Funny you mentioned DEXA. Coach is pushing me to make an appointment here in town to do that this week.

The NFL definitely got that his bf% wrong. For fuck sakes he has love handles. No way he’s 1.6%. No way

If you end up having one and dont mind posting the results I would be interested. As you said most people that have any abs showing at all will say they are under 10% haha. They measured Tyreek Hill for the Chiefs at like 1.2% or some ridiculous shit as well.
Cool! Appreciate it man. I used to come on here back in the day man. What is a good place to order labs now. And what do you think it would cost?

I use
And it cost $70. There are cheaper places you can use I believe but I use these guys as the lab they allow me to use is open on Saturdays which is a must for me
Funny you mentioned DEXA. Coach is pushing me to make an appointment here in town to do that this week.

The NFL definitely got his bf% wrong. For fuck sakes he has love handles. No way he’s 1.6%. No way
I did one this past winter and it was actually pretty cool. I’m 40 and I came in at 205 lbs and 12% BF and just about 1% visceral fat. It was pretty cool seeing the whole break down of muscle and Skeletal tissue.
2 kits from so far from Opti post-quarantine, 100IU versions (was used to the 120IU kits previously). Fast T/A, always great communication and quality.
Hey guys I’m on 2iu of Opti Hgh and I’m getting very bad carpal tunnel syndrome again, does this mean it’s good shit? It’s such a low dose yet I can barley stand the pain and it’s to the point where I lose sleep now. I can lower it to 1iu but idk if that’s too low. I’m 24 so I feel 1iu is pointless. I can’t get blood work to see my blood levels because I’m in a state that won’t allow bloodwork unless a doctor submits for it and I don’t feel like going thru the trouble to ask my doctor since she doesn’t agree with what I do. Once the COVID restrictions are raised I will be able to but for now I can’t.
Hey guys I’m on 2iu of Opti Hgh and I’m getting very bad carpal tunnel syndrome again, does this mean it’s good shit? It’s such a low dose yet I can barley stand the pain and it’s to the point where I lose sleep now. I can lower it to 1iu but idk if that’s too low. I’m 24 so I feel 1iu is pointless. I can’t get blood work to see my blood levels because I’m in a state that won’t allow bloodwork unless a doctor submits for it and I don’t feel like going thru the trouble to ask my doctor since she doesn’t agree with what I do. Once the COVID restrictions are raised I will be able to but for now I can’t.

Feels are NEVER a indicator. I would send a vial off to jano for testing if I couldn’t get a blood test. Without a baseline we don’t know if 1iu would be pointless or not.
Feels are NEVER a indicator. I would send a vial off to jano for testing if I couldn’t get a blood test. Without a baseline we don’t know if 1iu would be pointless or not.
So why would a very well know side effect for GH not be an indication of GH? really curious to your answer.
So why would a very well know side effect for GH not be an indication of GH? really curious to your answer.

Sides don’t indicate potency. I got crippling cts from Optis first batch of the 120iu kits while others didn’t. It was terrible. I couldn’t sleep more than 15 minutes at a time. Some get sides while some don’t. Probably need to lower sodium intake and increase water intake. Also hear Hawthorne berry can help.
Sides don’t indicate potency. I got crippling cts from Optis first batch of the 120iu kits while others didn’t. It was terrible. I couldn’t sleep more than 15 minutes at a time. Some get sides while some don’t. Probably need to lower sodium intake and increase water intake. Also hear Hawthorne berry can help.
Well I didnt ask you the question and you didn't even answer the question that I asked. I will be clear, why would a very well known if not the number one side effect of HGH not be an indication of hgh?
So in your thinking CT sides can be caused by what?
So why would a very well know side effect for GH not be an indication of GH? really curious to your answer.

That’s very simple

You can get sides as early as 150igf numbers so if you are on 5iu of growth you have no idea how good it is or what is happening without a blood test.

Just like test, if you are injecting 1 gram a week but saying you getting a hard on and saying it’s good well fuck I mean yeah your test levels could be 1200 and yeah you are feeling better but have no clue where your levels are.

Going of feels is not a way to see if anything is good
Well I didnt ask you the question and you didn't even answer the question that I asked. I will be clear, why would a very well known if not the number one side effect of HGH not be an indication of hgh?
So in your thinking CT sides can be caused by what?

