Hey mouse what is your test dosage? Numbers look perfect. Looks like you are on trt imo which is what I am for. Im doing about 12mg test prop a day.
Hey mouse what is your test dosage? Numbers look perfect. Looks like you are on trt imo which is what I am for. Im doing about 12mg test prop a day.

Test numbers were lower than expected but.... I’m thinking a missed 2 shots when I was traveling back and fourth for work that and little sleep kills me.

I’m pinning 280mg a week test cyp split every three days.

I usually score 1100-1250 at that 3 days after pin. I’m retesting one a few weeks
So just an update. Most of the bloat is gone. And no longer need the ai. Guess my body was just adjusting. Feeling great and muscles are much fuller. Numbness and pain in my wrists is def noticable... Im still getting bloods in about a week or so.
So just an update. Most of the bloat is gone. And no longer need the ai. Guess my body was just adjusting. Feeling great and muscles are much fuller. Numbness and pain in my wrists is def noticable... Im still getting bloods in about a week or so.

Bloating from hgh isnt aromatase related
240 kits slap the very first ones I think were weaker and I swear there was two versions cus the stoppers were diff ...they bite alittle more but I lost mega weight on 5 iu a day and 5 iu gives me no sides now
240 kits slap the very first ones I think were weaker and I swear there was two versions cus the stoppers were diff ...they bite alittle more but I lost mega weight on 5 iu a day and 5 iu gives me no sides now
How much weight for you lose and how long did it take to lose the weight?
240 kits slap the very first ones I think were weaker and I swear there was two versions cus the stoppers were diff ...they bite alittle more but I lost mega weight on 5 iu a day and 5 iu gives me no sides now

I ran the 120iu red tops at 2iu fasted in the morning but didn't really feel like fat was melting off and I was in a pretty big deficit on 250mg test E + inj l-carnitine. Did you jump to 5iu off the bat?
240 kits slap the very first ones I think were weaker and I swear there was two versions cus the stoppers were diff ...they bite alittle more but I lost mega weight on 5 iu a day and 5 iu gives me no sides now

What sides did you experience when you started? I was only going to get 1 kit to try out, dimmer content is kinda high is it not?
I ran the 120iu red tops at 2iu fasted in the morning but didn't really feel like fat was melting off and I was in a pretty big deficit on 250mg test E + inj l-carnitine. Did you jump to 5iu off the bat?
I personally don't see the whole fat melting off thing until I hit 4iu. That's when it seems the magic happens for me. 2iu helps but not a whole lot, 3iu is better, and 4iu is where it starts to really shine
I personally don't see the whole fat melting off thing until I hit 4iu. That's when it seems the magic happens for me. 2iu helps but not a whole lot, 3iu is better, and 4iu is where it starts to really shine

Gonna bump it to 4iu for awhile I ran 2iu with no sides every morning fasted.
Gonna bump it to 4iu for awhile I ran 2iu with no sides every morning fasted.
Split your dose. Half fasted in the morning, half post workout or whenever you do it later. Otherwise I get too tired during the day, plus multiple pulses are known to produce higher IGF levels. Seems to work better for me that way too, and I've heard quite a few others say the same
I personally don't see the whole fat melting off thing until I hit 4iu. That's when it seems the magic happens for me. 2iu helps but not a whole lot, 3iu is better, and 4iu is where it starts to really shine

How many months in until you noticed the fat loss? I feel like at the 2.5-3 month mark I really noticed a "tightening" of my midsection. Can't quite grab as easily to pinch before a shot.
How many months in until you noticed the fat loss? I feel like at the 2.5-3 month mark I really noticed a "tightening" of my midsection. Can't quite grab as easily to pinch before a shot.
Well I was on 2iu for 2 months, then bumped it to 4iu. The next week after I bumped it I noticed I started dropping fat really fast. So my coach upped the carbs and fats some and I have a solid recomp going now. So yeah, almost 2.5 months in. It's especially coming off my midsection finally. I've lost a ton everywhere else but suddenly it started coming off the middle which is nice