Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

Did you start losing weight yet?

I think this thread can go dormant until the day (if it ever happens) that you start actually doing something.
New premises:

If any of you are using GLP-1's and etc. is stacking them with other GLP-1's, or are using complimentary peds or meds:

I'm all ears in this thread.

Tell me:
What you are using:
Why you are using it:
And your experience using it:
If it's working out for you? what are your positive effects?
Are you having negative effects?

For everything else, fuck off to another dude and another thread!

If all you want to do is crap in it - to feel cool about yourself and frame yourself as total badass - like the lowest dudes at this place have been doing for the last 11 pages - then fuck off to another guy and another thread.
Try 3x sets 8-10 reps of putting the fork down and not eating like a pig because you have no willpower, you’re trying to dig on an ex addict that overcame his addiction but you can’t escape the grasp of burgers and pizza lmao
I'm absolutely impressed with obese people. My last real bulk I was eating between 4000-6000 calories a day. I had to eat things like burgers, pizza, deli sandwiches, hotdogs, and even donuts to help pack in the calories. I'd eat clean macros then supplement with crap to get in those calories. Never getting over 15% bf.
I felt uncomfortable and pregnant the whole time...hated it.

Obese people have to eat these kinds of calories daily to maintain their size. If they accidentally dropped 500 calories a day on average they'd lose weight. But they're able to maintain and even increase calories. This is amazing to me.

I just learned that your nervous system can make you turn the ignition in your car and go thru a drive thru And buy 4000 calories of food. Then your nervous system will force you to eat it. Your nervous system can force you to go to Wal-Mart and buy boxes and boxes of little Debbie's...just so they're available when needed.

I must learn this nervous system secret for my next bulk. Heck I could bulk year round.
I'm absolutely impressed with obese people. My last real bulk I was eating between 4000-6000 calories a day. I had to eat things like burgers, pizza, deli sandwiches, hotdogs, and even donuts to help pack in the calories. I'd eat clean macros then supplement with crap to get in those calories. Never getting over 15% bf.
I felt uncomfortable and pregnant the whole time...hated it.

Obese people have to eat these kinds of calories daily to maintain their size. If they accidentally dropped 500 calories a day on average they'd lose weight. But they're able to maintain and even increase calories. This is amazing to me.

I just learned that your nervous system can make you turn the ignition in your car and go thru a drive thru And buy 4000 calories of food. Then your nervous system will force you to eat it. Your nervous system can force you to go to Wal-Mart and buy boxes and boxes of little Debbie's...just so they're available when needed.

I must learn this nervous system secret for my next bulk. Heck I could bulk year round.
Put this figure on your fridge ....

Fig. 3

Who says hysteresis isn't fun?

Pretty remarkable.
I love helping people. That's why I clicked on this old thread.
But I couldn't get past reply #5.

It is not unique to this forum to see people who post, only looking for justifications and way to rationalize their behavior.

"20 years of knowing how to maximize my diet and training"? Yet he says he's fat and there's no way for him to eat properly at the moment.
Shades of "My 600lb Life".

Semaglutide is a psych drug. Makes up physically for the mental issues of people who think like this.
Put this figure on your fridge ....

Fig. 3

View attachment 275391
Who says hysteresis isn't fun?

Pretty remarkable.
Why you trying to make me read so much lol? I'm diabetic and according to bmi I'm obese at 5'9" 253lbs 15% bf. It was kinda funny watching the VA doc use calipers to figure my bf% years back. Wonder if this article applies to me as well.
Why you trying to make me read so much lol? I'm diabetic and according to bmi I'm obese at 5'9" 253lbs 15% bf. It was kinda funny watching the VA doc use calipers to figure my bf% years back. Wonder if this article applies to me as well.
Lol! I am supposed to be like 178lbs at 5'8". 240 makes me super obese with the "health care" people. The nurse at the VA yesterday was going on and on about my BP being 112/70. I think a " normal" BP there (based on the people I see) is 142/90.
I think on active duty I was "21% BF" by their tape/weight system. I was four weeks out from a show. What an insult! The corpsman said not to worry because I was within limits. He didn't understand what an insult that was. I ripped off my shirt to show the veins on my abs. Looked like a fool but FFS, 21%!"
Try 3x sets 8-10 reps of putting the fork down and not eating like a pig because you have no willpower, you’re trying to dig on an ex addict that overcame his addiction but you can’t escape the grasp of burgers and pizza lmao
Easy to say if your system is not disrupted and you have the appetite setpoint of a little puss...

Iv'e started RFL again 5 days ago, though the meds to support it will first be here in 20 days or more (coming from China)...

