Are you using Opti HGH and Tirz together? If so, how's it working for you?

I'm considering buying both. Not as many reviews here as I'd think there'd be though.
Whole thread of how Opti HGH is, I have no idea if he makes the tirz or not but all tirz is the same to me with the two I tried.
Ive only ever used gray tops but yes hgh and tirz together

Im down 41lbs on it, no cardio all diet, I eat protein shake and chicken.
So you just not get much ISR or inflammation at this point? I don’t know if I’ve seen much of a difference for Testosterone esters heated up but I guess depending on the amount, for a large amount I think it could help, micro dosing not so much. I’ve read a lot of people do it warm water, coffee mug warmers, etc and I figured I’d give it a try since it’s not an out there idea.
Well I’ve done injections of all sorts of volume up to 3cc, every Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Ur day with that volume my injection sites were alittle tender and my glutes knotted up a bit, I got sick of it switched to slin pins and never looked back, the benefits out weigh the drawbacks in my opinion, more stable bloods, less scar tissue, less inflammation.
Only places using low volume I might notice bad inflammation or pip would be my quads and I will never do those again.
As for heating I’ve tried coffe warmers, boiled water, whatever works works.
Whole thread of how Opti HGH is, I have no idea if he makes the tirz or not but all tirz is the same to me with the two I tried.
Ive only ever used gray tops but yes hgh and tirz together

Im down 41lbs on it, no cardio all diet, I eat protein shake and chicken.
Well, I ordered the optitropin. Just two vials. That's enough to see if the results are good in 30 days. Held off on the Tirz as it's not much less than the medspa I get it from now. If the products I ordered are good, I'll load up on their tirz too.
Well, I ordered the optitropin. Just two vials. That's enough to see if the results are good in 30 days. Held off on the Tirz as it's not much less than the medspa I get it from now. If the products I ordered are good, I'll load up on their tirz too.
Two vials? I thought they were only sold by the kit? Is this something new Opti offers?
Your in for a bad time if your gonna start instantly at 6iu lol
unless your already doing that amount of iu's,,, so then its just "fine tuning" as far as "new product " (every hgh is a little different) ,,, i'm getting ready to switch hgh brands (from my current hgh supplier, NOT THIS 1) so imagine there will be some sort of "adjustment "? idk really,,, i been using my hgh currently for over a year with great results , jano tested good etc, so for some "reason" im trying something new and switching hgh brands so we'll see how it goes , i'm waiting on a @janoshik test W/ dimer etc , for new brand im switching to and to also let other people see the results if they happen to have same " cap color" lmao,,,,,, anyway tl;dr blahhhhh
unless your already doing that amount of iu's,,, so then its just "fine tuning" as far as "new product " (every hgh is a little different) ,,, i'm getting ready to switch hgh brands (from my current hgh supplier, NOT THIS 1) so imagine there will be some sort of "adjustment "? idk really,,, i been using my hgh currently for over a year with great results , jano tested good etc, so for some "reason" im trying something new and switching hgh brands so we'll see how it goes , i'm waiting on a @janoshik test W/ dimer etc , for new brand im switching to and to also let other people see the results if they happen to have same " cap color" lmao,,,,,, anyway tl;dr blahhhhh
Ya if you switch brands, hgh is hgh so youd generally just keep the same dose since youve worked up to it.
His post is worded like hes just starting from square one though
unless your already doing that amount of iu's,,, so then its just "fine tuning" as far as "new product " (every hgh is a little different) ,,, i'm getting ready to switch hgh brands (from my current hgh supplier, NOT THIS 1) so imagine there will be some sort of "adjustment "? idk really,,, i been using my hgh currently for over a year with great results , jano tested good etc, so for some "reason" im trying something new and switching hgh brands so we'll see how it goes , i'm waiting on a @janoshik test W/ dimer etc , for new brand im switching to and to also let other people see the results if they happen to have same " cap color" lmao,,,,,, anyway tl;dr blahhhhh

I'm switching to a new source too and both have Jano tests. At the same dose I guess I'm just looking to see same level of maintenance. That would be a positive thing, I think (?). Muscle fullness and mild CTS. I'll finally get IGF-1 tested but that's about as good as a feelz report.
I'm switching to a new source too and both have Jano tests. At the same dose I guess I'm just looking to see same level of maintenance. That would be a positive thing, I think (?). Muscle fullness and mild CTS. I'll finally get IGF-1 tested but that's about as good as a feelz report.
i'm curious what my igf1 will be on a 5 iu dose ? im still finishing up a kit of last hgh , before switching to new(hoping to have jano report by then) either way i'll be switching brands with positive energy going into it lol