No. But Im on my cruise of 600mg a week of test cyp and 600mg a week of mast e been on that for 6 weeks now.
Damn!!! 1.2 gram cruise??

This is why people say stay off the forums for gear advice, there’s so much garbage. You have every level on here, 1.2g cruise, 150 is a cruise, 400 is a cruise, never cruise, come off completely, there’s so much info. And how many of these 1.2g cruisers are actually huge? Haven’t seen many of any. If based out posts some pics and is jacked and lean then I’ll gladly eat my words. It’s an open board and blah blah yeah, but this bullshit is what fucked me up when I was learning about gear.
This is why people say stay off the forums for gear advice, there’s so much garbage. You have every level on here, 1.2g cruise, 150 is a cruise, 400 is a cruise, never cruise, come off completely, there’s so much info. And how many of these 1.2g cruisers are actually huge? Haven’t seen many of any. If based out posts some pics and is jacked and lean then I’ll gladly eat my words. It’s an open board and blah blah yeah, but this bullshit is what fucked me up when I was learning about gear.

You really gotta read between the lines. most of what your read on these forums is bullshit Brosicience. Just gotta have some common sense these days and make your own assessment.
You really gotta read between the lines. most of what your read on these forums is bullshit Brosicience. Just gotta have some common sense these days and make your own assessment.
I agree completely, but a lot of young guys who are reading all the different things just Yo-Yo and don’t progress much because of it and at the same cost of health, mental and physical. I agree it’s up to the reader, and I’m not specifically calling you out @Basedout im just posting this because I wish I’d have read more things like this lurking the boards when I was 18 and fresh
You really gotta read between the lines. most of what your read on these forums is bullshit Brosicience. Just gotta have some common sense these days and make your own assessment.

Bingo... Here’s a guy who says because he’s been doing this 20 years he doesn’t need labs to tell him where he’s at but yet doesn’t know what a cruise is.

To come in here and say he’s experiencing E2 sides from hgh but yet is on a full blown cycle and doesn’t even seem to know it. Lol
The only way to tell if your E2 is high and warrants an AI is by blood work. You can't go by how you feel in any of this regardless if you have 6moths experience or 20 years and at 20 years you should know this by now. Basic stuff were taking about here guys.
Man I haven’t busted over 280mg a week on test in 5 or so years..... that growth and provi is all I need hell im 5’4” at 233 as of yesterday.

I have only met a handful of people that take over a gram and that actually look like they take over a gram.

But I met countless mutha fuccas that take over a gram and look like they well are lying clearly.
Man I haven’t busted over 280mg a week on test in 5 or so years..... that growth and provi is all I need hell im 5’4” at 233 as of yesterday.

I have only met a handful of people that take over a gram and that actually look like they take over a gram.

But I met countless mutha fuccas that take over a gram and look like they well are lying clearly.
Tell the class what Mighty Mouse eats in a day? lol
Tell the class what Mighty Mouse eats in a day? lol

Shit I just swapped it up but now 2.2lb 93/7 hamburger patties 10oz flank steak through the day

But some rice and vegies but soon as I get home I can copy and paste the diet. O and a whole pizza once a week.


Tequila have to have tequila
My comp weight is 210-212. I’m hoping by May to be as close to 230 as possible and compete in classic. Being over 6’2 has its disadvantages with the look of shorter muscle bellies and longer tendons (genetics :().
If I don’t get close enough to my goal this year then I’ll do physique and be one of the few who trains legs and doesn’t get to show them off.

edit: 8ius with test e, eq, deca (lower dose), tren e (lower dose), anadrol

I’m over 6’2 and compete in classic as well. You can be up to 237lbs in that range. At 210-212lbs you have a lot of room to grow. I competed this past June at 233lbs stage weight and still felt too skinny even though I won my class and overall. I will most likely come into nationals at 240ish and hopefully just manipulate water to get under 237 and then carb back up. That’s the goal anyway.
Man I haven’t busted over 280mg a week on test in 5 or so years..... that growth and provi is all I need hell im 5’4” at 233 as of yesterday.

I have only met a handful of people that take over a gram and that actually look like they take over a gram.

But I met countless mutha fuccas that take over a gram and look like they well are lying clearly.

You are a freak of nature, MM.

Can't wait to see you get competitive one day.
You are a freak of nature, MM.

Can't wait to see you get competitive one day.

Best shape I was in when monte was coaching me. He had me right but I fell off when I had to go to Michigan for work. I was down to around 8% at 198.

I should have stayed with it. Maybe going to saudi will help me stay on diet and keep me from drinking too
Best shape I was in when monte was coaching me. He had me right but I fell off when I had to go to Michigan for work. I was down to around 8% at 198.

I should have stayed with it. Maybe going to saudi will help me stay on diet and keep me from drinking too
. I remember your post hgh pics - looked great. Didn't know about you going to the Middle East . . . no more anabolic distilled . . .
I’m over 6’2 and compete in classic as well. You can be up to 237lbs in that range. At 210-212lbs you have a lot of room to grow. I competed this past June at 233lbs stage weight and still felt too skinny even though I won my class and overall. I will most likely come into nationals at 240ish and hopefully just manipulate water to get under 237 and then carb back up. That’s the goal anyway.

What do you weigh in that avatar?

I just hit 212 this morning (6 foot), so I will be easily under the cap. I look very lean from the front, but my wife tells me my back still has a ways to go (I need to get her to take pics). Of course, she has been watching AJ Sims transformations on instagram, and I have doubts about getting into that kind of condition without actually hiring AJ Sims.
What do you weigh in that avatar?

I just hit 212 this morning (6 foot), so I will be easily under the cap. I look very lean from the front, but my wife tells me my back still has a ways to go (I need to get her to take pics). Of course, she has been watching AJ Sims transformations on instagram, and I have doubts about getting into that kind of condition without actually hiring AJ Sims.
Gonna pay big money with AJ .. and check ins are every morning..
you get what you pay for.. he will have you looking right in the end
Gonna pay big money with AJ .. and check ins are every morning..
you get what you pay for.. he will have you looking right in the end

Oh, no doubt, and I may do that one day, but I thought for my first contest (and not in the open class, but novice classes and old barnacle person classes) I would try doing it on my own. Then, after an appropriate post-contest break, maybe he will take me on and guide me to whatever the next level is.