and I have not commented either to discredit optim if not for someone to help me with this problem that I have because it had never happened to me before and I have the injection area quite inflamed and sore and I have tried reconstruction with different waters that is why I wanted to know If the problem is mine or it belongs to the hgh simply that without wanting to waste anyone

So what time zone you in?
it always makes my muscle appear more full, usually get leaner without changing diet and usually raises my igf1 which the mauve tops did not. didnt expect to bounce of the walls pal. ive been a member on here longer then you have been weight training and i have been into fitness longer then you have been alive so when i say i can tell when i have good gh you should believe it and not regurgitate what you read everybody else saying about "feels"

Sick story bro! [emoji1591][emoji1591][emoji1591] Check your estrogen you’re getting up in your “feels”

I see people all over these forums gauging product quality by side effects and that’s fucking stupid.

You got blood work. That’s what was asked. So my comment doesn’t apply to you. [emoji1303]
Sick story bro! [emoji1591][emoji1591][emoji1591] Check your estrogen you’re getting up in your “feels”

I see people all over these forums gauging product quality by side effects and that’s fucking stupid.

You got blood work. That’s what was asked. So my comment doesn’t apply to you. [emoji1303]


Anybody can go off of feels....... but never discredit or credit any source off of feels.

I had great numbers on them but that was long time ago and it only takes one batch to go from great to shit!
so at what age do you not agree with that lol

I’d say someone in there 20s or early 30s. Who already has a great GH level. Someone in the 40s-50s with low or declining levels would likely feel it significantly more than someone in the other demographic.
i wouldnt discredit including "feels" as part of your assesment of a ped. ive had bottles of tpp npp from pristine test exactly the same as bottles from potg. yet the potg made me feel and look significantly different after the cycle then the other without any other variables.
i wouldnt discredit including "feels" as part of your assesment of a ped. ive had bottles of tpp npp from pristine test exactly the same as bottles from potg. yet the potg made me feel and look significantly different after the cycle then the other without any other variables.

I can’t disagree with that. As part of the assessment sure. But to say something isn’t working at all without labs is just silly. Especially as it pertains to GH. Which I would say effects are not as pronoun or as quickly as the others you listed.

That was the only point I was making.
Yes and no. Everyone’s body reacts differently in terms of metabolizing drugs and effects and/or sides. Blood work is the only way to know what’s going on. Going by “feel” is not quantitative.
unless your over 40 then its ok
Same diet and regiment?
same training, same diet, same calories with a scale lol. i have a weird feeling two aas can test the same but maybe one of the raws went through the process better? maybe its a purity thing like with the hgh or maybe i was doing something different those two summers that i overlooked but the strength, striations, and vascularity were so significantly different you would swear one was underdosed
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and to begin with, nobody asked him for 50 kits.Opti was the one who wanted to sell me 50 kits, I only wanted two

so when you understand what I speak we can speak

and if you have any questions I can send you all the conversation I had with OPTI so you can close your mouth and don't speak without knowing

I do not know why there is always the typical idiot in all the places that is smart.....

So I can conclude that you don’t have the pm’s and are full of shit or..... you just only come to the forums when u need something and fuck everybody else.
i wouldnt discredit including "feels" as part of your assesment of a ped. ive had bottles of tpp npp from pristine test exactly the same as bottles from potg. yet the potg made me feel and look significantly different after the cycle then the other without any other variables.
I've ran tp's blacktops and mauve s and always had great results. Now im trying the optis.Not going to get into a big debate, but you've got a whole bunch of stuff going on that's going to fuck up your absorption. If youre so confidant the stuff is bunk, send it out for testing
I've ran tp's blacktops and mauve s and always had great results. Now im trying the optis.Not going to get into a big debate, but you've got a whole bunch of stuff going on that's going to fuck up your absorption. If youre so confidant the stuff is bunk, send it out for testing

Hi man, i asked TP some infos.. and i m waiting for some answers... i ll ask to you... 1 kit of Mauve Tops is 10 vials of 10iu? Thanks in advance
So cool... thanks... and do you know why Black Tops are more expensive than Mauve?

Are they really more pure etc?
I think its because the blacktops have been around longer, not to mention that they are at least 15 ius per vial
I think its because the blacktops have been around longer, not to mention that they are at least 15 ius per vial

thanks m8... so you receive more than 10ius when they re supposed to be 10? How do you dose bac water, if everytime is a different amount of ius? Or TP tells you something every time? Aha I highly doubt it.. so you ll end up pinning Random less and more HGH..