Or just compete in the class you prefer (classic?), and, if you do not win, compare yourself critically and objectively to those who place better than you and make the necessary improvements over the next few years, coming in better each year.
I have thought about this for a long time. Full transparency; It’s more ‘am I big enough, do I have the symmetry, did I bulk and diet hard enough’. Purely in my head I suppose. I’ve always been overly hard on myself and a perfectionist.
who knows. NPC classic does sound good :cool:
So I started this gh run at 6iu every day as soin as I wake up....been on that for about 2 weeks. Havent noticed much except EXTREMELY high eatrogen levels. So high I need a full mg of arimidex to bring it down. Ive ran gh several times and never had this problem.
So I started this gh run at 6iu every day as soin as I wake up....been on that for about 2 weeks. Havent noticed much except EXTREMELY high eatrogen levels. So high I need a full mg of arimidex to bring it down. Ive ran gh several times and never had this problem.
So post your bloods?
A side effect with hgh is a uptick in estrogen. Maybe I just have seen it more with generic as I run more generic vs pharm. Prob cause most generic is overdosed
Yea I never had this issue with any gh before. Its fine ill deal with it arms went numb last night for the first time shit always keeps me up at night.
So I started this gh run at 6iu every day as soin as I wake up....been on that for about 2 weeks. Havent noticed much except EXTREMELY high eatrogen levels. So high I need a full mg of arimidex to bring it down. Ive ran gh several times and never had this problem.
So did you actually get blood work to confirm this or is this a “feel” report?
So did you actually get blood work to confirm this or is this a “feel” report?

No. But Im on my cruise of 600mg a week of test cyp and 600mg a week of mast e been on that for 6 weeks now. I only need .25 adex eod on my cruise. I started with optis grey tops 2 weeks ago. First injection 6ius within hours face and gut were bloated as hell I let it go for another day and I started to get really oily skin so I took a half a adex not much difference by the next day so took a full mg of adex and even on that im still a lil bloated but not nearly as bad. Ive been using gear for almost 20 years Gh for about 7. I dont need a blood test to tell me my estrogen is high....especially after I take an ai and it goes down.
Oh forgot to mention I also skipped 2 days of the gh use just to see and those 2 days I had no estrogen issues. But as a previous member said his estro goes uo too. I never noticed that before on pharma or the generics Ive used in the past.
Oh forgot to mention I also skipped 2 days of the gh use just to see and those 2 days I had no estrogen issues. But as a previous member said his estro goes uo too. I never noticed that before on pharma or the generics Ive used in the past.

That's weird - I wouldn't think estrogen issues would clear up instantaneously just because you did not inject Gh???

As a comparison, steroid induced estrogen takes many days to clear up.
That's weird - I wouldn't think estrogen issues would clear up instantaneously just because you did not inject Gh???

As a comparison, steroid induced estrogen takes many days to clear up.

Me either. As I said I never had these issues with gh didnt have them til I started these so decided to stop for a day or 2 to see if that was the issue and it seems to be. Ita not by anyway a complaint. Im sure Im not the only one that has had this happen. Im still gonna run it I plan on hitting 10 iu a day by the next month or so.
Personally I never trust how I feel. Get bloods and know.

Scientific Data > Feel.

You know what an actual doctor would do? Have you take a blood test. The blood test ends all the speculation and risk to your health.
Anyone run his 240iu blue tops? Since he's out of the grey's I was gonna give these a shot but he hasn't gotten back to me in about it yet.