Lmao yeah up here in Canuckia ephedrine flows like water never had an issue with that but one hilarious side effect myself and friends noticed was when Im banging out max doses of EC per day that shit makes me bust way faster. Definitely took one or two mind fuckery nights to realize it was EC.....try explaining that.

On topic on my last box of red top 120s so time to move on to the new 100s soon.
Damn I have the opposite issue when it comes to finishing on ec lol

Could you share more on the reasoning behind the 4-8 iu dosing? Just curious about your dosing/protocol.
Couple things really

Training day or off day
What body parts I’m trying to bring up
If I wake up for an early morning shot or not

I never take it before bed, so If I miss that early am fasted shot then I’ll just take it post workout

For my goals, 4iu is the least effective dose
Ok just got done with 2 kits of sero's to compare to generics. They were from the source here so totally legit. Have ran optis,tp,pd, Nordic stuff over the years. Well only thing I can see in the difference between pharm and these sources kits are the price. Def wont be spending money on pharm again.
Meso, I hope everyone is having a great weekend and most importantly in good health.

Due to a recent circumstance my domestic shipping will be put on halt until further notice. International shipping will continue, current wait time is approximately 3 weeks.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email :
Meso, I hope everyone is having a great weekend and most importantly in good health.

Due to a recent circumstance my domestic shipping will be put on halt until further notice. International shipping will continue, current wait time is approximately 3 weeks.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email :

Are the international kits the same as the domestic ones?
Are the international kits the same as the domestic ones?

@Iron_Yuppie, domestic and int'l kits are from the same manufactures. The 240iu+ are from a GMP facilty and my 100iu+ are from a licensed GMP facility.

Everyone have a great holiday weekend.
I think the announcement needs to be expanded on in the spirit of transparency and so members can make an informed decision.

There have been 3 confirmed reports of customers receiving "knocks" from LE after taking delivery of domestic orders.
I know who one of the guys and won't put his name out in public.

I do not believe any of the 3 have been arrested. LE may be gathering info. They may return to arrest at some point. Time will tell.

Can domestic orders be traced to int orders. I don't know. Has this source been compromised? I believe so. I'm reminded of Platinum Direct.

Opti has been a good source. Being out in the open is a risk. It may be time sit back and ride out the storm. I wish Opti luck and his customers as well.
USPS or this apparent fuzz would have to be aware of a point of sending and check packages before sending to remotely know any info of receiver and the contents of the package

USPS steals packages And sends you paperwork months later on anything deemed illegal for mail

if they really are knocking on doors there is a issue but from real experience from mad homies who all get weed shit stolen in the mail all the time and don’t even care bc usps postal inspector just sends a letter asking you if you wanna claim your drugs this is how You do it

lay low...opti for life
I think the announcement needs to be expanded on in the spirit of transparency and so members can make an informed decision.

There have been 3 confirmed reports of customers receiving "knocks" from LE after taking delivery of domestic orders.
I know who one of the guys and won't put his name out in public.

I do not believe any of the 3 have been arrested. LE may be gathering info. They may return to arrest at some point. Time will tell.

Can domestic orders be traced to int orders. I don't know. Has this source been compromised? I believe so. I'm reminded of Platinum Direct.

Opti has been a good source. Being out in the open is a risk. It may be time sit back and ride out the storm. I wish Opti luck and his customers as well.
How is it that you are privy to this?
I'm checking in when I can. Normally I'd go into things more in depth. I think this is my 5th day and last night was my 4th night spent in hospital. An infection in my leg that didn't respond to oral antibiotics has got me getting IV antibiotics round the clock. Pretty painful.
With Covid running things its a strange world. Faceless beings covered by masks and plastic face shields. I can't tell if I've spoken to the person asking the same questions I answered already.
No visitors allowed these days. My wife has taken pity and has been delivering dinners to me every night. I believe i have a couple of more day and nights.
About 120 degrees outside so I'm ok today.
Shame...not familiar with these situations are we talking about a controlled delivery? Or was this after something had already been delivered
I'm checking in when I can. Normally I'd go into things more in depth. I think this is my 5th day and last night was my 4th night spent in hospital. An infection in my leg that didn't respond to oral antibiotics has got me getting IV antibiotics round the clock. Pretty painful.
With Covid running things its a strange world. Faceless beings covered by masks and plastic face shields. I can't tell if I've spoken to the person asking the same questions I answered already.
No visitors allowed these days. My wife has taken pity and has been delivering dinners to me every night. I believe i have a couple of more day and nights.
About 120 degrees outside so I'm ok today.