That is I'm right now living on around 900 kcals, where 280 grams is protein (6,2 grams of fat included in total), the rest is green vegs, a kiwi or two - and nothing else - together with 6 grams of ultra-concentrated fish-oils.

I'm able to do some pullups and pushups with a weighted vest, but not much else for training, before I lose like 20 kgs because my feet and legs are all fucked up at this weight.

And as I said my body is trying to get me to eat like 9000 kcals ... my setpooint is not at 2500 kcals or whatever pussy level anymore.

It's constant, like doing a thousand reps a day, and I'm not failing yet.

And no, nothing has changed, I could complete this the last 3 times I did it and stay at maintenance for a year after around 2200 kcals or so. I won't be able to without the meds this time around ... because these forces pulling in me, are not the forces a little puss boy is feeling.
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I love helping people. That's why I clicked on this old thread.
But I couldn't get past reply #5.

It is not unique to this forum to see people who post, only looking for justifications and way to rationalize their behavior.

"20 years of knowing how to maximize my diet and training"? Yet he says he's fat and there's no way for him to eat properly at the moment.
Shades of "My 600lb Life".

Semaglutide is a psych drug. Makes up physically for the mental issues of people who think like this.
It's a drug for people with a raised appetite setpoint in their brain (the setpoint, set at a given kg of bodyfat, that the body will try to fight you to stay at - which makes it relatively easy to lose weight when you have never been obese before (45+kg of additional bf, beyond what you should carry) - but the system gets fucked up in obese people)...

That's why even though I have already fought my way back down on 8-10% body-fat from my fat condition, 3 times before - eventually the body or brain (your system) or whatever succeeds to get you back up there eventually (after years of struggle of trying to stay down there; in my case, I kept at maintenance for a year then regained it all with a vengeance in a few months!.

You are right, these meds fix these exact issues... which is why I made the thread about those meds... but no one is talking about them... everyone is only talking about how tough they are themselves and how pathetic I am for asking questions about these meds ...
Looks like your 20 years of diet expertise falls short.
You listed 1120 calories protein alone. Add a few grams of sugar from the kiwis and such, it’s much more than 900.
Add in the food you are sneaking in if you want an accurate count.
Your body isn’t trying to get you to eat. Your mind is. Keep making excuses, looking for shortcuts, and you aren’t going to ever reach a steady, healthy weight that is sustainable on “maintenance” calories.
Stop trying to delude yourself. Eat naked in front of a mirror. Not just your face, look at your body, your lymphedemia, the whole mess.
No drugs! your goal should be to stop taking drugs, the ones you take because you are obese.

This is what I would tell you if I were your coach.
But I fire my clients who lie to me.
Looks like your 20 years of diet expertise falls short.
You listed 1120 calories protein alone. Add a few grams of sugar from the kiwis and such, it’s much more than 900.
Add in the food you are sneaking in if you want an accurate count.
Your body isn’t trying to get you to eat. Your mind is. Keep making excuses, looking for shortcuts, and you aren’t going to ever reach a steady, healthy weight that is sustainable on “maintenance” calories.
Stop trying to delude yourself. Eat naked in front of a mirror. Not just your face, look at your body, your lymphedemia, the whole mess.
No drugs! your goal should be to stop taking drugs, the ones you take because you are obese.

This is what I would tell you if I were your coach.
But I fire my clients who lie to me.
I am also fasted on some of these days, that's why chronometer gives me the numbers it does (I would have seen it spit out the wrong numbers if I had been a little faster, it gives me 912 kcals overall for the days I have been at it so far), and the daily overview is:

280 grams of protein, the kiwi is 61 calories, 125 kcal of vegs, 6,2 grams of fat in total. - I didn't count the fishoil.

280 x 4, you are right ... without the days I fasted to kickstart ketosis - that would be 1120 kcal of protein, 55,8 kcal of fat, 1362 kcal in total.

But you also know that the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF), is sky high here.
So it's not unreasonable to compare it with around 900 kcals of normal foods (the kcal deficit in the end will be around the same, but with more protein to hold into the muscles, when I get the meds I can lower the protein to around 180-240 grams).

Your body isn’t trying to get you to eat.
Dude, that view on the mind is so primitive ...
Read some studies ... grasp some science.

I don't care what you or anyone else think my goal should be dude.

You are talking about things everyone is already doing!
That works fine when you are normal and have never had your setpoint altered.... I had a very easy time staying at 8-10% bodyfat most of my life with quite a lot more muscle mass than most (and I'm a natural lifter and bodybuilder).

I'm not taking anything, but I def will be on GLP-1s for life!

