Tren must do some extra stuff. On 4iu of gh a day tren will still make me occasionally go hypo. Its always done that I figured its just always eating up the glucose, but I was surprised the 4iu didnt prevent that
Tren does In fact do some extra stuff based on personal experience. If I’m on just a Test/Tren cycle I get Hgh like side effects ie: (numb hands/burning sensation) and if I drop the tren this side goes away. I also get this CTS side effect on Test/Hgh cycle but when I drop the gh it goes away. Same thing with mk677. This makes me want to believe that Tren has some impact on Hgh and/or igf levels in the body.
Tren does In fact do some extra stuff based on personal experience. If I’m on just a Test/Tren cycle I get Hgh like side effects ie: (numb hands/burning sensation) and if I drop the tren this side goes away. I also get this CTS side effect on Test/Hgh cycle but when I drop the gh it goes away. Same thing with mk677. This makes me want to believe that Tren has some impact on Hgh and/or igf levels in the body.
Definitely increases IGF1 levels.
Some studies do say increase and most say decrease, it’s a guessing game, it’s all about the individual. Response, cycle...just drink the fuckin tequila before a test and you will all thank Mighty Mouse!
Some studies do say increase and most say decrease, it’s a guessing game, it’s all about the individual. Response, cycle...just drink the fuckin tequila before a test and you will all thank Mighty Mouse!

I’m just going to have to bite the bullet and run tren and test it. Put all this tren I have sitting around to use!
Some studies do say increase and most say decrease, it’s a guessing game, it’s all about the individual. Response, cycle...just drink the fuckin tequila before a test and you will all thank Mighty Mouse!
I guess I’m just sensitive to all things that affect insulin/igf/ and Hgh because whenever I take Tren/igf or insulin I get hypo quick. On Hgh,mk677 or evening Tren I get very bad CTS symptoms even at low doses. 2iu Hgh, 10mg mk677, and 300mg tren all cause CTS symptoms for me. No other compound does this. Next time I run just a Test/Tren cycle I will test my levels before blast and after 4 weeks in.
This is off the top search on google (Tren and igf levels) The administration of the trenbolone hormone promotes a direct anabolic effect on Androgen Receptor (AR) activity. AR activity facilitated by trenbolone contributes to an increase in IGF-1 and IGF-1R levels, which then enhances skeletal muscle protein accretion
So I went to work in New Mexico forgot my water to mix my growth so now I’m just going to take some time off maybe 4 weeks hop back on and add tren. Pull blood 4 weeks in on 5 iu Ed split pin. I believe my last igf numbers were in the high 7’s but it was the ones that tested at 12 iu and I was treating them as 10 so I was really taking 6 iu a day I believe
This is off the top search on google (Tren and igf levels) The administration of the trenbolone hormone promotes a direct anabolic effect on Androgen Receptor (AR) activity. AR activity facilitated by trenbolone contributes to an increase in IGF-1 and IGF-1R levels, which then enhances skeletal muscle protein accretion
I didn’t read the study so excuse my Ignorance if any, but is it claiming natural levels? Or is this study showing The introduction to an exogenous form of igf to elevate. ....and would that matter? Lol trick question maybe..
I didn’t read the study so excuse my Ignorance if any, but is it claiming natural levels? Or is this study showing The introduction to an exogenous form of igf to elevate. ....and would that matter? Lol trick question maybe..
Sorry for the late response, it doesn’t show actual blood levels but it says Tren raises igf levels but no where near the amount Hgh would. So in conclusion, although it raises igf levels it is barely enough to get any benefit out of it when compared to a couple units of gh.

Edit: IME Testosterone with no ai, Tren, Hgh, and insulin seem like the perfect combo since Tren with estrogen seem to have a great benefit when stacked together. Hgh with insulin to create higher igf levels. Also the syngergy between Tren, estrogen, Hgh, slin imo can’t be beat.
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Placed order for a few kits and could only send 2k in bitcoin a day. Opti worked with me and finally got all his coins to him and I received pack. Got more than a years worth of surplus to play with!

Another good transaction

I haven’t tested his black tops so I ain’t sucking his dick about quality...... I will run them on a igf test next in about 2 months. Taking a month break from hgh right now.
man powder dissolves faster then any ive seen before. might not bother with igf and serum tests since there are no batch numbers ugh.