Damn get well soon! Appreciate the info on the opti situation and you looking out for the community!
@biggerben69 first and foremost I wish you a speedy recovery. Can't even imagine how hectic it currently is at the hospitals with Covid and you in the midst of it all with a leg infection. Get well soon!

For apparent reasons I wont go into specifics though I will shed some light on the 3 parcels.

1st, it was my understanding a disgruntled 3 party was involved. The rest should be self-explanatory.

2nd, don't even know where to begin with this one. Let's just say that he was quite fond of social media and my parcel was the least of his worries in regards to possession of multiple packages. You can draw your own conclusion.

3rd, both the receiver and I are at an awe and trying to piece things together. He's a solid bud so I'm certain there is no ill-will agenda. At the present moment we have not determined the cause.

I'm taking the proper OPSEC precautions to insure any further issues and making necessary changes.

Everyone have a great holiday weekend.
@biggerben69 first and foremost I wish you a speedy recovery. Can't even imagine how hectic it currently is at the hospitals with Covid and you in the midst of it all with a leg infection. Get well soon!

For apparent reasons I wont go into specifics though I will shed some light on the 3 parcels.

1st, it was my understanding a disgruntled 3 party was involved. The rest should be self-explanatory.

2nd, don't even know where to begin with this one. Let's just say that he was quite fond of social media and my parcel was the least of his worries in regards to possession of multiple packages. You can draw your own conclusion.

3rd, both the receiver and I are at an awe and trying to piece things together. He's a solid bud so I'm certain there is no ill-will agenda. At the present moment we have not determined the cause.

I'm taking the proper OPSEC precautions to insure any further issues and making necessary changes.

Everyone have a great holiday weekend.
Appreciate the well wishes and also.appreciate your expanding some. Details aren't important just that meso members are informed and able to make decisions based on that info.
Thanks, Opti. Stat safe.
Appreciate the well wishes and also.appreciate your expanding some. Details aren't important just that meso members are informed and able to make decisions based on that info.
Thanks, Opti. Stat safe.

Yeah Opti is solid but from experience years ago in this if people are getting knocks then yeah...much bigger issue than the love letters sand seizure. I've seen everything from them getting out and wearing a defunct courier hat that the company didn't even exist for 5 years looking for you to sign for the package then a few mins later ur getting a door knocker.

Not sure what's going on or if Opti has a larger issue but just from experience face to face deliveries (you can still say fuck off I never ordered this) is a big big indicator of something going on or the shipping style may have been compromised/profiled imo.

disclaimer this is just personal opinion none of it may relate to what's going on with Opti.
Ok I have a lot to say about that lol

but need coffee first lol

gh imo is the best most important pharmaceutical for bodybuilding next to testosterone

Years of reading shit, listening to podcasts, watching every contemt there is on gh and bodybuilding it have finally hit me within the last year or so what it does and how which tells me it’s obvious to use it at the following times

Am fasted (either an hr or 2 pre cardio or hr or 2 before meal 1)

post workout (with carbs/insulin *but please don’t just go taking slin anyone learn about it*)

I believe gh works in two main ways
Which are fat burning and creating new muscle cells

so, you want to get the best of both worlds! The am fasted maximizes lipolysis, the post workout with insulin (exogenous or from your own pancreas through high carb intake) creates the new cells, which later you can grow. You need gh, insulin and igf1 all at once to create new sells, and for the most part it is localized to the broken down tissue.

My belief is the break the muscle down with heavy weight then spend the rest of the session pumping the fuuuuuuuck out of it, that also with aid in the creation of new cells
I agree with most things you are saying here bro but hgh should not be considered a drug for fat loss. Therefore no one should just purchase hgh with the intent to only use it for fast loss. I do believe it can help aid in a certain look when loosing fat but that all really depends on if you’re in a caloric deficit.

You can’t be in a caloric surplus and expect to loose fat just because you take Hgh. All anyone needs to loose fat is for them to be in a caloric deficit.
Just my opinion :)