NapsGear.Net - reviews

Hell yeah man. Hopefully my shit makes it through this time. Can't wait to start. First time running peptides. I've read a lot of good things about the HGH/AAS "synergy". Looking forward to the healing abilities as well. How do your joints, tendons, ligaments ect feel?
I only get sides from HGH when I run them along AAS. If I'm off AAS I don't get any sides. The sides that I got was vivid dreams every night, fat hands (comes and goes), and numb arm (always right arm) in the middle of the night. It wakes me up then I have to shake it off. It just felt like I was carrying a 20lb dead fish on my shoulder.

I guess recover was better. I wasn't sure if that was the HGH or AAS but yes I recover within 24 and felt like a brand new person the next day at the gym. Hitting the weight heavier. For tendons and legiment I would say it did help with my tendonitis. I've had tendinitis for several years from over lifting. Then I had surgery and it made it worst. I no longer have tendinitis. So I guess the HGH fixed that.

Also forgot to mention. Before I took HGH I was allergic to all sorts of plants like tress, grass, and pollens. I was also allergic to cats and dogs. I would always wake up sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes. Spring is the worst. My doctor told me to take zyrtecs 1 pill every day for the rest of my life. If I didn't take the pill for 4 days. My body from head to toes get itchy. Like an inside itch. I get little red dots popping up all over my body to.

I did blood work and you can see I have alot of white blood cells. My body was attacking it self because of my allergy.

I took HGH for 4 months and I have no more allergies. I don't have to take zyrtecs anymore. My doctor couldn't figure how I cured my allergies. Haha.
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I only get sides from HGH when I run them along AAS. If I'm off AAS I don't get any sides. The sides that I got was vivid dreams every night, fat hands (comes and goes), and numb arm (always right arm) in the middle of the night. It wakes me up then I have to shake it off. It just felt like I was carrying a 20lb dead fish on my shoulder.

I guess recover was better. I wasn't sure if that was the HGH or AAS but yes I recover within 24 and felt like a brand new person the next day at the gym. Hitting the weight heavier. For tendons and legiment I would say it did help with my tendonitis. I've had tendinitis for several years from over lifting. Then I had surgery and it made it worst. I no longer have tendinitis. So I guess the HGH fixed that.

Also forgot to mention. Before I took HGH I was allergic to all sorts of plants like tress, grass, and pollens. I was also allergic to cats and dogs. I would always wake up sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes. Spring is the worst. My doctor told me to take zyrtecs 1 pill every day for the rest of my life. If I didn't take the pill for 4 days. My body from head to toes get itchy. Like an inside itch. I get little red dots popping up all over my body to.

I did blood work and you can see I have alot of white blood cells. My body was attacking it self because of my allergy.

I too HGH for 4 months and I have no more allergies. I don't have to take zyrtecs anymore. My doctor couldn't figure how I cured my allergies. Haha.

Shit man those side suck! Hopefully that doesn't happen. Really happy to hear about your tendinitis and allergies disappearing. Can't wait to try's like a miracle in a bottle. My joints needs this shit lol.
Shit man those side suck! Hopefully that doesn't happen. Really happy to hear about your tendinitis and allergies disappearing. Can't wait to try's like a miracle in a bottle. My joints needs this shit lol.
Well they if you get those sides from HGH then it's "legit" strong. If you don't get sides from HGH then it's fake or underdose. Best way to find out is run a blood test.
Hell yeah man. Hopefully my shit makes it through this time. Can't wait to start. First time running peptides. I've read a lot of good things about the HGH/AAS "synergy". Looking forward to the healing abilities as well. How do your joints, tendons, ligaments ect feel?

You can actually get joint pain with too much hgh. But my friend had a shoulder injury in his labrum and took hgh and it healed him over time. I ran the gray tops at 4-6iu a day for a year and had great results. Fingers felt numb if I took too much.

I see some use HCGenerate also.

HCGenerate isnt exactly the same as HCG. I would recommend HCG on any cycle. But I wouldnt use aromasin during pct.
You can actually get joint pain with too much hgh. But my friend had a shoulder injury in his labrum and took hgh and it healed him over time. I ran the gray tops at 4-6iu a day for a year and had great results. Fingers felt numb if I took too much.

HCGenerate isnt exactly the same as HCG. I would recommend HCG on any cycle. But I wouldnt use aromasin during pct.

Yea I've only ran HCG on cycle. I just heard about HCGenerate.

