MESO-Rx Sponsor Opti-Tropin HGH - Canadian Domestic

It's actually been a couple and interesting, because many believe leveraging bio identical hormones opposed to synthetic ones to be smarter method and much better for harm reduction.

Why wouldn't I leverage something such as gh in order to aid recovery opposed to simply adding more mgs to the barrel? Thus reducing the total compound load on my system.

What an outdated and ignorant mind set that just goes to show how little you actually know. Also never said they were for me, just another instance of you thinking the voices in your head are fact.

And lastly, what business of yours is what I choose to put in my body? Also please tell me the issues with running gh

Very well said.
Probably because I'm not a broke meth head and have disposable income, especially since I'm living rent free in that fried head of yours, surprising since I thought cdn housing was going up.

Again guy, I'll ask what is the problem with leveraging gh in order to reduce compound load? What are the negatives to running it?
Do you have any fact based input? Because those voices you hear are not real.
Broke meth head ? lol You don't know shit about me or steroids yet alone GH
Broke meth head ? lol You don't know shit about me or steroids yet alone GH
Oh I know plenty about you haha.

Again, I'm waiting for one shred of fact based information in regards to gh. Or are incapable of providing fact based information. Instead you just deflect and deflect. Tell me the issue with someone leveraging bio identical hormones opposed to using synthetic ones in order to reach their goals?

Apologies to @Opti-Canada
Oh I know plenty about you haha.

Again, I'm waiting for one shred of fact based information in regards to gh. Or are incapable of providing fact based information. Instead you just deflect and deflect. Tell me the issue with someone leveraging bio identical hormones opposed to using synthetic ones in order to reach their goals?

Apologies to @Opti-Canada
You know plenty? Please!!!! Not even a year of running gear and now you're an expert? lol By the looks of pics you don't even look like you run gear. You have an average physique at best.
Not even a year of running gear

You keep repeating this. Seriously, what’s your point? Is there a rule that says you can’t? I know plenty that got put on trt and hgh at the same time and started experimenting with cycling later on.

Most like myself spent weeks/months researching before ever stepping into this lifestyle. Education is all that matters and you seem to be lacking it
You know plenty? Please!!!! Not even a year of running gear and now you're an expert? lol By the looks of pics you don't even look like you run gear. You have an average physique at best.
Never claimed to be an expert nor did I claim to have an above average physique. So what's your point? You've got nothing so you just repeat yourself because that's all your fried brain is capable of.

The one thing I've asked is for you to give one piece of fact based evidence to prove you have an idea of what you're talking about.

And just because I looked like that then, doesn't mean I do now. I haven't seen any pics of you? I'm picturing a scabby tweaker sitting in his kitchen coming on here while he waits for his next fix.
You know plenty? Please!!!! Not even a year of running gear and now you're an expert? lol By the looks of pics you don't even look like you run gear. You have an average physique at best.

if your going to shit talk someone else’s physique, you have to post your own. Those are the rules. Obviously someone who knows everything such as yourself knows that, so man up and post physique or shut your cock sucker up already and apologize.

and even if you do post up, your an annoying fuck who doesn’t know shit so keep that semen swallower you call a mouth closed, nobody gives a fuck what you have to say newbie.
if your going to shit talk someone else’s physique, you have to post your own. Those are the rules. Obviously someone who knows everything such as yourself knows that, so man up and post physique or shut your cock sucker up already and apologize.

and even if you do post up, your an annoying fuck who doesn’t know shit so keep that semen swallower you call a mouth closed, nobody gives a fuck what you have to say newbie.
Awww how cute, you came to the rescue of your Canadian Brawn BF. All the talk of cock sucking and semen swallowing gave that away. No need to V rage little guy, I shit bigger than you :) Another CB aas expert lol


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    198.9 KB · Views: 83
20211025_211730.jpgGot my kits! Plan to try them at 4ius pre workout for this quick bulk. No longer in the shiny opti boxes it seems but not really a problem.

Starting them today and running them for a quick 7 weeks before leaving for vacation. Not expecting anything crazy, maybe just help me stay a bit leaner this bulk with some recovery and wild dreams
View attachment 155582Got my kits! Plan to try them at 4ius pre workout for this quick bulk. No longer in the shiny opti boxes it seems but not really a problem.

Starting them today and running them for a quick 7 weeks before leaving for vacation. Not expecting anything crazy, maybe just help me stay a bit leaner this bulk with some recovery and wild dreams
Enjoy brother. Started mine 5 days ago. 3iu for a week then going to 4iu.
Awesome. What are you hoping to get out of em?

I used 2 ius for part of my cut and was definitely leaner when I was running it
I'm looking for a better quality of life with the health issues that I struggle with. Looking for better recovery more or less but not expecting much mass at that dose. Being leaner would be a nice bonus as well lol
Hey everyone, hope you all are staying safe.
For the month of December, im offering 10% off on all orders, with no minimum purchase required.

Thank you everyone once again, if you have any questions please feel free to reach me at:

This used to be easy but Imma new to this crypto shit also but somehow thanks to a fucking dog picture I got 15k off Doge. lol I found a cash machine. Ill figure it out. You can also thanks Jet for info. Heard this before so Imma going to do it soon as I get list.

