I am a fan of optis, but 95%?.... opti is usually 98%+
Yea it’s in the lower range of where I’d like it to be also, and the dimmer is higher than I like but I’m sure price will relate to quality. He’s trying to provide what the members want, price or quality. Well now he has both.
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Yea it’s in the lower range of where I’d like it to be also, and the dimmer is higher than I like but I’m sure price will relate to quality. He’s trying to provide what the members want, price or quality. Well now he has both.
Do you think it's worth it to spend the extra cash on the 100 kits or will you even notice a difference?
Do you think it's worth it to spend the extra cash on the 100 kits or will you even notice a difference?
Yea and no, depends.. 95-96% is still great numbers, well in range with pharma standards. I only use opti, so speaking my personal use, I’ll hit it hard with 6-8iu on the 240kits and on cruise 2iu I’ll use 100kits. For me it’s more affordable and the results will be the same imo.
I know my lack of post count renders my opinion useless but just thought I’d give a little credit where credit is due. Every transaction I’ve had with opti has been as painless as could be. Recently ordered 10 of the big dick 240’s from him but could only pay him for 6 the first day due to limits on amount of btc I could withdraw. He was nice enough to go ahead and ship the 6 and then turn around and ship the last 4 and waived the shipping on the 4. Keep on keepin on opti
How long will your kits last stored in a fridge?
Thanks in advance.

The shelf life of lyophilized powder pharam products ranges from about a year to 3 years - some brand's cartridges are 1 year, Jintropin vials are 18 months and Humatrope cartridges are 3 years. I'd imagine somewhere in that range.
The shelf life of lyophilized powder pharam products ranges from about a year to 3 years - some brand's cartridges are 1 year, Jintropin vials are 18 months and Humatrope cartridges are 3 years. I'd imagine somewhere in that range.
Thanks. I’m sitting at 11/2 to 2 years on some lots I hid so well I forgot about them. Lol. Guess there is nothing dangerous if you pin expired gh is there?
Thanks. I’m sitting at 11/2 to 2 years on some lots I hid so well I forgot about them. Lol. Guess there is nothing dangerous if you pin expired gh is there?

I'd take my chances. Maybe a little less potent. And in the very very unlikely off chance some cooties started growing in it, a sub-q infection is much easier to detect and manage than an IM one. Just putting what would be going through my head all out there haha.
Thanks. I’m sitting at 11/2 to 2 years on some lots I hid so well I forgot about them. Lol. Guess there is nothing dangerous if you pin expired gh is there?

You’re good as stated the reason for the expiration is for the hormone. It might be degraded but very likely if you kept in dark place

The bloods I just pulled on 2 iu 330’s igf were from a pack I got about 5-6 months ago
You’re good as stated the reason for the expiration is for the hormone. It might be degraded but very likely if you kept in dark place

The bloods I just pulled on 2 iu 330’s igf were from a pack I got about 5-6 months ago
Yea they been in the box in another cardboard box in the fridge. Thanks MM and @dokdonia for the knowledge.
I'd take my chances. Maybe a little less potent. And in the very very unlikely off chance some cooties started growing in it, a sub-q infection is much easier to detect and manage than an IM one. Just putting what would be going through my head all out there haha.
Lol. Just trim that infection like a brisket. All good. Thanks bro.
I know my lack of post count renders my opinion useless but just thought I’d give a little credit where credit is due. Every transaction I’ve had with opti has been as painless as could be. Recently ordered 10 of the big dick 240’s from him but could only pay him for 6 the first day due to limits on amount of btc I could withdraw. He was nice enough to go ahead and ship the 6 and then turn around and ship the last 4 and waived the shipping on the 4. Keep on keepin on opti
That was a good post, lets other members know the character of the source and the extra mile that they will extend themselves. Now a uslesless post would feedback based on feelz and giving out a gtg report just cause your pack arrived 3 or 4 days.