I actually do it for her so I know I’m cleaning the area very well with alcohol wipe. I use one side then flip over and wipe again on the other side in a circular motion both times. I use the same method as I always have with her and this is the first time it’s happened. Could it be the higher dimer percentage in the blue tops maybe?
It's an allergic reaction most likely. Has she used any other GH dissolved with bacteriostatic water? Could be the BA, or I've seen some people have a reaction to GH. I can't prove it, but I'd guess those ones had higher dimer too.

Do you have any of the 100iu kits to try on her?
It's an allergic reaction most likely. Has she used any other GH dissolved with bacteriostatic water? Could be the BA, or I've seen some people have a reaction to GH. I can't prove it, but I'd guess those ones had higher dimer too.

Do you have any of the 100iu kits to try on her?

Yes we always use bacteriostatic water and we were using the same bottle of it with the other kits from Opti with no issues. She has used other Opti kits with no issues. This is the first time ever. She also has used other sources with no issues. I guess we will chalk it up to just these kits and higher dimer content. I’m using the same kits and vials as her with no issues. She might just be sensitive to the higher dimer count.
@killionb12 this is somewhat off your current topic but do you and your wife test your IGF-1 levels while on? Also, do you know both of your baseline numbers? The reason I'm asking does you wife have to use a higher dose comparatively to raise her numbers than you do?

Ever since I can remember I have used sterile water for growth reconstruction never once had any issues with any brands
Hey my man. If you want to bounce any GH/Insulin protocols off me I'm around.

I've been meaning to message you.

@killionb12 this is somewhat off your current topic but do you and your wife test your IGF-1 levels while on? Also, do you know both of your baseline numbers? The reason I'm asking does you wife have to use a higher dose comparatively to raise her numbers than you do?


Yes we have IGF tested on a regular basis. Usually every 3 months we do bloodwork. Actually she uses less and has higher IGF levels with less. I have to push my dosage quite a bit higher to achieve the same results as her.
Hey my man. If you want to bounce any GH/Insulin protocols off me I'm around.

I've been meaning to message you.


I will take u up on that. I will message u some ideas I been thinking about.

Sucks cause once saudi opens the borders up I don’t know how I’m going to continue with a schedule month on month off
Yes we have IGF tested on a regular basis. Usually every 3 months we do bloodwork. Actually she uses less and has higher IGF levels with less. I have to push my dosage quite a bit higher to achieve the same results as her.
Sounds like she responds well. Most women I have talked to have to take higher doses to raise their IGF-1 comparatively.

I've read studies that echo results of the small group I've conversed with.

@killionb12 this is somewhat off your current topic but do you and your wife test your IGF-1 levels while on? Also, do you know both of your baseline numbers? The reason I'm asking does you wife have to use a higher dose comparatively to raise her numbers than you do?

I wish I would've had my fiancee take her baseline before she started. I meant to do it and forgot. We're both running Opti's current batch of black tops 100iu kits. All I can notice so far is that it's a lot less water retention than the last time I ran meditropes that tested at a higher dimer. CTS is just as bad it seems. Not a very good indicator but the water retention always seems to come with higher dimer GH for me
I wanted to take the time to share my bloods after being on the Optis.

First, I’ve been on 2iu for like 4 months prior to my Cycle/Blast. In which I ramped it from 2-4-6 and eventually ended doing 7.2iu every day split while on my cycle. The reason it was 7.2 is because I started with the 120iu Opti Kits and for convenience I would just reconstitute a vial with 1ml bac water and pull to 3 tics which is 3.6iu twice a day would be 7.2 iu. I eventually ran out of the black tops and continued with the Grey tops 100iu but kept it around 7-8iu a day split. I’ve only been on the optis.


The results:

IGF: Oddly within range at 180 should be within 53-331ng/ml

GH Levels: Normal Range suppose to be under 7.1ng/ml and my bloods pulled at 17.0 much higher above range

A1C: little high at 5.7 which is boarder line prediabetic. I want to note I monitored my BG daily and only used Berbernine to keep it on track.

I’m happy with the results of the GH levels but was surprised to see my IGF-1 levels within range. I do believe that my current cycle has effected this to some degree especially running a 19-Nor.

I’m pretty much finishing my cycle next week but just so I’m transparent with anything that have may effected my results this is what I was currently running:

Weekly Doses:
Test C: 500mg
Tren E: 400mg
Tren A: 200mg
Provi: 700mg (100mg ED)
HGH: 7-8 iu ED split
T4: 100mcg ED

Arimidex: .5 EOD
Caber: .5 E3D
Ralox: 60mg ED

I do believe the 19-Nor may have effected my levels, not sure about the Ralox.

Conclusion: Overall I’m glad to see I scored higher outside of range in GH levels. I have noticed a huge difference this cycle with running this high of @opti , at this high of a level I def noticed the lethargy kick in before I supplemented the T4. I also noticed my fingers would cramp up and sometimes swell up which is also a correlation with sodium intake. The difference in my skin, hair, my muscle fullness and weight loss was def notable this time around.
Thank You Opti
I wanted to take the time to share my bloods after being on the Optis.

First, I’ve been on 2iu for like 4 months prior to my Cycle/Blast. In which I ramped it from 2-4-6 and eventually ended doing 7.2iu every day split while on my cycle. The reason it was 7.2 is because I started with the 120iu Opti Kits and for convenience I would just reconstitute a vial with 1ml bac water and pull to 3 tics which is 3.6iu twice a day would be 7.2 iu. I eventually ran out of the black tops and continued with the Grey tops 100iu but kept it around 7-8iu a day split. I’ve only been on the optis.