I originally typed that MM wasn’t saying to send it in to verify that it was indeed Gh but erased it because that went without saying. Or so I thought. Apparently, you’re under the impression that he meant to send for testing to verify that it’s gh? No one said it wasn’t gh so not sure where you’re coming from with your question. I guess you believe sides mean it’s good/powerful? o_O

Some think sides have to do with dimmer. As mentioned earlier, I got horrible sides for a bit off his first batch that had 0 dimmer.

Eh, so of course I can’t give the credit 100% to Optis. My story is unique and quite dramatic. For 1.5 years I came off everything. I did so for fertility reasons as I had 0 sperm in my sample. During that 1.5 years off man it sucked as I lived with very low T. My natural T was tested under 200 numerous times. The wife and I went through what’s called IVF and unfortunately lost two kids to miscarriages. So there was a lot of depression. Especially on my part as I am the problem and not my wife. Anywho, enough of the pity party. This needed to be said as what you’re about to see is dramatic. After my part was done with the IVF process I got put on trt in June of 2019. In July I started Optis.

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I was competing just a few years earlier so a lot is muscle memory of course. And, A LOT of hard work.

February 2019
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A week ago
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The combination of trt and gh was life changing to say the least. It was like a light switch was flicked. I never would of dreamed I’d be stepping back on stage!

Damn dude! Nice transformation!!
I originally typed that MM wasn’t saying to send it in to verify that it was indeed Gh but erased it because that went without saying. Or so I thought. Apparently, you’re under the impression that he meant to send for testing to verify that it’s gh? No one said it wasn’t gh so not sure where you’re coming from with your question. I guess you believe sides mean it’s good/powerful? o_O

Some think sides have to do with dimmer. As mentioned earlier, I got horrible sides for a bit off his first batch that had 0 dimmer.

Dimmer interesting! I wonder if there are any studies to confirm that. So @LocalRoller got CTS from just 2 ius, my experience and a few close friends is any HGH that caused CT on that low of a dose was usually excellent quality. However I have also gotten zero sides from HGH until a much higher dose or duration. I can gauge almost any AAS from side effects to even dose ratio like a fucking robot, but HGH is way different.
Hello Meso, I hope you and your loved ones are in good health.

I wanted to make everyone aware that I have added a few items domestically. Whether I continue to carry them depends on the demand.
⁃ Jintropin 100iu - $425
⁃ Jintropin AQ 30iu - $375

These are not the numerous replicas out on the market. These are original! They have the proper authentication-security stickers and can be verified on Gen5ci’s anti-counterfeiting system. You can look up both versions on Gen5ci’s official site for further information.

A few things I need to touch base on.
⁃ I do no offer anything else besides Somatropin kits.
⁃ Bac. water does not come with the kits
⁃ 100iu kits are 10 vials * 10iu
⁃ 240iu kits are 10 vials * 24iu
⁃ They are not from the same manufacturer.
⁃ I normally ship within 48 hours-2 business days but because of some recent issues an additional day or two might be necessary.
⁃ Once again, the latest is business days. Weekend, though I do reply to emails I do not consider them business days.
⁃ I will reply to your email. Not necessary to create and send multiple emails. I know many will vouch for my communication. I will get to you promptly.
⁃ Lastly. INTL shipping to USA is taking approximately 3± weeks. Once tracking # is given it can take up to 10 business days to appear online and then will proceed to move.

Please do not take the above personally. It seems that I have had to answer numerous emails regarding the above subjects lately and by doing so it takes away from the prompt replies, communication-orders fellow members are accustomed to.

Here are the anticipated beauties.

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Do you still have a US domestic supply? Email sent
As promised my test results on Opti's grey tops at 2 iu's. My last base line number was 63.



  • optiresults2iu.pdf
    30.9 KB · Views: 118
Is that in the ballpark of the results you got with other sources at the same dosage

What’s your input on the numbers from you past experience.

Thanks for in test results! What is your overall opinion based off of that score and other generics you’ve ran?
At 2 iu's I can swing from around 160-200. I was guessing I would be right around there based on how I am feeling. I will continue at 2 iu's for another week and then bump up to 3 iu's and retest.

At 2 iu's I can swing from around 160-200. I was guessing I would be right around there based on how I am feeling. I will continue at 2 iu's for another week and then bump up to 3 iu's and retest.

Thanks mands