Hi all

Any idea whether there is reputable distributor in Europe for Optitropin, or at least who can ship there ?
There´s been a thread from one but prices were high and it went dead.
I did pm Opti btw but he didn´t reply.
I guess it´s manufactured in Asia so I suspectr if there´s a distributor in teh US and the product is good, it should aso be available in Europe

why dont you go trough international? Because opti didnt answer?
why dont you go trough international? Because opti didnt answer?

Well if he answered it would have been easier, but I don't know the contact for International , it should be different than the US domestic. Are they shipping from Asia ? I d rather pay (reasonably) more and get the goods shipped from within the EU if that s available
Supertropin for instance has international from Asia, US domestic as well as EU domestic, not familiar with Opti but saw it came with good ratings.
Would apreciate if u guys could forward the contact if u have it, I don't doubt it s available in the thread but that's a long one.
Well if he answered it would have been easier, but I don't know the contact for International , it should be different than the US domestic. Are they shipping from Asia ? I d rather pay (reasonably) more and get the goods shipped from within the EU if that s available
Supertropin for instance has international from Asia, US domestic as well as EU domestic, not familiar with Opti but saw it came with good ratings.
Would apreciate if u guys could forward the contact if u have it, I don't doubt it s available in the thread but that's a long one.

he answered me from this

You’re welcome bro, everyone loves to be spoon fed <3
so did you find inj carnitine working for real on you man?

TBH I can't tell besides the nasty pumps/veins it can give I'm not that low BF. For the price I'll keep running it but my answer would have to be a "no" for my personal experience to what I expected after reading John's write up. Maybe it just shines at lower bf.
How do you figure out if you need it and what’s it for? All I know is after time gh use and dampen your thyroid function right?

HGH usage will cause the conversion of T4 to T3 at a higher rate which eventually it won’t keep up so you can start to feel tired throughout the day. By supplementing with T4 it will help with lethargy and raise your T4 levels to normal range.
How do you figure out if you need it and what’s it for? All I know is after time gh use and dampen your thyroid function right?

You will need to get a bloodwork to see where your T4 levels are at. For instance my levels where half of the beginning of the normal range during my contest prep so I had to up it to 150mcg to get it back to normal ranges.
You will need to get a bloodwork to see where your T4 levels are at. For instance my levels where half of the beginning of the normal range during my contest prep so I had to up it to 150mcg to get it back to normal ranges.

Would I get the same results from running straight T3 with opti's? Have a shitload of pharma T3s I wanted to run on a cut just at a regular 25mcg replacement dose maaybe 1.5 tabls so ~37.5ish
Would I get the same results from running straight T3 with opti's? Have a shitload of pharma T3s I wanted to run on a cut just at a regular 25mcg replacement dose maaybe 1.5 tabls so ~37.5ish

T3 is different, it’s more aggressive, you will have more extreme fat loss with T3 and HGH. You have to be careful with T3 as you start to get leaner you can eat into muscle. Start at 25mcg and after a few weeks you could bump up to 37.5mcg. Probably won’t have to go above 50mcg.
Would I get the same results from running straight T3 with opti's? Have a shitload of pharma T3s I wanted to run on a cut just at a regular 25mcg replacement dose maaybe 1.5 tabls so ~37.5ish
Do NOT just take t3 or t4 with hgh. Depending on bloodwork and goals will be the deciding factor.
Everyone thinks hgh + t3 / aas + ai.
Everyone knows everything.
Research and read and then read some more.
Then get bloodwork and read some more.
Adding t3 or t4 without proper bloodwork and the ‘need’ for it will hinder your results and ultimately leave you wasting money on gh that was never used.
Do NOT just take t3 or t4 with hgh. Depending on bloodwork and goals will be the deciding factor.
Everyone thinks hgh + t3 / aas + ai.
Everyone knows everything.
Research and read and then read some more.
Then get bloodwork and read some more.
Adding t3 or t4 without proper bloodwork and the ‘need’ for it will hinder your results and ultimately leave you wasting money on gh that was never used.

So everyone in the bodybuilding industry is wrong but you are right?? GH and T3 are staples in contest prep. Although the average Joe should stay away from using it just to get beach ready. Diet and cardio can get you beach ready without T3. T4 is very mild and a lot of people run it months on end. The thyroid is a very resilient and easily can bounce back after usage. Just my .02 for what it’s worth.

I do agree though get bloodwork after a few months on GH to see if you need to supplement with T4.
Took my standard 2iu shot last night subQ in my stomach and today I’ve got a small irritation and red spot. Little sore but nothing terrible. Is this normal? Last time I did his GH I didn’t get this. Using his 240 kit blue top