View attachment 132842

The results:

IGF: Oddly within range at 180 should be within 53-331ng/ml

GH Levels: Normal Range suppose to be under 7.1ng/ml and my bloods pulled at 17.0 much higher above range

A1C: little high at 5.7 which is boarder line prediabetic. I want to note I monitored my BG daily and only used Berbernine to keep it on track.

I’m happy with the results of the GH levels but was surprised to see my IGF-1 levels within range. I do believe that my current cycle has effected this to some degree especially running a 19-Nor.

I’m pretty much finishing my cycle next week but just so I’m transparent with anything that have may effected my results this is what I was currently running:

Weekly Doses:
Test C: 500mg
Tren E: 400mg
Tren A: 200mg
Provi: 700mg (100mg ED)
HGH: 7-8 iu ED split
T4: 100mcg ED

Arimidex: .5 EOD
Caber: .5 E3D
Ralox: 60mg ED

I do believe the 19-Nor may have effected my levels, not sure about the Ralox.

Conclusion: Overall I’m glad to see I scored higher outside of range in GH levels. I have noticed a huge difference this cycle with running this high of @opti , at this high of a level I def noticed the lethargy kick in before I supplemented the T4. I also noticed my fingers would cramp up and sometimes swell up which is also a correlation with sodium intake. The difference in my skin, hair, my muscle fullness and weight loss was def notable this time around.
Thank You Opti

Finger cramps have happened with me in the very beginning of using GH, but now I’m dealing with tight hands/knuckles on the blue top 240s 4iu daily. No water retention at all. Also using t4(100mcg) along with t3(50mcg), 600mg test c. Those bloods actually look pretty good especially off the tren.
Since we are on the subject of @opti GH here lol. Question for the more experienced GH guys. The first time I ran GH was 2.4 ius am fasted 5 on 2 off. Had great results. Both physically and mentally. I made a long winded post about this a while back. Really shilled the fuck out of myself lol but it was a well deserved post for a great source and product. Fuck I’m shilling again lol. My question is if I decide to do 4.8 ius split am and pm fasted is there a noticeable difference between the two. I understand that results vary from person to person but is it worth doing and at that protocol do I need to be checking blood sugar and or supplementing with t3/t4. Haven’t decided and just wanted to hear some opinions. Thanks guys.
Was hoping the igf would be higher I think another guy and wife had low igf score also
That is more important to me than the gh level. Don't really believe just because I have cp symptoms means it's legit. Some clain not to even have those symptoms with pharma grade.. Just my opinion I dont think the more should affect it that much.
Since we are on the subject of @opti GH here lol. Question for the more experienced GH guys. The first time I ran GH was 2.4 ius am fasted 5 on 2 off. Had great results. Both physically and mentally. I made a long winded post about this a while back. Really shilled the fuck out of myself lol but it was a well deserved post for a great source and product. Fuck I’m shilling again lol. My question is if I decide to do 4.8 ius split am and pm fasted is there a noticeable difference between the two. I understand that results vary from person to person but is it worth doing and at that protocol do I need to be checking blood sugar and or supplementing with t3/t4. Haven’t decided and just wanted to hear some opinions. Thanks guys.
The difference I see, a.m fasted I can burn more fat, and then if I go p.m I get more growth. Simply put but that’s the gist.
Was hoping the igf would be higher I think another guy and wife had low igf score also
That is more important to me than the gh level. Don't really believe just because I have cp symptoms means it's legit. Some clain not to even have those symptoms with pharma grade.. Just my opinion I dont think the more should affect it that much.
They were using blue tops, different kits. Noah is using black and grey so in Noah’s case I think it’s all the factors added up when he pulled labs that hurt the score.. not really the gh itself, and the defining factor for me is his serum level. Some people don’t convert well and then in Noah’s case to many factors at play what “could” have caused the average result on igf.
Received my results as well. Started the 200iu kits 2 months ago. 2iu 6on/1off worked up to 4iu. Switched to the 240iu kits the week before pulling bloods. Results are from 4iu pinned 3hrs before testing. Generally pin before bed, but pinned AM after my day off for test. This is my first go with GH, my baseline was in the 160s. Very minor CTS no other sides.44F59106-6897-4F81-B5AE-72B1166F3EE1.jpeg
Ok I can agree with you on that.

They were using blue tops, different kits. Noah is using black and grey so in Noah’s case I think it’s all the factors added up when he pulled labs that hurt the score.. not really the gh itself, and the defining factor for me is his serum level. Some people don’t convert well and then in Noah’s case to many factors at play what “could” have caused the average result on igf.
Sounds like she responds well. Most women I have talked to have to take higher doses to raise their IGF-1 comparatively.

I've read studies that echo results of the small group I've conversed with.


I posted test results here somewhere. They were results from my wife and I both running a set dose. She didn’t respond nearly as well as I did.
Looks like I need to run tren see if it effects my igf numbers.

All my igf numbers are with test and provi only

O and some t 4 and anavar preworkout
Looks like I need to run tren see if it effects my igf numbers.

All my igf numbers are with test and provi only

O and some t 4 and anavar preworkout
Tren must do some extra stuff. On 4iu of gh a day tren will still make me occasionally go hypo. Its always done that I figured its just always eating up the glucose, but I was surprised the 4iu didnt prevent that