Do NOT just take t3 or t4 with hgh. Depending on bloodwork and goals will be the deciding factor.
Everyone thinks hgh + t3 / aas + ai.
Everyone knows everything.
Research and read and then read some more.
Then get bloodwork and read some more.
Adding t3 or t4 without proper bloodwork and the ‘need’ for it will hinder your results and ultimately leave you wasting money on gh that was never used.
I'm sorry I don't understand this comment taking T3 alongside GH and AAS seems perfectly fine and tons of ppl do it. My question was basically most ppl were posting about replacing their T4 and I asked if I could just supplment the T3 instead since t4 converts anyways.

I'm failing to see the issue stacking T3 with GH and test of I'm just cutting.
Are those the same as the last batch that was tested at 99%? @opti
I believe @Logan44551 has already responded to your question, his answer is correct, yes they are the same batch.

Just received test back

This was running at 6iu split. Grey tops

If u can’t see it ...... the number is 597

View attachment 136127
MM, excellent numbers as always. Thank you for sharing.

Is the local sale still happening with the 240s?
Yes, the sale for the Blue Tops is still active.

I told Opti I would try out a kit since he's out of the grey tops, no response and it's been a week. Guessing he's out or just hasn't been able to check his email
This is quite strange, I reply to all emails quite promptly. Has this been resolved?

@opti what is your policy for people sending kits in for testing? Reimbursement?
@Logan44551, I usually don't offer any type of reimbursement due to the fact I test every batch before I put it on the market, though I see you are an active member both on Meso and my thread.

I am willing to work something out with you in one condition if you do not mind? Whatever the results are, you make them public. Please email me at your convenience.
Meso members, I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well.

The members that follow me might recall I had mentioned that my upcoming batch of Grey Tops would have an added bonus. They do and are available to ship ASAP.

My latest batch was produced at 12iu. The HPLC results came back at 13.08iu. Below is the report for you to view at your convenience

I am running a sale for the time being. You are getting an additional 20% pre-HPLC/30% post-HPLC results for the same price as my previous 100iu batch. Along with the additional IUs the kits now have a hologram tamper evident label that has the manufactured date on it. This date can be referenced back to the HPLC report.

Both my Optitropin and Opti 240 continue to be on sale.(Pending further assessment) Below are a few pictures of my latest Optitropins along with the HPLC reports for both batches currently shipping.

Optiropin's 120iu kits:
1 kit - $140 1.07/iu
2 - 5 kits - $130/ea 1.00/iu
6 - 9 kits - $125/ea 0.96/iu
10+ kits - $120/ea 0.92/iu

Opti 240iu kits.

Optitropin 1.jpg
Optitropin 2.jpg
Optitropin 3.jpg
Optitropin 4.jpg

Test Report #08201.png

Test Report #07469.png
So does that mean this batch has less dimmers? Sorry I’m still new to GH.
So does that mean this batch has less dimmers? Sorry I’m still new to GH.

Lower % dimmer = better if you're asking yes I think the other 240 batch was a bit higher but I'm too lazy to check.

As I always repeat if you can afford it 100% buy @opti 's 100iu ones unless you are poor why would you not pick 0% dimmer / 99.3% purity when dealing with generic GH?

That's not even me shitting on his 240s but be aware *some* people had some minor sides which I could attribute to the dimmer content. Finishing up my old 120 red tops from Opti and will be going with the 100iu kits all day over the 240s.
@Logan44551, I usually don't offer any type of reimbursement due to the fact I test every batch before I put it on the market, though I see you are an active member both on Meso and my thread.

I am willing to work something out with you in one condition if you do not mind? Whatever the results are, you make them public. Please email me at your convenience.
Cool, you have been here long enough to realize that testing from members means more than a sources tests. No disrespect, I'll be in touch
@Logan44551, I usually don't offer any type of reimbursement due to the fact I test every batch before I put it on the market, though I see you are an active member both on Meso and my thread.

I am willing to work something out with you in one condition if you do not mind? Whatever the results are, you make them public. Please email me at your convenience.
Cool, you have been here long enough to realize that testing from members means more than a sources tests. No disrespect, I'll be in touch[/QUOTE]

Way I see it Logan is if you buying 10+ kits like I think you did it's worth it to send a vial off for testing even if you don't get reimbursement. Like you said piece of mind that you are getting exactly what the source posted on their analytical testing. Even though Opti is a proven great source doesn't hurt if your gonna be running something for half a year to have your own test done.
I had no idea. Just ordered the 100’s lol
Lower % dimmer = better if you're asking yes I think the other 240 batch was a bit higher but I'm too lazy to check.

As I always repeat if you can afford it 100% buy @opti 's 100iu ones unless you are poor why would you not pick 0% dimmer / 99.3% purity when dealing with generic GH?

That's not even me shitting on his 240s but be aware *some* people had some minor sides which I could attribute to the dimmer content. Finishing up my old 120 red tops from Opti and will be going with the 100iu kits all day over the 240s.
I’ve read taking T4 gives you energy but I honestly feel no difference when I take it. I do notice that the fat melts off and my waist line gets smaller rather quick while incorporating T4.

Yes the test was without taking T4. I agree that the numbers look pretty good. I see some guys saying they take a lot of T4 but I wonder if they have pulled labs to see if they should be or not. In my case I only take 75mcg and could probably get away with less.

