One more pharmacomstore log, test P @ 40 mg ED, tren a @ 50 mg ED


New Member
Dear all,

I'll post my log here in hope to get some feedback and perhaps this will be useful to someone as well.

Some background: 5 feet 10 inch tall, 178 lbs. 2nd cycle, past cycle was bulk on test e @500 mg E7D 7 months ago.

Goal is to cut, I don't have my bf measured but I cannot see abs and only a vein is visible on biceps. Judging by visual guides find on internet I'm about 20%.

As I want to use 3 vials for the cycle I've arranged it like this:

Test P @ 40 mg ED days 1-50, @ 50 mg ED days 50-70.

Tren A @ 50 mg ED days 1-48, @ 75 mg ED days 48-56.

Anaztrazole @ 0.25 mg ED.

PCT: clomid 150/150/100/50, anaztrazole 0.25 mg ED.

I'm gonna start pinning tomorrow, what do you guys think?

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Diet would be 300 gr protein, 120 gr carbs and around 30 gr fat per day. Training 2 days on 1 off.

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If my math is not wrong this is approximately 8 week cycle ?

That's a solid number for a shorth life compounds .
I think your carbs are way low. I wold fix that .
Good luck man
Thank you for your feedback,

Yes I plan to do tren for 8 weeks and test for 10, so I'll discontinue tren two weeks before the test.

I may increase carbs a little bit if my workouts are lacking intensity and see how it goes. I'm trying to cut, I've never done it though.

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I'm going to update this thread, I haven't done so because I had no major changes or anything to say.

Actually I haven't felt any effect good or bad by far.

I've been doing 40 mg test and 50 mg tren. Eating about 250 grams protein, 150 carbs and not counting fat (though not Addington's fat to my meals).

Later on the day I'll post some pictures I took and measures which I'll use to measure progress.

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I'm going to update this thread, I haven't done so because I had no major changes or anything to say.

Actually I haven't felt any effect good or bad by far.

I've been doing 40 mg test and 50 mg tren. Eating about 250 grams protein, 150 carbs and not counting fat (though not Addington's fat to my meals).

Later on the day I'll post some pictures I took and measures which I'll use to measure progress.

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5 feet 10 inch tall, 178 lbs at 20% body fat? How heavy were you when you did your first cycle? Do you have a log?
I was about 162 lbs and did a 500 mg test cycle, I didn't kept a log but I went from that weight to the one I'm right now and kept all of it.

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These are pictures of my belly haha

I'll try to take one every week, I've cut the picture because I have tattoos.

Based on that was my estimate of bf ℅

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My waist measure for that picture was 85 cm about 33.5 inches. I'll also take measures every week

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I don't mean to be a dick, but you are wasting money and damaging your hpta with the form you are in. You look like you have been lifting less than a year. There is no magic pill you can take to replace years of training. Go do some reading in training and workout forums here.get some good advice from guys who are knowledgeable and than you may see good results from aas. Don't let your ego get in your way put your time in brother
I don't mean to be a dick, but you are wasting money and damaging your hpta with the form you are in. You look like you have been lifting less than a year. There is no magic pill you can take to replace years of training. Go do some reading in training and workout forums here.get some good advice from guys who are knowledgeable and than you may see good results from aas. Don't let your ego get in your way put your time in brother
It's ok, I know what it seems, those pictures look terrible but I don't mind my belly and biceps are my worst parts anyway.

I'll tell you why I started on AAS so people don't think I'm uneducated. Over the last six years I've lost 55 lbs of fat in the first year, I weighed 130 lbs (yes that level of skinnyness was my real form), second year I've put 18 lbs of muscle, third I've put 9 lbs fourth just put 4 lbs, finally fifth I've put another 4 and last year maybe 1 or 2. Until I did my cycle and gained 20 lbs more.

I know some people start at 170 lbs and put 50 lbs of muscle with no problem. But my body is different, I started 130 and build those 50 with lot of effort.

The thing is that my body didn't wanted to build more muscle naturally it seems. And at a rate of 4 lbs a year I didn't wanted to wait until I'm old, because maybe I may not even have the same time or energy.

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I took this picture just so you can appreciate how I really look, I'm flexing a little bit though hehe I think my best body part is legs right now as I started in Olympic weightlifting and just went more bodybuilding from like one year ago, I didn't do isolation or arms before that.

Well I hope you guys think I'm serious and give me your advice.

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Lol TBH you don't even look like you lift longer than 6 months.
First cycle wasted it seems. I know people in better shape who dont even lift.

I took this picture just so you can appreciate how I really look, I'm flexing a little bit though hehe I think my best body part is legs right now as I started in Olympic weightlifting and just went more bodybuilding from like one year ago, I didn't do isolation or arms before that.

Well I hope you guys think I'm serious and give me your advice.

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Not sure if you're trolling or not but please stay natty and get your training and diet in order.
Lol TBH you don't even look like you lift longer than 6 months.
First cycle wasted it seems. I know people in better shape who dont even lift.

Damn really? Didn't know I looked that bad for you but I already started so I will continue.

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Lol TBH you don't even look like you lift longer than 6 months.
First cycle wasted it seems. I know people in better shape who dont even lift.

Forget it, didn't know you where a teenager.

Funny how you went from 18 years old to 23 years old in one month, also growing taller, heavier and leaner with each post lol.

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How is the every day pinning going? What size pins and which injection sites are you hitting?

I think I'd feel like a voodoo doll after that many pokes! Hope you are hitting it hard and starting to see some changes.