You don't need caber period. Fucking moron. Do some research before you spread more of your fucking stupidity. The reason you believe in taking caber and estrogen rebound is because some other stupid motherfucker heard it from some other stupid motherfucker and kept passing it on like your stupid fucking ass. So go do some fucking research and stop the fucking bullshit cycle of bro science
Who the fuck said that caber will not suppress elevated prolactin? I said that controlling your estrogen with a godam AI will control your prolactin so you don't need caber. You are a motherfucking moron if you are not trolling. Instead of sucking naps dick all fucking day go do some fucking research. If you want more spoon feeding you are going to have to use some of those deep throating skills you have been honing on naps cock. I'll bet that gag reflex is non existent by now, we'll have to see just how long you can go without oxygen now
"You don't need Cabaser period"
Then "Have it on hand just in case"
Make up your mind guy. You obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You also said it's impossible for a 19nor to cause these problems. How stupid are you? You back tracked real quick hahaha. Dumbass.
Okay as we all know, steroids like nandrolone deca/NPP and tren are known to raise prolactin levels when ran with other steroids such as testosterone. These steroids: deca and tren, are from the 19-nor testosterone family and are recognized by the body as a progestin. Progestins have the ability to increase prolactin levels.
Now there are a few things other than nandrolone or trenbolone that can raise prolactin, I will briefly mention them here; Testosterone, now I don't want to freak people out. The possibility of prolactin problems from testosterone are VERY slim and unlikely I just wanted to mention it. Another is Peptides. Various growth hormone releasing peptides can increase prolactin levels such as GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Hexarelin, and a few others. Other drugs known to increase prolactin would be certain types of antidepressants. Also I don't want to get into details but thyroid hormone levels also play a role in regulating prolactin.
Symptoms of High Prolactin
- low libido
- anorgasmia (delayed ejaculation)
- erectile dysfunction
- puffy or sensitive nipples
- discharge from nipples
- fatigue/lethargy
- depression
- suppressed testosterone production
Prolactin also can cause prostate problems in men. But one of the biggest problems prolactin is responsible for is increased suppression of testosterone. High levels of prolactin cause LH and FSH levels to lower, making pct very difficult or even unsuccessful.
So in addition to running an AI like Arimidex or Aromasin to take care of estrogen, we must also run ancillaries to take care of prolactin. Our most common choices are Cabergoline, Bromocriptine, and Pramipexole. Typically Cabergoline is recommended since it is easy to dose and must only be taken once or 2x a week. I will give a brief introduction of each option and their dosing protocol.
Pramipexole Pramipexole also known as mirapex, is a dopamine agonist similar to Cabergoline. It raises dopamine levels which lowers prolactin levels. Pramipexole is actually more effective in terms of prolactin supression. Prami is also low cost. Prami has many benefits in addition to prolactin suppression. Prami has been shown to increase GH levels by up to 300% (in normal healthy men)for 2 hours after dosing. Prami is also safe to use long term. Unlike Caber which can cause Cardiac and noncardiac fibrotic reactions.