Vodka,water, water flavoring and ice of course for the win!


Seriously though, been looking at before and after pics from a year ago when I started Optis till now. The results are incredible.
Just keep typing posts to push that shit to the next page, no one saw a thing. All your talk of tequila is making me want to go get a quality bottle, haven't had it in forever.

I grew up being the only white guy and all my asian friends drink straight brown liquors. Feel so much better switching to vodka/soda/lime. Gotta think of that diet ofcourse...

on topic of Opti's 2iu red top 120s still doing me well. One of the few ppl who actually get a better sense of well being from GH too. Keeping that fullness nicely on my suicide caloric deficit.

My mixed drink is vodka water and roses lime juice I use about 2ml of the lime juice cause it’s strong. Same pour count on vodka to water.

Since switching to tequila I haven’t had any desire to drink whiskey again.
Man I love red berry ciroc mixed with sprite is fucking great

Haven’t tried the flavored Cirocs but I have no doubt they are good. Discovering Ciroc was life changing for me. I get heart burn pretty easily from vodka and whiskey. With Ciroc it’s honesty like drinking water. When mixed with water I don’t even realize I’m drinking alcohol until my words start to slur.
Haven’t tried the flavored Cirocs but I have no doubt they are good. Discovering Ciroc was life changing for me. I get heart burn pretty easily from vodka and whiskey. With Ciroc it’s honesty like drinking water. When mixed with water I don’t even realize I’m drinking alcohol until my words start to slur.
Any chance you could post those pics up of before and after a year on Optis ? Would be cool to see.

Eh, so of course I can’t give the credit 100% to Optis. My story is unique and quite dramatic. For 1.5 years I came off everything. I did so for fertility reasons as I had 0 sperm in my sample. During that 1.5 years off man it sucked as I lived with very low T. My natural T was tested under 200 numerous times. The wife and I went through what’s called IVF and unfortunately lost two kids to miscarriages. So there was a lot of depression. Especially on my part as I am the problem and not my wife. Anywho, enough of the pity party. This needed to be said as what you’re about to see is dramatic. After my part was done with the IVF process I got put on trt in June of 2019. In July I started Optis.


I was competing just a few years earlier so a lot is muscle memory of course. And, A LOT of hard work.

February 2019

A week ago

The combination of trt and gh was life changing to say the least. It was like a light switch was flicked. I never would of dreamed I’d be stepping back on stage!

Eh, so of course I can’t give the credit 100% to Optis. My story is unique and quite dramatic. For 1.5 years I came off everything. I did so for fertility reasons as I had 0 sperm in my sample. During that 1.5 years off man it sucked as I lived with very low T. My natural T was tested under 200 numerous times. The wife and I went through what’s called IVF and unfortunately lost two kids to miscarriages. So there was a lot of depression. Especially on my part as I am the problem and not my wife. Anywho, enough of the pity party. This needed to be said as what you’re about to see is dramatic. After my part was done with the IVF process I got put on trt in June of 2019. In July I started Optis.

View attachment 133120
View attachment 133119

I was competing just a few years earlier so a lot is muscle memory of course. And, A LOT of hard work.

February 2019
View attachment 133121

A week ago
View attachment 133117

The combination of trt and gh was life changing to say the least. It was like a light switch was flicked. I never would of dreamed I’d be stepping back on stage!
Jesus dude you're ripped. Good luck!

Eh, so of course I can’t give the credit 100% to Optis. My story is unique and quite dramatic. For 1.5 years I came off everything. I did so for fertility reasons as I had 0 sperm in my sample. During that 1.5 years off man it sucked as I lived with very low T. My natural T was tested under 200 numerous times. The wife and I went through what’s called IVF and unfortunately lost two kids to miscarriages. So there was a lot of depression. Especially on my part as I am the problem and not my wife. Anywho, enough of the pity party. This needed to be said as what you’re about to see is dramatic. After my part was done with the IVF process I got put on trt in June of 2019. In July I started Optis.

View attachment 133120
View attachment 133119

I was competing just a few years earlier so a lot is muscle memory of course. And, A LOT of hard work.

