Ok lets see your ladies!!!

Ya mine let's me take pics and we've even been making videos lately. As soon as she's comfortable with herself after the girl is born we will be on the hunt for another female to bring into the mix. We are some lucky Moe's I say!

Yes we are. I think in a few years my chick will be down with that. She likes talking about it and has a lot of fantasies. As long as I dont drink I get what I want.
Hot latinas are a dime a dozen in socal man. Just got to deal with the god damn temper.
Hot Latinas or not, it seems like all the hot girls have tempers. I love my Wife to death but sometimes she gets into these moods where everything anyone says pisses her off. Usually when she is like that I just get the kids and go to a movie or the Zoo or something. By the time we get back she's hugging me apologizing. I learned along time ago that standing toe to toe screaming and yelling at her never done any good.
She has gotten a lot better but still has those moments from time to time. And I'm no angel either but I definitely have a lot longer fuse than she does. But when my top pops she does the same thing and leaves with the kids. Because when Dad gets mad everyone runs for cover, lol.
Happy Wife equals happy life, if you know what I mean [emoji4]
Mine is just a petite pale white girl, but trust me when I say she can turn mean quick. I think all women have that ability, not just certain ethnicities.
Hot Latinas or not, it seems like all the hot girls have tempers. I love my Wife to death but sometimes she gets into these moods where everything anyone says pisses her off. Usually when she is like that I just get the kids and go to a movie or the Zoo or something. By the time we get back she's hugging me apologizing. I learned along time ago that standing toe to toe screaming and yelling at her never done any good.
She has gotten a lot better but still has those moments from time to time. And I'm no angel either but I definitely have a lot longer fuse than she does. But when my top pops she does the same thing and leaves with the kids. Because when Dad gets mad everyone runs for cover, lol.
Happy Wife equals happy life, if you know what I mean [emoji4]

True story. Its easy to go toe to toe, harder to walk away. The other day we got into it and I went to the gym just to get away. When i got back I took her to go thrift store shopping. Shopping is her way to release, us men have the gym and sex. Ive found that going toe to toe just escalates and is bad for the kids to see that stuff.
Ive dated a chick straight from Sicily, some of the best italian food Ive had. Italians are another group of women that deserve their own category.
Sicilian vagina is fragrant in a strange way even right out of the shower... body hair is very prominent as well. Great in the sack, but if you are banging them doggy first thing in the morning you will do best to breath through your mouth. Something about the smell of Italian pussy in the morning isn't as nice as many other flavors of vagina. I personally prefer Puerto Rican or Asian unshowered morning pussy. Yum.
Sicilian vagina is fragrant in a strange way even right out of the shower... body hair is very prominent as well. Great in the sack, but if you are banging them doggy first thing in the morning you will do best to breath through your mouth. Something about the smell of Italian pussy in the morning isn't as nice as many other flavors of vagina. I personally prefer Puerto Rican or Asian unshowered morning pussy. Yum.

Hell yea that chick was hairy as shit. Im talking ass crack hair that went to the lower back fuzz. It was a few years ago and I was drunk every time I hit it so the smell was no issue. She could polish off a few bottles of wine every night too.
My wife is Japanese. They have a silent anger that can kill. They hold there honor in very high regards. Or should I say ego. Lol
My girl is Italian and English ..

For me it's about the size of the woman ..

The smaller the woman, the cleaner the butt .

Hold on now, we talkin Butt or Pussy ?
My ex was Puerto Rican/ Black and she didn't like to shower every day ..
she caught on to what I liked very fast o_O

Girl before Sicilian/Napolitano and had the tiniest tightest pussy that came one after the other ..
crazy Bitch ..
so was the other but in a more sneaky way ..

Many Irish and not dirty like I heard but young ..

Korean will cut your dick off in your sleep if you cheat ..
Philippine too ...

Once they come to America they all change ..
I had a Japanese girl while living in Japan and so did my friend well he flew her home to Illinois .
she was a sweet little thing very timid until she got here ..

She cheated with her professor and ran off to Canada with him which was a big mistake because she couldn't get back into this country so she had the people call my friend ..
which was an even bigger mistake ;)

Anyway they flew her back to Japan for free ..
how nice ..

Japanese women are very sweet and have money ..

Being Italian myself, I always
Like to have a girlfriend or two on the side and my wife ...
Well she doesn't really mind because it gets me out of the house when her boyfriend comes over ..

Wow it's already 0614?
I gotta get the papers .. the papers

Dang havent been on meso in 3 or 4 months had a heck of a time getting this thread going looks like it finally took off. Here is a couple new ones of my wife to help out.

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My ex was Puerto Rican/ Black and she didn't like to shower every day ..
she caught on to what I liked very fast o_O

Girl before Sicilian/Napolitano and had the tiniest tightest pussy that came one after the other ..
crazy Bitch ..
so was the other but in a more sneaky way ..

Many Irish and not dirty like I heard but young ..

Korean will cut your dick off in your sleep if you cheat ..
Philippine too ...

Once they come to America they all change ..
I had a Japanese girl while living in Japan and so did my friend well he flew her home to Illinois .
she was a sweet little thing very timid until she got here ..

She cheated with her professor and ran off to Canada with him which was a big mistake because she couldn't get back into this country so she had the people call my friend ..
which was an even bigger mistake ;)

Anyway they flew her back to Japan for free ..
how nice ..

Japanese women are very sweet and have money ..

Being Italian myself, I always
Like to have a girlfriend or two on the side and my wife ...
Well she doesn't really mind because it gets me out of the house when her boyfriend comes over ..

Wow it's already 0614?
I gotta get the papers .. the papers


Its true, once in America a woman in ruined. My brother in law met a woman ib a small Mexican town. She was innocent and loving and a good woman. Brought her to the states and the bitch cheats.


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