NapsGear.Net - reviews

If you don't need it then why do you say have it on hand you dumb mother fucker. You read "some" shit and talked to "somebody". You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Either you stand behind your point it's not needed or stop fucking telling people to have it "just in case". I've ran test only cycles and never did I ever have a fucking problem. Throw in some Tren and what do you know I'm sensitive af to it, nips started leaking... okay so fuck that I took Cabaser and in no time the shit stopped. You're a fucking moron that has no fucking experience so stfu. Some people don't ever have to worry about prolactin issues because of their genetics but others if you starting getting puffy nips and leaking running a 19nor... I guarantee you Cabaser will fucking work. Don't listen to this fucking twat he's clueless!!!
Why do you have insurance? Stupid mother fucker. You started lactating because you are really a girl. Some moron told you that you were a boy and you are so fucking stupid you believed him. Keep making shit up you delusional fuck boy. Stop spreading bro science you pathetic milky titty bitch.
Why do you have insurance? Stupid mother fucker. You started lactating because you are really a girl. Some moron told you that you were a boy and you are so fucking stupid you believed him. Keep making shit up you delusional fuck boy. Stop spreading bro science you pathetic milky titty bitch.
Opium poppy titty ass bitch!
If you don't need it then why do you say have it on hand you dumb mother fucker. You read "some" shit and talked to "somebody". You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Either you stand behind your point it's not needed or stop fucking telling people to have it "just in case". I've ran test only cycles and never did I ever have a fucking problem. Throw in some Tren and what do you know I'm sensitive af to it, nips started leaking... okay so fuck that I took Cabaser and in no time the shit stopped. You're a fucking moron that has no fucking experience so stfu. Some people don't ever have to worry about prolactin issues because of their genetics but others if you starting getting puffy nips and leaking running a 19nor... I guarantee you Cabaser will fucking work. Don't listen to this fucking twat he's clueless!!!
Don't worry I'll come milk your sore swollen titties so you feel better. LMAO You can make your nipples discharge just by playing with them too much fucking clown. You heard that bullshit bro science and got it in your stupid fucking head so you couldn't stop playing with your tits like a fucking idiot. So yes, have caber on hand in case you are too stupid to control estrogen and you can't stop playing with your tits. I guarantee that taking caber for no reason will fuck you up. Keep taking plenty caber just don't spread your fucking retardated advice.
I don't mean to barge in but at least 90% people say use CABER prolactin it's def a hormone we don't need in the body therefore ...
That's because that stupid fucking myth has been around and repeated so many times by you fucking morons it is straight gospel from bro lore. If you keep your estrogen in range then your prolactin will be in range no matter what the fuck your pathetic clown ass thinks. Take plenty of caber, 1mg per day every day no matter what works great for people like you @CrazeeFrazee. The rest of us will just have to go on not excessively playing with our nips :)
That's not true. You could be running everything your supposed to but still get Tren induced prolactin gyno and sides. Cabaser will effectively counter that. This dumb twat is stating that it is categorically impossible for a 19nor to cause prolactin gyno. Which is false. Some people are at a higher risk for this to happen and others are more genetically incline.
Keep your stupidity to yourself fucking piece of shit so you only fuck yourself up
That's because that stupid fucking myth has been around and repeated so many times by you fucking morons it is straight gospel from bro lore. If you keep your estrogen in range then your prolactin will be in range no matter what the fuck your pathetic clown ass thinks. Take plenty of caber, 1mg per day every day no matter what works great for people like you @CrazeeFrazee. The rest of us will just have to go on not excessively playing with our nips :)

I think you have some anger management issues and you need to lower your TREN doses. Clearly you can't make a point across without accepting what the others have to say there or without cursing and showing "research skills" you don't have.

You know what else has been around ?

Empty minds are the loudest ones. You sound loud as fuck.
Why do you have insurance? Stupid mother fucker. You started lactating because you are really a girl. Some moron told you that you were a boy and you are so fucking stupid you believed him. Keep making shit up you delusional fuck boy. Stop spreading bro science you pathetic milky titty bitch.

So you say I don't no what I'm talking about, that's it impossible and can't happen. Then you tell people to have it on hand in case it happens. You really are a special kind of stupid aren't you.
So you say I don't no what I'm talking about, that's it impossible and can't happen. Then you tell people to have it on hand in case it happens. You really are a special kind of stupid aren't you.
What are the chances that your house will burn down? You still have home owners insurance. Oh I forgot. You live in a trailer. You have auto insurance right LMAO.
Want me to come milk those titties? Fucking pussy