February 2019
View attachment 133121

A week ago
View attachment 133117

The combination of trt and gh was life changing to say the least. It was like a light switch was flicked. I never would of dreamed I’d be stepping back on stage!
Good shit man. Thanks for sharing.
@B Ware hey man. Your story kinda hit home with me. I made a long post in this thread about how I thought the GH acted as an antidepressant and it’s regenerative properties and how it completely changed my life. In that post I think there were a few things I left out that I don’t really feel like sharing but would it be ok if I asked about the outcome of the IVF and what you went through. If you want to PM me that’s cool.
@B Ware hey man. Your story kinda hit home with me. I made a long post in this thread about how I thought the GH acted as an antidepressant and it’s regenerative properties and how it completely changed my life. In that post I think there were a few things I left out that I don’t really feel like sharing but would it be ok if I asked about the outcome of the IVF and what you went through. If you want to PM me that’s cool.

Sure... and it sounds like you may be going through IVF or may be thinking about it. If that’s so I’m sorry as IVF is rough to say the least. It will break you mentality, spiritually, physically and most definitely financially as I spent $37k last year which I might add insurance doesn’t cover anything coded as “fertility”. Or at least mine doesn’t.

I’ll try to get this in one post to not clutter this great thread so this may be kinda long.

After the wife and I got married I decided to go to a urologist as I always felt that something may be wrong with me. I’ve been VERY sexually active since the age of 15 and can count on one hand how many times I’ve worn a condom so figured something was up.

That urologist visit confirmed my worst fear. I had 0 sperm in my sample. Going home and telling my wife I couldn’t give her the family she always dreamed of was at the time the most heart breaking thing I’d ever been through.

I wasn’t going to let that stand without seeing my options if there were any. There were but they were long shots. Doc put me on ALOT of hcg (3000iu 3x a week) for 6ish months. Again, insurance wouldn’t cover hcg and it was costing me $330 a week. Luckily I found goodrx and that knocked it down to $113. After that 6 months I went back for another sperm sample. Another heart break as it still came back with 0 sperm. Doc said I had one last Hail Mary. It’s called TESE surgery where they put you under and cut you open and go digging for sperm. It’s as painful as it sounds and cost 13k and it wasn’t even a 50/50 chance they would find sperm. They did though so it was worth it. During this time my wife has been going through IVF for months with her meds and injections. While I was getting cut open my wife was at the hospital across the street and they were extracting her eggs. They took my boys immediately across the street and fertilizered her eggs. Now comes more heart break. At first we had 28 embryos. Every day for 7 days they called and that number went down ALOT. It broke the wife and I. On the last day we didn’t even want to answer the phone. We ended up with 3 good embryos for IVF in the end.

First round of IVF we got pregnant and were over the moon. It’s a boy! His name was Owen. 11 weeks into pregnancy we lost him.

Second round of IVF we got pregnant again. 6 weeks later we lost that one as well.

We have one more to try but COVID has effected the hospitals. We are also looking into adoption.

Sorry as I know this is not something someone wants to read/hear but it’s my story.

IVF is successful for a lot of people and we are definitely still trying. It definitely showed me that my wife is my rock and life partner.

I know I mentioned that “I was the problem” and this is true but my wife also has a misshaped uterus which is causing the miscarriages. We haven’t lost hope yet.

I agree that hgh probably does act as an antidepressant. It’s hard for me to say because getting put on trt is also a factor in my mood of course.
@B Ware thanks for sharing bro. The girl in my avi was my girlfriend for 5 years. I was married had 3 kids natural and got a vasectomy. Got divorced and swore I wouldn’t get married or have more kids. Then I met her and she changed everything and made me reconsider everything. The effects of the divorce and my ex turning two of my kids against me plus a life long injury was really beginning to take a toll on me. Was in therapy but that’s a slow process. I didn’t realize how deep I had sank. Things finally boiled over and we got in a huge fight and I said If you’re putting a gun to my head then no marriage no kids. So she left. This devastated me more than my divorce and I hit bottom. About a month before all this is when I started the GH. I had noticed it’s effects but couldn’t make the connection. When the full effect took place it was like coming out of a dark hole and into the light. So much so that I couldn’t even believe how far I had gone down. I tried for the next few months to get her to come back. Told her all this and more and said I wanted to marry her and that I wanted to have a kid with someone that actually loved me and for the first time I was in the frame of mind that allowed me to believe that I deserved a wife and child that loved me and wanted to be with me. Around the beginning of the year we tried to get back together and were looking into the IVF process. Unfortunately we weren’t able to reconcile which is a good thing that happened now and not after a child but hearing your story I don’t know if we would have been able to overcome that if we had gone through the same thing. The problem now is I’m out in the world again and happy and now I can’t help but wonder what will happen if I fall in love with someone that wants kids and if I’m willing and capable of going through that and more importantly would they go through that for me. At the end of the day though no matter what happens I owe so much to this place for being able to find like minded people and access to two compounds that have fundamentally and forever changed my life for the better. Test and HGH have given me so much of my life back. Anyone who makes it this far in the post I made I appreciate you reading it and I’m sorry lol.

