New to PEDs, looking for some advice


New Member

Have been reading articles on this forum for some time now, but this is my first post.
Have been thinking a lot about using PEDs to improve fat loss and for strength gain.
Some background:
When I was younger was doing weightlifting regularly up to my late 20s. Currently I am approaching 51.
Then I moved to another city and settled with my gf, started new job, had kids etc... all that to say that I stopped all form of sport for 20 years :D
2 years back my dr discovered I had diabetes, only 5ft5 and 110Kg
So I changed my diet, started intermittent fasting and walking and lost quite a few kg down to 94. Also stopped snacking and alcohol.
Regarding diet, I have raised protein intake (fish, white meat and eggs) and split my carb intake (rice mainly) in half completing with a lot of vegetables.
After that I was prescribed semaglutide by the specialist.
I also started to go back to the gym and have been training regularly for nearly 2 years now (3x per week).
My weight went down to 76Kg. However had a big depression issue beginning of this year and has to be on neuroleptics and this fucked my diet
and of course my weight. Went up to 86Kg and even after being off neuroleptics for 2 months now, my weight is still topping at 82-83Kg
as you can imagine this won't have been an issue if that was muscles, but there is still quite a bit of stubborn fat; currently arount 18-20% body fat measured with an adipometer.
Beginning of last summer I started some AAS, Anavar for 6 weeks (20mg as pre-workout for 4 weeks, then 30mg for the next 2 weeks)
Didn't see any negative effects and found my training much easier but didn't see much strength gain except for maybe 10Kg on the squat. Recovery was very good though.
The idea was to check that the gear I had was not some counterfeit and would not create gyno, that libido and test levels were fine.

I am looking to start a new cycle of AAS with the following goals:
- fat loss ++
- strength gain ++
- muscle gain

I know that many will say that I need a test base, but I do not want to add test:
- looking a very simple cycle
- do not want to have to worry about the estradiol issue and what compounds to add to fight that
- limit own test suppression (I use B12 high dose for that)
- hate needles
- mentally not ready

I was thinking about raising Var to 50mg and add Dbol to it with Yohimbe for fat loss.
Any recommendations on that please? Can I still use this ASS cycle as pre-workout or should it be extended to a full cycle?

PS: I am looking for help not judgement ;)
my response is absolutely non-judgmental.

but I am convinced you haven't read the forum enough, otherwise your post would be very different.

I invite you to continue your reading and to come back with a formulation that makes sense.

good luck to you.
my response is absolutely non-judgmental.

but I am convinced you haven't read the forum enough, otherwise your post would be very different.

I invite you to continue your reading and to come back with a formulation that makes sense.

good luck to you.
Thanks Chips7

I can ensure you I have been reading a lot
Can you please give me one example of a thread showing your point of view please?
maybe from your point of view, but I assure you that you haven't read the forum enough.

I'll give you a clue, don't consider any cycle without basic testosterone.

you're looking for simplicity, but launching into this world is anything but simple. continue your research.

Thanks Chips7

I can ensure you I have been reading a lot
Can you please give me one example of a thread showing your point of view please?
That's what I thought you meant :)

I don't disagree that a test base is the best solution.
However, I am looking not looking for the best solution but for an alternative oral only cycle one with well know side effects and if this doesn't fit my need I will most probably start a test base cycle.

My questioning is very simple:
I am going to use Anavar. From what I read stacking with Dbol might give much better results that a Var only cycle.
Do you see any issues with using let's say 50mg Anavar + 50mg Dbol cycle that might be prevalent instead of an 80-100mb Var only cycle?
I that dosing too high?
Liver assistance needed and oestrogen issues forseen?
Other oral stack than Dbol would be better?
So you already made up your mind to do an oral only cycle and just want us to agree with that. No one going to do that because it's a terrible idea.

You're looking to take potentially very liver toxic compounds and stack them. This shows you need lots of research. Honestly if you can't handle a needle you don't deserve to use peds.

I'm not trying to be a dick. Whatever you do, try to be safe.