And no thank you for the coaching ... what's wrong with all you guys trying to sell yourself to be able to afford all your juice. Preaching no meds against obesity, while drowning yourself in everything that gives you a little edge or builds a little muscle.
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Been there done that. I was 438 lbs at 6'3 13 months ago. Today I hit 300 with a lean body mass of 215 lbs.

For me it all started with Tirzepatide. Within a few weeks, I started feeling amazing. The inflammation in body was reduced significantly. Obviously, at 438 lbs, my energy was non-existent. Within a month on tirz, I lost over 20 pounds and had so much energy. By month 3, down 50 lbs, I started lifting again. At that point, I was sleeping better, was thinking clearer and more energy.

The synergistic effect from the peptide, reduced hunger, eating cleaner (clean protein), significantly increased the health of my gut and got rid of so much inflammation. I did not know how much I was hurting until I really started feeling better.

Now lifting 4 days per week and getting 120-150 minutes of zone 2 cardio in per week. At 54 years old, I feel 20 years younger.

In the past 3-4 months, have added BPC157, TB500 (shoulder injury), CJC no DAC, Ipamorelin and a few other peptides. Also started RX TRT 160mg / week Test C for the past 8 weeks.

Small victories turn into bigger victories.

Lastly, EAT LOTS OF Protein. I am getting 180-200 g per day. The only way I have been able to keep lean body mass while in a huge calorie deficit.

Good luck!
Is it really so hard to write posts like this one?
And stay on topic?

Not even sure why this has moved into a thread where I have to describe everything I'm doing and have to defend myself!

It's a thread where I asked about these meds and esp their complimentary compounds ...

It's not meant an opportunity for all of you to play coaches: or but into what meds or peds I should personally use, or to tell me to sit naked in front of my mirror or whatever!

Also what food are you buying…. You cannot eat what you dont buy.

I bet, you cannot eat 5000 or however many cals of plain chicken and rice…

But if you buy ice cream, and mcdonalds you will eat it…

Why are you not taking the semaglutude yet?
Eat 5000 cals all you want, but do so by keeping fats less then 80 grams. Once yout fats hit 80 grams. No more eating that day.

Are you tracking your food?
It's a drug for people with a raised appetite setpoint in their brain (the setpoint, set at a given kg of bodyfat, that the body will try to fight you to stay at - which makes it relatively easy to lose weight when you have never been obese before (45+kg of additional bf, beyond what you should carry) - but the system gets fucked up in obese people)...

That's why even though I have already fought my way back down on 8-10% body-fat from my fat condition, 3 times before - eventually the body or brain (your system) or whatever succeeds to get you back up there eventually (after years of struggle of trying to stay down there; in my case, I kept at maintenance for a year then regained it all with a vengeance in a few months!.

You are right, these meds fix these exact issues... which is why I made the thread about those meds... but no one is talking about them... everyone is only talking about how tough they are themselves and how pathetic I am for asking questions about these meds ...
You have to eat an extra 3500 calories above your daily needs in order to gain a pound of fat. If you went from 8-10% bf then obese in just a few months, do you have any idea how many calories you had to be eating? You'd think that after just a week of stuffing your face with THOUSANDS of extra calories you'd catch on. Oops I better get back to maintenance and stop eating this dozen donuts after dipping them in lard.
I mean give me a break. It's not like the obese monster just snuck up on you one day and slapped on an extra 100lbs or 350,000 calories! Or you ate an extra 5850 calories per day over maintenance for 2 months. Now that is some willpower and effort!
You have to eat an extra 3500 calories above your daily needs in order to gain a pound of fat. If you went from 8-10% bf then obese in just a few months, do you have any idea how many calories you had to be eating? You'd think that after just a week of stuffing your face with THOUSANDS of extra calories you'd catch on. Oops I better get back to maintenance and stop eating this dozen donuts after dipping them in lard.
I mean give me a break. It's not like the obese monster just snuck up on you one day and slapped on an extra 100lbs or 350,000 calories!
I haven't read the thread but reading this reminded me of something that makes me laugh today.

First time I ever broke while dieting, looking back I was probably 6-8% bf but didn't know better since I was never that lean and have loose skin. I remember the day I broke I ate 26 donuts and a gallon of milk. Over the next month I was binging and exercise purging and eventually just started eating food I'd throw away out of the trash. I was working a trash cleaner esq job and would legit eat donuts out of the trashcan when nobody could see me. Prior to breaking I'd drink north of 4 gallons of MIO flavored water a day and eating just made me want more.

Only gained like, 15 pounds btw. So big ups because I lost 120 in that timeframe.

