Ok lets see your ladies!!!

Sorry bros, no nudes this time lol. She really doesnt need or have to be naked anyways to be able to enjoy her beauty;)lrg_1468784413636_1621708390_b47fba70_v1.jpg lrg_1461994295857_2349695240_b47fba70_v1.jpg lrg_1466999657212_9299283608_b47fba70_v1.jpg lrg_1468784386048_100437606_b47fba70_v1.jpglrg_1461994119695_3633736189_b47fba70_v1.jpg
My girl had photos taken for one of my birthday gifts so I figured I'd share one of the more conservative ones, they turned out really good. Definitely one of the coolest gifts I've ever gotten from a girlfriend IMG_4986.jpg
The gf has been working on growing a little, wants to put on size in the places all girls do, and get a little more muscularity in her back and shoulders. Idk what it is but her lower body grows like crazy if she just eats, but upper is a little slower. Either way I think she's been doing great. One of the female trainers at our gym actually asked if she was going to compete in bikini after seeing her deadlifting. Screenshot_20160810-082025.png 13914152_10155254900594762_6838910578063398128_o~2.jpg