Ok just got done with 2 kits of sero's to compare to generics. They were from the source here so totally legit. Have ran optis,tp,pd, Nordic stuff over the years. Well only thing I can see in the difference between pharm and these sources kits are the price. Def wont be spending money on pharm again.
No way dude all generics are crap, LOL they are some secret Chinese Chemical that mimics sides and produces IGF1 values on blood tests! And how can those Chinese produce something that costs thousands for so cheap? Bahahahah
I suppose i was fortunate. Hadn’t read the latest updates about LE related issues. I timed my order just prior to all this. DAMN SHAME! Opti has been nothing short of incredible. My order came within 5 days even with the holiday weekend. This source is great and i have only positive things to say about opti. Got a couple 240iu Kits. Can’t beat the price and quality. Really hope there is a simple and quick solution to this LE problem. Thanks for the great service
No way dude all generics are crap, LOL they are some secret Chinese Chemical that mimics sides and produces IGF1 values on blood tests! And how can those Chinese produce something that costs thousands for so cheap? Bahahahah

I’ve read this for years. Problem is if this were true and it only “memics” sides and produces igf-1 then why are the hplc reports testing at 97+% o_O
aren’t Optis and a few other sources testing at 99%+?

Yes and no. I believe Opti’s old 120iu kits and his current 100iu kits are very high purity but he does offer a higher iu kit that I believe tested a bit lower on purity.
I’ve read this for years. Problem is if this were true and it only “memics” sides and produces igf-1 then why are the hplc reports testing at 97+% o_O
Yes it’s a joke for me, others however have been spewing this nonsense for a decade, some are respected pros/gurus in the industry. Out of touché to the truth. In their defense a lot of people got bunk HGh at one time, even pharma! but to make claims like this with zero proof is just wrong and typical of some internet information that goes around and repeated.
Here are my results from 3-4iu daily using gray tops. Serum test was a little low for me. I injected 10iu in my left pec 3 hours before blood drawn. Chest bruised a little afterwards so maybe that’s why it was a lower serum test. It was still high and out of normal range though. Happy with the IGF numbers on that dosage.

It’s plausible .

It was never confirmed that it was LE by the way.
We spoke in pm...after you asked me in how i was privy to the info I posted about the visits in a post.
So, you're saying what I posted days ago that Opti followed up with a post about, is just "Rumor"? You've been around here for some time, jack. Can you pinpoint when it was that I lost credibility with you or with Community?
The info I've posted over the years having to do with busts and scams or anything else for that matter have been on time and accurate. I guess you haven't noticed? Did you just recently take me off ignore?
I guess I'm just a lame with a paint job? My nonsense has just been tolerated over the years? Ya'll just let me ramble on until I burn myself out?
I'm not called on posts I make that could harm a source financially? Why would that be?
Opti followed my post and didn't say or imply i was posting rumors. You are of the opinion that my posts are reckless? You believe I'm out to harm Opti?
Lets figure this out, jack. Am I an asset who often times knows of things before most?
Or do i make reckless posts that 9 times out of 10 prove to be empty and useless info?
I'm up at AB with my guy geogroup and we're posting about what we see in our crystal ball and its black magic at work.
I'm here for you jack. Tell me how you really feel Jack.
We spoke in pm...after you asked me in how i was privy to the info I posted about the visits in a post.
So, you're saying what I posted days ago that Opti followed up with a post about, is just "Rumor"? You've been around here for some time, jack. Can you pinpoint when it was that I lost credibility with you or with Community?
The info I've posted over the years having to do with busts and scams or anything else for that matter have been on time and accurate. I guess you haven't noticed? Did you just recently take me off ignore?
I guess I'm just a lame with a paint job? My nonsense has just been tolerated over the years? Ya'll just let me ramble on until I burn myself out?
I'm not called on posts I make that could harm a source financially? Why would that be?
Opti followed my post and didn't say or imply i was posting rumors. You are of the opinion that my posts are reckless? You believe I'm out to harm Opti?
Lets figure this out, jack. Am I an asset who often times knows of things before most?
Or do i make reckless posts that 9 times out of 10 prove to be empty and useless info?
I'm up at AB with my guy geogroup and we're posting about what we see in our crystal ball and its black magic at work.
I'm here for you jack. Tell me how you really feel Jack.

So, Biggerben.. Do you think those “LE issues” can somehow affect Europe too?
So, Biggerben.. Do you think those “LE issues” can somehow affect Europe too?
I recommended, for his personal safety, that the entire operation close days ago.
I and others haven't come out and said that this source is on LE's radar because it really should be clear and written clearly between the lines.
That is, of course, unless you have me on "Disregard". Ask jack what he thinks. He thinks I cry wolf on the regular.

I remember Platinum Direct. He came to meso after being on AB for a good while. He offered the exact product the The Provider and Homer sell. PD was a bit more expensive but was fast with deliveries and communicated well.
I got a msg saying the walls were closing in. He was waiting to be picked up. He was confident that his remailers cooperated with LE. Money was missing...owed to him..some accts were frozen.
I was exchanging Wickr's with Dynasty after he was visited by the feds and interviewed.
He felt better with every passing day. Felt he was in the clear after being allowed to sleep in his bed after his encounter.
One day he was planning a comeback and the next day the indictment with his name on it was unsealed.
I like Opti as a guy. I wish he went private...wish he got out from the wide open.
There are going to be some who are out their $$ when opti is forced to close by virtue of his being in custody. I don't see how this ends any other way.
I was asked so I answered if opti int was going to be effected. I'm surprised guys don't see the writing on the wall once these visits happened. They are after our dude.
Maybe he had to stay open. Maybe he will have everyone paid up and is going to hide out with profits from these last few weeks. I'd have bowed out already.