No shit there's risks, and of course what he did is unacceptable. Don't fucking tell me to settle down. I'm supposed to sign up for a 24 hour mailbox with a fake id to receive international packages of steroids? That's probably riskier and definitely carries heavier penalties than sending them to your own house. Most p.o. Box places do significant background checks before they will rent you one due to all the terrorism, so I doubt a fake id would work. And yes I always used tor and now use Bitcoin. The ONLY reason I am extremely pissed is the fact they saved my info for over a year when I never even received a thing from them, they should have dumped my info as soon as I canceled my order and deleted my account. That's the biggest no no in this business. Yet they do it and they're the biggest company in this business. So please don't imply I had this coming.
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