Bought Optiropin's 120iu kits x1 for 140$ very good deal hopefully it will change my physique when i start my tren cycle in December. injecting 4 ius every time i wake up do u guys split the dosage? I only inject once a day.
Bought Optiropin's 120iu kits x1 for 140$ very good deal hopefully it will change my physique when i start my tren cycle in December. injecting 4 ius every time i wake up do u guys split the dosage? I only inject once a day.

I wouldn’t expect a lot from one kit. It simply just doesn’t work that quickly. After a few months of use you’ll walk by a mirror with your shit off and think “Gawd Damn”.

As far as your question; splitting is the best course. MightyMouse and myself have labs posted where we did labs while single dosing and again later while splitting the same dose. Splitting my dose raised my igf-1 by 80 points from where it was at from single dosing 4iu.
I wouldn’t expect a lot from one kit. It simply just doesn’t work that quickly. After a few months of use you’ll walk by a mirror with your shit off and think “Gawd Damn”.

As far as your question; splitting is the best course. MightyMouse and myself have labs posted where we did labs while single dosing and again later while splitting the same dose. Splitting my dose raised my igf-1 by 80 points from where it was at from single dosing 4iu.

I mean the whole longer is better is always true with GH because it's kind of a slow burn. Not like smashing some Tren Ace overnight but for Lypolisis I would assume and I'm pretty confident it starts working immediately. The maximum effective dose even for a 200lb man for fat loss was only 2iu or less pretty much. There's an article in the HGH section breaking it down with references to papers etc.

tldr; No GH doesn't take 4 months to magically work but the longer you use it like anything the better results.

I feel like that point was parroted more back in 2013ish so ppl would just keep running junk GH for longer waiting for that magical change.

if it's 4iu I would split it for two pulses like BWare said, morning and night and you will get much better #'s. Maybe at 3iu is where I'd just stick to 1 dose fasted in the morning pre-cardio. I would use it more at night if it really did knock me out like some ppl.
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I mean the whole longer is better is always true with GH because it's kind of a slow burn. Not like smashing some Tren Ace overnight but for Lypolisis I would assume and I'm pretty confident it starts working immediately. The maximum effective dose even for a 200lb man for fat loss was only 2iu or less pretty much. There's an article in the HGH section breaking it down with references to papers etc.

tldr; No GH doesn't take 4 months to magically work but the longer you use it like anything the better results.

I feel like that point was parroted more back in 2013ish so ppl would just keep running junk GH for longer waiting for that magical change.

Nothing I stared above is from an article on the internet like your info is. It’s from my actual experience and lab work. It actually takes close to two weeks before your igf-1 levels stabilize and peak to compensate to the dose you’re taking. So, no it doesn’t work immediately. Again, the longer you use it the better. 1 month simply isn’t enough time on it.
I wouldn’t expect a lot from one kit. It simply just doesn’t work that quickly. After a few months of use you’ll walk by a mirror with your shit off and think “Gawd Damn”.

As far as your question; splitting is the best course. MightyMouse and myself have labs posted where we did labs while single dosing and again later while splitting the same dose. Splitting my dose raised my igf-1 by 80 points from where it was at from single dosing 4iu.

That's contradictory to what @lilhawk says about GH. Makes me wonder which is true, as i want to try it, but i'm not putting a few grand into something that takes months to show it's effects.
That's contradictory to what @lilhawk says about GH. Makes me wonder which is true, as i want to try it, but i'm not putting a few grand into something that takes months to show it's effects.

It is contradictory because it's pretty much been proven as bullshit. There's a reason people do GH in the morning pre cardio because it mobilizes fat. It should be rephrased as "GH will give better results if ran for a longer time" which kinda goes for anything PEDs related.

@lilhawk and any of the guys who have ran real quality GH or even generics they trust will probably attest to this. Again the whole 6 months+ shit just reminds me of the Kigtropin days. Get gullible idiots to run the trash longer because the feelz/results don't kick in for ATLEAST 4 MONTHZ.
That's contradictory to what @lilhawk says about GH. Makes me wonder which is true, as i want to try it, but i'm not putting a few grand into something that takes months to show it's effects.

Ehh, @muscletrain is correct in saying it doesn’t take 4-6 months. I run 3 month cycles and about midway into a cycle I start seeing results and by the end I’m pretty damn satisfied. At one month you’re just getting started imo. Sure you can get a little crazy with your diet and the gh will help from getting fat but to start seeing that full look it just takes a bit longer in my experience. Definitely doesn’t cost 1000s. I highly recommend giving 3 kits a go. By the end you’ll be very happy or you’ll wanna keep going ;)
Ehh, @muscletrain is correct in saying it doesn’t take 4-6 months. I run 3 month cycles and about midway into a cycle I start seeing results and by the end I’m pretty damn satisfied. At one month you’re just getting started imo. Sure you can get a little crazy with your diet and the gh will help from getting fat but to start seeing that full look it just takes a bit longer in my experience. Definitely doesn’t cost 1000s. I highly recommend giving 3 kits a go. By the end you’ll be very happy or you’ll wanna keep going ;)

Usually I notice its lipolytic effect in 1 fuckin week... not in one month.. that was bullshit to keep selling fake stuff... maybe youre unlucky and even with legit pharma you dont have quick results as others have
It is contradictory because it's pretty much been proven as bullshit. There's a reason people do GH in the morning pre cardio because it mobilizes fat. It should be rephrased as "GH will give better results if ran for a longer time" which kinda goes for anything PEDs related.