The joy of dieting for me. Once I hit my goal physique I'm never gaining weight and dieting again more than 5-10 pounds. But for some reason I go through 8-10 month periods of being really strict and just 2-4 months of just all out fucking free for all binges. Last episode took 2 years to fix and caused me to do that stupid shit I did on my first posts.
You have to eat an extra 3500 calories above your daily needs in order to gain a pound of fat. If you went from 8-10% bf then obese in just a few months, do you have any idea how many calories you had to be eating? You'd think that after just a week of stuffing your face with THOUSANDS of extra calories you'd catch on. Oops I better get back to maintenance and stop eating this dozen donuts after dipping them in lard.
I mean give me a break. It's not like the obese monster just snuck up on you one day and slapped on an extra 100lbs or 350,000 calories! Or you ate an extra 5850 calories per day over maintenance for 2 months. Now that is some willpower and effort!
I guess I can just as well answer, since we won't get this thread back on topic ever it seems!

Well, the first time I ever felt off my training lifestyle was when covid hit in 2019, I'm born in 1980, and in the years before I had dealt with and escaped a psychopathic business partner, and experienced some rather nasty private stressing things - and I gained 20 kg - can't remember if it was over a 6 months period or how long ... When you have several traumatic events to take care off and work 14 hour days 7 days a week and shit just keep happening, - it simply sneaks up upon you.

The feeling I had was literally going to bed and waking up 20 kg heavier, I know that's not how it was, but that's how it FELT.

Well, then you go 6 months on 600-1200 kcals (it's like day one of starting to hold your breath), after the 6 months you go maintenance back then because I was training my maintenance was okay high around 2800 kcals and I kept that for a year.

Now you have been restraining yourself under pressure for a year and a half, and you lose yourself ... on top of the food I ate when being healthy, you order an extra pizza, eat a litre of ice cream... whatever makes the pain and the food noice just shut up... obviously it starts by you allowing yourself ONE binge day, turns into a binge weekend, a binge week, just one binge month and you will be at it again... easily you overeat by 5000 kcals a day (I'm sure I ate MORE) ... will according to your own calculations 70 days later you have gained 100lbs.

Now you get out of shape, training already becomes a bitch, walking is a pain but you manage ... you use 6 months again cuts down in weight you don't entirely get down there, but almost and get satisfied with your results (notice doing this the second time is a lot harder) ... so your force yourself to stay at maintenance for a year (it's lower this time around, let's say 2400 kcals) and your brain and nervous system now yells 10 times as loud for kcals and crap .... well eventually you cave again ... the exact same things happens, when you wake up from it you are a lot heavier ...

Well, I repeated this one-third time ... took me 60 kg of gain to stop myself this time! ... Had I been doing steroids, I would have looked like the Hulk. But naa ... in this state, real training is not possible, I do some pullups and some pushups, I can't really walk due to the state this weight puts my feet in ....

The problem is, at this point .. the food monster is yelling for you to eat yourself up to 100 kg of extra fat ...

It's hard for people who haven't tried it to imagine really.

I haven't read the thread but reading this reminded me of something that makes me laugh today.

First time I ever broke while dieting, looking back I was probably 6-8% bf but didn't know better since I was never that lean and have loose skin. I remember the day I broke I ate 26 donuts and a gallon of milk. Over the next month I was binging and exercise purging and eventually just started eating food I'd throw away out of the trash. I was working a trash cleaner esq job and would legit eat donuts out of the trashcan when nobody could see me. Prior to breaking I'd drink north of 4 gallons of MIO flavored water a day and eating just made me want more.

Only gained like, 15 pounds btw. So big ups because I lost 120 in that timeframe.

The joy of dieting for me. Once I hit my goal physique I'm never gaining weight and dieting again more than 5-10 pounds. But for some reason I go through 8-10 month periods of being really strict and just 2-4 months of just all out fucking free for all binges. Last episode took 2 years to fix and caused me to do that stupid shit I did on my first posts.
Rather spot on how it happens with the donuts, gallon of milk, and MIO flavored water - I'm glad I never went for trashcans in those periods, dude that's intense! I only ended up ordering like 4000 kcals of pizza and 3000 kcal ice cream after dinner (ate it on top of what I had eaten while being on my maintenance diet).
Looks like your 20 years of diet expertise falls short.
Also what food are you buying….
You guys do know you’re being bullshitted, right? Everyone’s been mercilessly clowning him all week and all he’s done is made excuses, there is no way he is just now mentioning that he’s been on a diet the entire time.
I'm able to do some pullups and pushups with a weighted vest, but not much else for training
He’s well over 300 pounds, stop. I really hope none of you are taking this seriously and genuinely giving your advice. It’s a fictional story
At this weight I'm out of the gym, I would destroy myself if I went back there with this weight ... like literally tearing myself apart...
This was written yesterday. Yesterday. Come on guys…