For HGH I've only gone up to 5iu. I don't think I'll ever go over that. In addition to that, HGH gets really expensive the higher the iu. Haha
Yea I've only ran HCG on cycle. I just heard about HCGenerate.

For HGH I've only gone up to 5iu. I don't think I'll ever go over that. In addition to that, HGH gets really expensive the higher the iu. Haha

I've read very mixed reviews about HCGenerate. I never tried it myself so cant say much about it. I will just say I wouldnt substitute anything for HCG, it should be apart of every cycle.

Yes HGH gets very expensive, and you have to stay on a long time. Try to buy in bulk with friends, its a little cheaper that way.

@SuperMaroid thanks for the info man. The more healing stories I hear makes me look forward to it that much more.

I have seen a lot of success from people using HGH to heal injuries. Anywhere from 2-4iu a day for 6 months to a year helps.

What are you trying to heal? And how many ius are you planning to take and for how long?
I've read very mixed reviews about HCGenerate. I never tried it myself so cant say much about it. I will just say I wouldnt substitute anything for HCG, it should be apart of every cycle.

Yes HGH gets very expensive, and you have to stay on a long time. Try to buy in bulk with friends, its a little cheaper that way.

I have seen a lot of success from people using HGH to heal injuries. Anywhere from 2-4iu a day for 6 months to a year helps.

What are you trying to heal? And how many ius are you planning to take and for how long?

Just overall joint aches, inflammation, golfers elbow, irritating rotator cuff pain. Shit like that.

4iu 5 on 2 off for 1 year
Just overall joint aches, inflammation, golfers elbow, irritating rotator cuff pain. Shit like that.

4iu 5 on 2 off for 1 year

It will definitely help you. I would also add fish oil and glucosamine everyday if you arent taking those. And do a cycle of deca some point during the hgh. Hope you feel better! Keep me updated!
It will definitely help you. I would also add fish oil and glucosamine everyday if you arent taking those. And do a cycle of deca some point during the hgh. Hope you feel better! Keep me updated!

Yes sir already taking the fish oil/omega 3s and glucosamine/chondroitin/msm combos. I might add deca to next cycle. Gave me ache last time but a lower dose would solve that. Thanks for the info.
Naps just did me so righteous. 20% off for the holidays + 30% off GP products for meso membership. I wonder if I would've got another 20% off if I'd used bitcoin. 70% off!!??

I think they screwed up my order and posted a lesser amount under my account on their site than in the email, which the email told me to ignore the total on the site, but I'd already paid the total on the site before checking the email, so they squashed the rest for me.
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It will definitely help you. I would also add fish oil and glucosamine everyday if rent taking those. And do a cycle of deca some point during the hgh. Hope you feel better! Keep me updated!
Fish oil is all it's cracked up to be man. Studies now show the people to truly benefit for using it are ones recovering heart attacks/disease.
Fish oil is all it's cracked up to be man. Studies now show the people to truly benefit for using it are ones recovering heart attacks/disease.

Its one of my staple supplements I've been taking for years. It has a lot of benefits.
I think you will crash your estrogen using aromasin during pct like that. You want to use the clomid&nolva to boost your natural testosterone production. You can check out dr.scallys pct thread he is a guru on pct.

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This pathetic fuck said estrogen rebound. That tells you all you need to know about this clown
I would run the tren 1-12. And do Clomid and Nolva for PCT, use Aromasin during cycle if needed.

Gray tops are nice. I ran those last year and planning to pick up more in the summer.

I've been using Naps for years and never had a bad experience. I am going by first hand experience and not by an imaginary friend.

I really can't help the fact your as worthless as a tit on a hog and quite frankly I don't care about you enough to care. I don't have to prove shit to your sorry cum guzzling ass! The proof is in the thread, but that would mean you would have to actually read! You want to talk all this shit and suck Naps off, but you don't want to read or educate yourself, so I'm done with your ass! Like the old saying goes you can lead the horse to the water but you can't make him drink! Naps still sucks regardless....
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This pathetic fuck said estrogen rebound. That tells you all you need to know about this clown

Aromasin has the ability to increase free Testosterone and IGF (Insulin Growth Factor) levels in the body. Because of this, this drug is also very useful during PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) regimes when one is trying to restore natural Testosterone production levels in order to avoid a post cycle "crash"

Using Aromasin for Pct

Suicidal AI like aromasin - almost vital for a good PCT?

Read up buttercup. You might learn something.


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