NapsGear.Net - reviews

I just want to make sure I take enough.

I've heard mostly different around here, actually; 500 minimum or else you're not really doing too much over what you're producing naturally to really get enough gains.
If u do 750mg for first cycle what u gonna do for 2nd 1 gram lol get where I'm going? Try to get the most of of the littlest amount of gear. That's just my 2 cents.
Dude 500mg is PLENTY! If your gear is dosed right and you eat enough you will grow like a fucking weed! My first cycle was 500mg/week geneza test enth from naps actually lol my only purchase from them.... I put on a solid 20lbs and kept most of it after pct. Go pharm grade for pct stuff.

When did you purchase by them ?
Hell if I know. I'm the biggest noob here. I'm starting my first cycle at 750mg test E 1-12 and 30mg dbol 1-4, with hcg, aromasin, Nolvadex and clomid. I'm 5"9 171...lost a little weight from work in the last 10 days. What's your height and weight? I'm curious to see how this goes for us.

For a first cycle test only, drop the dbol and see how your body reacts to only test.

14 weeks of 500mg test e or cyp a week
hcg 500iu twice a week
aromasin 6.25-12.5 ed if needed
PCT 2-3 weeks after last shot nolva and clomid

I've been juicing for years and still get great results from 500mg of test a week. Dont have to add more drugs if you dont need to.
For a first cycle test only, drop the dbol and see how your body reacts to only test.

14 weeks of 500mg test e or cyp a week
hcg 500iu twice a week
aromasin 6.25-12.5 ed if needed
PCT 2-3 weeks after last shot nolva and clomid

I've been juicing for years and still get great results from 500mg of test a week. Dont have to add more drugs if you dont need to.

You should consider using IGF DES with HGH
Dude 500mg is PLENTY! If your gear is dosed right and you eat enough you will grow like a fucking weed! My first cycle was 500mg/week geneza test enth from naps actually lol my only purchase from them.... I put on a solid 20lbs and kept most of it after pct. Go pharm grade for pct stuff.
And the GP test is overdose, so you're actually doing more like 600mg give or take

20lbs? How much of it was fat and water?

Do you have before and after body fat% check?
You do not need caber with any 19nor? Make sure your estrogen is under control and you won't have issues. The prolactin issues come from estrogen being elevated for too long. It is not a bad idea to have it just in case but it will not be needed. I read that stupid fucking theory and believed it too until someone explained it to me and I did some research. Which you should be doing. Then every time you hear some dumb cocksucker spreading retardation you can tell them how fucking stupid they are. Then one day that bullshit theory will no longer exist

If you don't need it then why do you say have it on hand you dumb mother fucker. You read "some" shit and talked to "somebody". You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Either you stand behind your point it's not needed or stop fucking telling people to have it "just in case". I've ran test only cycles and never did I ever have a fucking problem. Throw in some Tren and what do you know I'm sensitive af to it, nips started leaking... okay so fuck that I took Cabaser and in no time the shit stopped. You're a fucking moron that has no fucking experience so stfu. Some people don't ever have to worry about prolactin issues because of their genetics but others if you starting getting puffy nips and leaking running a 19nor... I guarantee you Cabaser will fucking work. Don't listen to this fucking twat he's clueless!!!
If you don't need it then why do you say have it on hand you dumb mother fucker. You read "some" shit and talked to "somebody". You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Either you stand behind your point it's not needed or stop fucking telling people to have it "just in case". I've ran test only cycles and never did I ever have a fucking problem. Throw in some Tren and what do you know I'm sensitive af to it, nips started leaking... okay so fuck that I took Cabaser and in no time the shit stopped. You're a fucking moron that has no fucking experience so stfu. Some people don't ever have to worry about prolactin issues because of their genetics but others if you starting getting puffy nips and leaking running a 19nor... I guarantee you Cabaser will fucking work. Don't listen to this fucking twat he's clueless!!!

I don't mean to barge in but at least 90% people say use CABER prolactin it's def a hormone we don't need in the body therefore ...
He's saying you don't need to directly lower prolactin, there are other more necessary drugs, one that EVERYONE is already taking with testosterone durrrr, and if you dial in that number, the prolactin gets dialed in.

If you wanna blow your left aortic valve or whatever and fuck up the very neurotransmitter that makes you a man, go for it.

I prefer not to be a weirdo and function normally
That's not true. You could be running everything your supposed to but still get Tren induced prolactin gyno and sides. Cabaser will effectively counter that. This dumb twat is stating that it is categorically impossible for a 19nor to cause prolactin gyno. Which is false. Some people are at a higher risk for this to happen and others are more genetically incline.
Na I blew up tho.... it honestly took my physique to the next level. I was natty training 10 years prior. Everyone knew I was on put it that way, as far as my close friends and gym homies. Of course some was fat but like i said i kept most with proper diet and recovery.
their is no way you are going to gain 45-50 lbs in a yr unless you want to count a lot of waterweight.

If you think that's serious you gotta be joking. Nah just 500mg basic starter cycle. Debating tossing in var towards the end to clean up consider I'm 18 above max allowed weight for militia, I don't wanna get huge as fuck super fast. If I put on 45-50 pounds through the next year and keep my 34in waist I'm g2g
their is no way you are going to gain 45-50 lbs in a yr unless you want to count a lot of waterweight.
My job doesn't give a shit what the weight it gotta be under 24% bf so I'm just trying to lean bulk while I can enjoy FL until I get stationed in AK where I'll eat grizzly bears and salmon all day! Then I'll really be hoping my weight since weight standard changes over there
Repetive? Yes. Because dickheads like @CdnGuy and @flintwater (w.e his retarded name is) keep posting the same shit obviously NO ONE gives a fuck about.

I've ordered from Naps numerous times, even big $800 orders and everything arrives within 3 weeks, always. Why not leave this thread to people who actually use Naps.
I do. And I've had them collect $1500 from moneygram and I did not receive my gear.

By the way, you're way too defensive.

You never asked if I've ordered.

You just jumped.

Go get a salivary cortisol test bro