FYI, that test was taken using 4iu in a single dose at night. A few weeks later I tested while splitting my dose (am/pm). Split dosing made my igf-1 jump up 80 points. Anyway just wanted it known that the test above was while taking 4iu
Why would you even go on T4 with those numbers? This would be like someone with 2000 ng/dL natural testosterone levels going on 100 mg of Trt per week.

the reason your T4 was low is because it is all converting to T3, which is exactly what you want. And your TSH is hardly even working to make it all happen.
I'm sorry I don't understand this comment taking T3 alongside GH and AAS seems perfectly fine and tons of ppl do it. My question was basically most ppl were posting about replacing their T4 and I asked if I could just supplment the T3 instead since t4 converts anyways.

I'm failing to see the issue stacking T3 with GH and test of I'm just cutting.
I wasn’t trying to come off rude. And with this reply I am not again so bare with me.
I will agree that a lot of people replace their t3/t4 while being on gh. It’s become a ‘staple protocol’. I used the reference how everyone says run an AI beside you aas as well. Which can hinder you gains. You in reality want to have you estrogen as high as you can (without causing Gino or other issues) with elevated testosterone levels to reap full benefits.
The problem here is there isn’t a cookie cutter protocol.
I was looking back and your discussion with @killionb12 where I chimed in.
He is spot one with the aggressiveness of t3 and the priority it will have to want to eat muscle.
He also stated he had bloodwork done which showed his level at half of what it should be which was the reason he upped his t4 to combat the lethargy. But only because his bloodwork reflected it.
The reason for my initial reply was yes, many people just take t3 or t4 with hgh because someone on a forum said to or because a gym bro did. The truth is until you have bloodwork and can see what your levels are, you shouldn’t administer any exogenous t3/t4.
I just don’t want anyone to think they ‘have’ to take anything because they are taking another thing.
Get some bloodwork, see where your serum, igf, and t3/t4 levels are at. Then go from there.
Safest and best way to get your moneys worth from your cycle hands down.
Just my $0.02.
I wasn’t trying to come off rude. And with this reply I am not again so bare with me.
I will agree that a lot of people replace their t3/t4 while being on gh. It’s become a ‘staple protocol’. I used the reference how everyone says run an AI beside you aas as well. Which can hinder you gains. You in reality want to have you estrogen as high as you can (without causing Gino or other issues) with elevated testosterone levels to reap full benefits.
The problem here is there isn’t a cookie cutter protocol.
I was looking back and your discussion with @killionb12 where I chimed in.
He is spot one with the aggressiveness of t3 and the priority it will have to want to eat muscle.
He also stated he had bloodwork done which showed his level at half of what it should be which was the reason he upped his t4 to combat the lethargy. But only because his bloodwork reflected it.
The reason for my initial reply was yes, many people just take t3 or t4 with hgh because someone on a forum said to or because a gym bro did. The truth is until you have bloodwork and can see what your levels are, you shouldn’t administer any exogenous t3/t4.
I just don’t want anyone to think they ‘have’ to take anything because they are taking another thing.
Get some bloodwork, see where your serum, igf, and t3/t4 levels are at. Then go from there.
Safest and best way to get your moneys worth from your cycle hands down.
Just my $0.02.

Oh yeah I just meant I was gonna use T3 for cutting either way, not a fan of clen I think it's dirty as hell so either way the t3 was gonna get tossed on at some point it wasn't a "because of the GH" in my scenario.
Meso members, I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well.

The members that follow me might recall I had mentioned that my upcoming batch of Grey Tops would have an added bonus. They do and are available to ship ASAP.

My latest batch was produced at 12iu. The HPLC results came back at 13.08iu. Below is the report for you to view at your convenience

I am running a sale for the time being. You are getting an additional 20% pre-HPLC/30% post-HPLC results for the same price as my previous 100iu batch. Along with the additional IUs the kits now have a hologram tamper evident label that has the manufactured date on it. This date can be referenced back to the HPLC report.

Both my Optitropin and Opti 240 continue to be on sale.(Pending further assessment) Below are a few pictures of my latest Optitropins along with the HPLC reports for both batches currently shipping.

Optiropin's 120iu kits:
1 kit - $140 1.07/iu
2 - 5 kits - $130/ea 1.00/iu
6 - 9 kits - $125/ea 0.96/iu
10+ kits - $120/ea 0.92/iu

Opti 240iu kits.

View attachment 136322
View attachment 136323
View attachment 136324
View attachment 136325

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View attachment 136321

Purity of 99.364% with no dimer!?


i think it may be time to pop my GH cherry.
So with this 100iu kit the first bottle every time I draw out of it the vacuum pulls it back in so I have to keep pressure on the plunger and pull the needle out of the vial. When doing so the inside of the bottle bubbles up violently and I know GH is delicate. Am I doing some wrong? I’m not injecting air into the vial before I draw
So with this 100iu kit the first bottle every time I draw out of it the vacuum pulls it back in so I have to keep pressure on the plunger and pull the needle out of the vial. When doing so the inside of the bottle bubbles up violently and I know GH is delicate. Am I doing some wrong? I’m not injecting air into the vial before I draw
I always inject air into the vial when I reconstitute
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