Ok lets see your ladies!!!

So you were a member here before this handle, sorry I guess that's what I was getting at with my question. I know I didn't ask that but sometimes I think people can read my mind lol.

Let me try again you were a member here before with your name as the handle and started a new profile? Sorry for the mix up.

No I was a member at another forum, and used my first name as my user name. Ive lurked at this forum for awhile as a guest before I signed up. Hope that helps.
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@brutus79 this was the rib tatt I was talking about on Moes side. At the bottom where it says...(The Courage to change the things I can an the Wisdom to know the difference)...it actually wraps all the way around her little waist. So its just not on the ribs, it wraps halfway around to the front as well lol.

I say that prayer all day everyday. Have for a little over 4 years now. Without it I would be lost
I say that prayer all day everyday. Have for a little over 4 years now. Without it I would be lost
Ya its deff a good saying to memorise an keep close to your heart. I still cant believe she sat through the whole thing. The tears were flowing from the pain that day lol.
Wow bro. That's what you call keeper material. And that soon after popping one out? Damn good job there.
Yes our daughter is 2 months old. This girl has great genetics. She's only been in the gym the past 3 weeks. She started a var cycle with a little gh added in. Results showing already.
View attachment 31536 This thread won't die on my watch!
Very nice. My wife and I just had a little girl 4 months ago and I have to say your wife is responding quicker than mine! She slacked off the first couple months which I did not have a problem with but she is making some good progress now. Maybe she will let me take a pic soon...... Excited for her to get that body back she had 1 year ago. She wants to experiment with a little test and var as well:)
Very nice. My wife and I just had a little girl 4 months ago and I have to say your wife is responding quicker than mine! She slacked off the first couple months which I did not have a problem with but she is making some good progress now. Maybe she will let me take a pic soon...... Excited for her to get that body back she had 1 year ago. She wants to experiment with a little test and var as well:)
I'd avoid test. I know some women do, but my girl ran only 25mg of primo and her clit swelled so much she could barely walk. I'd go var, gh, even mast, or Winny before test.