This is a common denominator in a lot of the lower IGF scores that I see. Not all, but numerous times, I see it, it is guys deep in contest prep, running orals + tren, dieting, etc. The one argument I have seen made, is the conversion is done in the liver and impaired liver function, leads to impaired conversion. Which seems logical, however there is really no studies to back any of this stuff, and there never will be because it would be unethical to even study this on
The other common denominator I have seen in some is impaired thyroid function, this can be seen in some of the same prep guys as well.
So really what I would love to see is
@BrianNOLA70065 repeat this test on pharma gh, but also do a CMP, and basic thyroid panel(tsh, free t3, free t4, thyroglobulin antibodies, etc). I will gladly pay for the blood work, or split it with opti, whatever. I just want to see the results