Eh, so of course I can’t give the credit 100% to Optis. My story is unique and quite dramatic. For 1.5 years I came off everything. I did so for fertility reasons as I had 0 sperm in my sample. During that 1.5 years off man it sucked as I lived with very low T. My natural T was tested under 200 numerous times. The wife and I went through what’s called IVF and unfortunately lost two kids to miscarriages. So there was a lot of depression. Especially on my part as I am the problem and not my wife. Anywho, enough of the pity party. This needed to be said as what you’re about to see is dramatic. After my part was done with the IVF process I got put on trt in June of 2019. In July I started Optis.

View attachment 133120
View attachment 133119

I was competing just a few years earlier so a lot is muscle memory of course. And, A LOT of hard work.

February 2019
View attachment 133121

A week ago
View attachment 133117

The combination of trt and gh was life changing to say the least. It was like a light switch was flicked. I never would of dreamed I’d be stepping back on stage!

Damn nice work!

Do you have BW and BF % estimate's between the two?

Impressive to say the least!
Damn nice work!

Do you have BW and BF % estimate's between the two?

Impressive to say the least!

Thanks! The first pic from February 2019 I weighed around 215 and my current pic/weight for my show is 210. Most of the year I walked around at 220-225. Can’t wait to get back to there. The day after my show I have a cycle planned with primo,mast,tren, proviron,var and of course gh (@5iu). Really hoping that during my rebound while the weight is coming back that I can manipulate it to lean mass.

Not sure on bf%. Have a machine at one of my gyms that you stand on and hold these handles out by your side. It always tells me I’m fat. Lol

I would like to add that I’ve been in this game for a long time. Sure my before pic doesn’t look like it but that was definitely my worst look. Anyway, this will be my 3rd appearance on a stage and without a doubt Optis were a game changer. I’ll share all 3 comp pics after this show for reference.
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Look guys. I’m a beginner that never used GH before. I’m currently on TRT 100 mg week cyponate. I want to add some of this. Age is 33. 5.10 185 lbs. if anyone can help a brother out.
Look guys. I’m a beginner that never used FH before. I’m currently on try 100 mg week cyponate. I want to add some of this. Age is 33. 5.10 185 lbs. if anyone can help a brother out.

Sounds like you’ll use it for wellness which is what most do. You need to do blood work and find out your igf-1 base line.
Every iu generally =100 igf-1 (this varies in individuals)

Example: 2iu = 200 IGF-1

For me, my base (natural) IGF-1 was a bit over 200. Therefore I take 3iu daily to give me a higher score.

Most will tell you to take 2iu. This is why you need to know your base line as if I would of listened to that I would actually be at lower level than I naturally produce.
Cool! Appreciate it man. I used to come on here back in the day man. What is a good place to order labs now. And what do you think it would cost?
Thanks! The first pic from February 2019 I weighed around 215 and my current pic/weight for my show is 210. Most of the year I walked around at 220-225. Can’t wait to get back to there. The day after my show I have a cycle planned with primo,mast,tren, proviron,var and of course gh (@5iu). Really hoping that during my rebound while the weight is coming back that I can manipulate it to lean mass.

Not sure on bf%. Have a machine at one of my gyms that you stand on and hold these handles out by your side. It always tells me I’m fat. Lol

I would like to add that I’ve been in this game for a long time. Sure my before pic doesn’t look like it but that was definitely my worst look. Anyway, this will be my 3rd appearance on a stage and without a doubt Optis were a game changer. I’ll share all 3 comp pics after this show for reference.

Respect! I didn't know if you had your BF checked on a DEXA for your show or anything. You definitely got way leaner and bigger! People always lie about BF so it is hard to get an accurate measure to compare against. At the NFL they measured this guy at 1.6 % and you are probably leaner than him. He is a freak though!

Respect! I didn't know if you had your BF checked on a DEXA for your show or anything. You definitely got way leaner and bigger! People always lie about BF so it is hard to get an accurate measure to compare against. At the NFL they measured this guy at 1.6 % and you are probably leaner than him. He is a freak though!


Funny you mentioned DEXA. Coach is pushing me to make an appointment here in town to do that this week.

The NFL definitely got his bf% wrong. For fuck sakes he has love handles. No way he’s 1.6%. No way


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