better bet, but also not full proof.
Sry for jumping in, but isn't it a little bias when naps is testing their own gear?
I think that about private or home brew sources such as 24k for ecample but a site like naps or even to an extent basicstero and darius are just reps. Naps has no control over the quality and doesn't have stashes of "tge good stuff" to send out to select buyers or testing.
But is it really man? Lol just pushes more sales for them imo
yeah, I really like the testing at and rely on it alot. but hgh testing is too expensive for the program. so I figure if guys like naps and the other sources start getting it tested, we'll at least have something to go by
Look what the cat drug in :) :)
The owner of napsgear, over a decade in the game and to my knowledge and experience a very great source for ALL of my medical and AAS needs. He is very responsive to feedback. To my knowledge and IME he has never been a selective scammer like his competitor in the country of origin. I welcome all to call me a shill but honestly his time in and other factors have beyond proven his willingness to only further the reputation of responsible AAS usage...also to provide high quality gear. He has donated to multiple times and has full intentions as was explained to me to continue the program of millards and provide high quality gear within USP standards, consistently. Meso is a tough crowd but naps has withstood years and years of the meso interrogation and speculation. Most issues are due to T/A which generally, as is usually the case this has to do with our US (we know what that means) operated postal services and if otherwise, from my research he always reships or makes good with his customers as has also been my experience. Happy lifting to all and to all a good night.