What do you weigh in that avatar?

I just hit 212 this morning (6 foot), so I will be easily under the cap. I look very lean from the front, but my wife tells me my back still has a ways to go (I need to get her to take pics). Of course, she has been watching AJ Sims transformations on instagram, and I have doubts about getting into that kind of condition without actually hiring AJ Sims.

I was 237ish in that pic. I was probably 2-3 weeks out there.
I have a reconstituted vial (Opti 240iu) that has been in the fridge for about 3-4 weeks now, is it okay to still use? I only use 2iu and I can only go on for like 3 days straight before I get massive sides so that’s why the vial lasts so long...any danger of still using it?
I have a reconstituted vial (Opti 240iu) that has been in the fridge for about 3-4 weeks now, is it okay to still use? I only use 2iu and I can only go on for like 3 days straight before I get massive sides so that’s why the vial lasts so long...any danger of still using it?
No danger, probably isn't properly dosed anymore though.
I’m over 6’2 and compete in classic as well. You can be up to 237lbs in that range. At 210-212lbs you have a lot of room to grow. I competed this past June at 233lbs stage weight and still felt too skinny even though I won my class and overall. I will most likely come into nationals at 240ish and hopefully just manipulate water to get under 237 and then carb back up. That’s the goal anyway.
This is why I have stayed away from classic. When I do change from physique I want to be ready with a fighting chance. A lot of guys I’ve met who are in classic are stage ready at 240-250 and last minute water deplete to weigh in just under 237. So they are every bit of extra dry 240lbs.
I’m in no way in a hurry. If I don’t get to where I’m comfortable to move I’m okay with another year of brutal force feeding and science.
I would be much happier going into classic with a weight I’m haply with and can hold a stage presence in confidence than trying to just ‘compete to compete’.
Besides all that, glad to have a competitor out here and maybe we will compete together. (Even though we will never know it lol)
@Basedout im curious now what your blasts are?

Well I was on 250mg cruise like 10 years ago then bumped it up to 400 about 5 years ago. now Im at 600. I wish I got the same kick I used off 250mg but it just doesnt do it for me anymore. My last blast was 1600 test c and 1000 mast e and 100mg of anadrol ed last 4-5 weeks nothing too crazy. 600mg is fine as long as you donate blood when you can. I havent had any health issues as of yet and Im 42. I know guys that cruise on 1000mg a week. I know for a fact there are a few on here that do as well. Im do for my blood work in 2 weeks so Ill keep you posted.
Well I was on 250mg cruise like 10 years ago then bumped it up to 400 about 5 years ago. now Im at 600. I wish I got the same kick I used off 250mg but it just doesnt do it for me anymore. My last blast was 1600 test c and 1000 mast e and 100mg of anadrol ed last 4-5 weeks nothing too crazy. 600mg is fine as long as you donate blood when you can. I havent had any health issues as of yet and Im 42. I know guys that cruise on 1000mg a week. I know for a fact there are a few on here that do as well. Im do for my blood work in 2 weeks so Ill keep you posted.

I hope the young newbies that read this dont think that taking 1600 mg test C and 1000mg mast e is the gold standard around here. To me that seems pretty reckless ,but to each is own. You only get 1 body in life and if you fuck it up because of a stroke or something else you'll have no one to blame but your self.
Well I was on 250mg cruise like 10 years ago then bumped it up to 400 about 5 years ago. now Im at 600. I wish I got the same kick I used off 250mg but it just doesnt do it for me anymore. My last blast was 1600 test c and 1000 mast e and 100mg of anadrol ed last 4-5 weeks nothing too crazy. 600mg is fine as long as you donate blood when you can. I havent had any health issues as of yet and Im 42. I know guys that cruise on 1000mg a week. I know for a fact there are a few on here that do as well. Im do for my blood work in 2 weeks so Ill keep you posted.
600mg cruise? Do you have really bad body dysmorphia issues? The longer you run gear the easier it should be to hold onto muscle. You should lower your 600mg blast/trt to 150mg and come back to reality.
This is why I have stayed away from classic. When I do change from physique I want to be ready with a fighting chance. A lot of guys I’ve met who are in classic are stage ready at 240-250 and last minute water deplete to weigh in just under 237. So they are every bit of extra dry 240lbs.
I’m in no way in a hurry. If I don’t get to where I’m comfortable to move I’m okay with another year of brutal force feeding and science.
I would be much happier going into classic with a weight I’m haply with and can hold a stage presence in confidence than trying to just ‘compete to compete’.
Besides all that, glad to have a competitor out here and maybe we will compete together. (Even though we will never know it lol)

Definitely bro and good luck!!
Anyone received international opti package to EU? Are they shipped domestically from EU to EU? If not any idea from what part of the world they get shipped? I need to weight if the risk is worth it Vs TP domestic shipping.
Wow, Mighty Mouse!

How many days were you running it prior to testing?

At this dose around 34 days. I just stepped down to 2 iu morning dose for a while now


Man I’m thinking it’s closer to 2 months actually I have it wrote down at the house I’m at work right now
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