@lilhawk and any of the guys who have ran real quality GH or even generics they trust will probably attest to this. Again the whole 6 months+ shit just reminds me of the Kigtropin days. Get gullible idiots to run the trash longer because the feelz/results don't kick in for ATLEAST 4 MONTHZ.

Who proved it? An article you read on the Internet? A guy running pharma? Have you never ran gh? More time = better results. It’s that simple. You absolutely will not see results instantly as you stated. Your igf-1 builds up to your dose you’re taking. That takes roughly two weeks to level out.

As far as your comment on the 4 month feelz. I don’t feel a thing on gh. Nada.

Interested to see where/who proved it
I wouldn’t expect a lot from one kit. It simply just doesn’t work that quickly. After a few months of use you’ll walk by a mirror with your shit off and think “Gawd Damn”.

As far as your question; splitting is the best course. MightyMouse and myself have labs posted where we did labs while single dosing and again later while splitting the same dose. Splitting my dose raised my igf-1 by 80 points from where it was at from single dosing 4iu.
k ty i will split it from now on when i get up and before i sleep
Who proved it? An article you read on the Internet? A guy running pharma? Have you never ran gh? More time = better results. It’s that simple. You absolutely will not see results instantly as you stated. Your igf-1 builds up to your dose you’re taking. That takes roughly two weeks to level out.

As far as your comment on the 4 month feelz. I don’t feel a thing on gh. Nada.

Interested to see where/who proved it

Proved what? That you don't need to run GH for 4 months+ to see results or know that it's working? I think pharmacology itself proves it, like you said your IGF levels are elevated and pretty much where they are going to be dose dependent by ~week 2. Results are achieved via the elevation of IGF therefore it is 100% having an effect on you as soon as you inject GH. Kind of like guys saying they don't feel anything on a test cycle from the first couple shots, that doesn't mean that it has not already started to have an effect on you just because you're not full of glycogen with a mad pump with the 'Look' or feelz.

Here is the thread explaining the dosage for fat loss:

Dosing GH to Maximise Fat Loss

keep in mind I do not use GH for muscle building or at insane doses but the whole "gotta use it for X months to see anything or you are completely wasting ur money" argument is antiquated. Either that person has shit GH, fake GH, or is just parroting an old term they see on the forums.
Usually I notice its lipolytic effect in 1 fuckin week... not in one month.. that was bullshit to keep selling fake stuff... maybe youre unlucky and even with legit pharma you dont have quick results as others have

I mean, more power to y’all if one kits gets you where you want to be. I’m calling Placebo on your one week comment unless you have extremely low natural production. Guess you wouldn’t happen to have labs from being on one week? Hell, do you have any labs at all? Would be interesting to see labs of your natural production for sure with a claim of seeing results in one week.
I mean, more power to y’all if one kits gets you where you want to be. I’m calling Placebo on your one week comment unless you have extremely low natural production. Guess you wouldn’t happen to have labs from being on one week? Hell, do you have any labs at all? Would be interesting to see labs of your natural production for sure with a claim of seeing results in one week.

I mean 1 week for anything I'd call BS but I think we should definitely split the camps between a guy trying to pack on quality muscle with those 6iu+ doses vs someone using it for the lypolitic effect. I would agree building some quality muscle via the addition of high dose GH is a different/longer road than the benefits of fat loss.

It definitely is noticeable quite quickly on the fat loss front when I run it pre cardio in the morning with 500mg Inj. L-Carnitine. Also the additional pump.
I mean, more power to y’all if one kits gets you where you want to be. I’m calling Placebo on your one week comment unless you have extremely low natural production. Guess you wouldn’t happen to have labs from being on one week? Hell, do you have any labs at all? Would be interesting to see labs of your natural production for sure with a claim of seeing results in one week.

Placebo.. i started seeing veins and new parts of abs... i quitted it , i ate less then on cycle and putted fat into my lower abs and cannot see as always... maybe youre right and im just a schizophrenic motherfucker... dont care about what youre talkin about labs or not labs... you inject it, if its legit it acts instantly..
I mean 1 week for anything I'd call BS but I think we should definitely split the camps between a guy trying to pack on quality muscle with those 6iu+ doses vs someone using it for the lypolitic effect. I would agree building some quality muscle via the addition of high dose GH is a different/longer road than the benefits of fat loss.

It definitely is noticeable quite quickly on the fat loss front when I run it pre cardio in the morning with 500mg Inj. L-Carnitine. Also the additional pump.

Completely agree. I’ve never ran it lower than 3iu and mostly run it at 4-5iu. I’m more in it for a bit of the muscle building and that full look which definitely doesn’t happen over night. The fat loss is definitely a plus.

I run it pre cardio in the morning with 500mg Inj. L-Carnitine.

I also run it fasted pre-cardio. It’s a game changer. I’m going to have to eventually jump on the inj. L-carnitine since you guys keep taking about it.
Completely agree. I’ve never ran it lower than 3iu and mostly run it at 4-5iu. I’m more in it for a bit of the muscle building and that full look which definitely doesn’t happen over night. The fat loss is definitely a plus.

I also run it fasted pre-cardio. It’s a game changer. I’m going to have to eventually jump on the inj. L-carnitine since you guys keep taking about it.

that's the part that shocked me about GH and like you said it wasn't immediate but my pumps/thickness that stuck around were insane, no idea if its just better nitrogen/glyco retention but its a nice look even at 2-3iu of opti.

I'm not a brewer but 100% just order oyurself some Carnitine Base + Benzyl Alcohol + Water and a few syringe filters and make your own. That shit is overpriced to hell and most public stuff is 200mg/ml. I found a lab up here that had 500mg/ml but if you haven't tried it you will love the pump. Pre-cardio not really but if taken with a carb meal or slin (i dont touch slin) fucking spiderweb veins.
I wish I could split GH injection but I just can't do GH in the morning. I'll be a zombie the whole day plus I fucking need to eat in the morning after I wake up or I'll just faint lol

So I have always done it before bed after at least 3 hours from my last meal. Max I have done is 5IU and the fat burn effect was very good but I believe you can achieve the same with 3-4IU max and save money.

This time I'm running 3IU of TP black tops before bed. Let's see how it goes. Cycle is for 10 months. You surely do see change happening after 2 months. The thing with GH is that its very slow, nothing drastic like tren but after a bit you start noticing, my delts never have been so round and full before doing GH.
Plus you can really eat quite a bit more and you don't get fat as easy as before.

I call.bullshit on the eating whatever and as much as you want or all the exaggeration you read mostly around. It's a great substance, probably the one I like most but it's no magic pills and the side effect can be brutal.
Buy a reputable generic, like opti, something that has consistent good feedback and testing, run 25-30 iu a week, around 3 to 4 iu per day, nothing crazy, and run it with gear you have taken before/ are familiar with to control for as many variables as you can. If after 3 months or so (I would say give it 10 weeks at least) you are not impressed, hgh is not for you, no need to waste money going much higher in dosage or running much longer imo. Some people makes big diff and others not so much. This is investment of two kits of optis 240 iu, so not super cheap, but certainly not 1000+. I believe a good time to test it on yourself is cruise/trt time, using test only, lower dose, familiar with the feel and effects of trt, throw 3-4 iu on top of that and see what happens. Some may say this is a waste as there is synergy with hgh and aas and saving it for blast makes most sense and that is also a good idea.
Buy a reputable generic, like opti, something that has consistent good feedback and testing, run 25-30 iu a week, around 3 to 4 iu per day, nothing crazy, and run it with gear you have taken before/ are familiar with to control for as many variables as you can. If after 3 months or so (I would say give it 10 weeks at least) you are not impressed, hgh is not for you, no need to waste money going much higher in dosage or running much longer imo. Some people makes big diff and others not so much. This is investment of two kits of optis 240 iu, so not super cheap, but certainly not 1000+. I believe a good time to test it on yourself is cruise/trt time, using test only, lower dose, familiar with the feel and effects of trt, throw 3-4 iu on top of that and see what happens. Some may say this is a waste as there is synergy with hgh and aas and saving it for blast makes most sense and that is also a good idea.

If you're gonna buy generics why would you go with the 240iu that have like 96% purity and dimmer content whereas his 100iu are produced in an actual GMP facility and test at 98-99% and 0% dimmer? The what 40 or 50 bucks you save is not worth it at all IMO for the 240iu kits.

His most recent kits even have holo seals with batch numbers afaik so they're getting even better for tracking. TP's have the batch etched on each vial I think too?

Can't go wrong with TP or Opti. I can only comment on Opti's I ran his second batch (red tops, 120iu kits).
That's contradictory to what @lilhawk says about GH. Makes me wonder which is true, as i want to try it, but i'm not putting a few grand into something that takes months to show it's effects.
I'm in the same boat. I've got some tendons and shoulder capsule issues that I want to see if GH will help speed the healing on...and to trim the fat a bit, but I am having trouble pulling the trigger because of the many conflicting anecdotes about how quick I may see healing or visible results.
On the upside, seems like a lot of the OG members seems to enjoy Opti so at least most agree there are legitimate results with his shit. How fast and how much $ before I can see noticeable healing though?