Ozempic (semaglutide) wtf?


Well-known Member
So I have finally decided to use it this strange pen, I injected 36 clicks which is 0.5mg (right?) and after couple hours I already feel like I hate eating?

Is it normal? Is it placebo x10 effect? I had this steak on my mind now I don't even want it?

What is food? Do we need to eat? Can I not eat and not die? Am I invincible?

But really though when is it supposed to work and do the effects wear off over time?

Do I need to inject it more frequently
than once a week?
I want to dose 0.25 to 1mg per week and I’ve got 1 x bottle of 10mg.

How much bac water do you add to make it simple and how many iu would you use for 0.25 (I can x that by 4 to get my 1mg dose)

Thanks. I don’t want to fuck this up.
I want to dose 0.25 to 1mg per week and I’ve got 1 x bottle of 10mg.

How much bac water do you add to make it simple and how many iu would you use for 0.25 (I can x that by 4 to get my 1mg dose)

Thanks. I don’t want to fuck this up.
I put 2cc bac water into Most things.

So 1 full cc/100 units will be 5000mcg (5mg)
0.1cc/10units will be 500mcg 0.5mg
0.05cc/5units will be 250mcg/0.25mg
I just reconstituted 10mg with 2ml of BAC

6IU should give me .25mg which is my start dose.

It’s crazy it’s only 1 inject per week with such a tiny amount.

How long for it to start taking an affect on hunger levels,
I just reconstituted 10mg with 2ml of BAC
Not a good idea to use 10mg vial for the first time. You are going to use it for a couple of month. After one month though it will loose its potency due to degradation
Yeah it's going to take you just over 3 months to get through it if you follow the dosing guidelines.
The Ozempic manufacturers recommend using their pens for maximum 56 days once they're opened.
It might be good enough or it might not be. Too late now anyways.
These situations always present good opportunities for the feels reports. Let us know if you notice any drop in potency towards the end of the vial so we can better inform new users when they're starting out.
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Yeah it's going to take you just over 3 months to get through it if you follow the dosing guidelines.
The Ozempic manufacturers recommend using their pens for maximum 56 days once they're opened.
It might be good enough or it might not be. Too late now anyways.
These situations always present good opportunities for the feels reports. Let us know if you notice any drop in potency towards the end of the vial so we can better inform new users when they're starting out.
Well you can’t know for sure if it’s the potency or that the drug is getting less effective. The only way is to test it.
Well you can’t know for sure if it’s the potency or that the drug is getting less effective. The only way is to test it.
The drug won't be getting less effective by the end of that vial. You won't even hit the maximum dose until you're almost finished it. But yeah agreed the only true way to know is to get it tested, if he's willing to do that I don't know.
Well you can’t know for sure if it’s the potency or that the drug is getting less effective. The only way is to test it.

In this case, since the drug is already on board, the "test" would be if appetite declines or not. If I understand correctly, he's looking for an answer asap. Not long-term degradation testing via Jano.

*but we should all be doing long-term planning in this space
I stuck with 0.25 and was going to up it today and do another 0.25. But I woke up with nausea. Which I never ever do. So it’s def working off the bat.

Not much I can do re the vial. 3 pens cost £450 and 1 vial is £95. Same amount of shots. Less faff.

When can I expect my appetite to drop? Some say 1:2 weeks, ozempic guides say 6:12 weeke.
I stuck with 0.25 and was going to up it today and do another 0.25. But I woke up with nausea. Which I never ever do. So it’s def working off the bat.

Not much I can do re the vial. 3 pens cost £450 and 1 vial is £95. Same amount of shots. Less faff.

When can I expect my appetite to drop? Some say 1:2 weeks, ozempic guides say 6:12 weeke.
For me, the appetite suppression was noticeable on the first day. But it's not what you would expect. Food noise will be lower and you will get hungry but when you eat you get fuller way faster and the the satiety stays longer.
For me, the appetite suppression was noticeable on the first day. But it's not what you would expect. Food noise will be lower and you will get hungry but when you eat you get fuller way faster and the the satiety stays longer.

I feel super nauseous and unsure if that’s sicky or not hungry. Gonna try eat now.

Organic eggs, Grass Fed Butter
Sourdough, Raw honey
Half a sirloin steak
Kefir Mango, Berry and Kiwi shake.

I’m report back.

What’s food noise?
I feel super nauseous and unsure if that’s sicky or not hungry. Gonna try eat now.

Organic eggs, Grass Fed Butter
Sourdough, Raw honey
Half a sirloin steak
Kefir Mango, Berry and Kiwi shake.

I’m report back.

What’s food noise?
Food noise is something telling your brain go to eet while your are not really not hungry. I think it’s similar to binge eating
I'm in the 3rd week with 0.5mg and, don't feel it much, should I increase the dose?
I have read that it depends a lot on the person and some do not feel the suppression until 1mg.
I'm in the 3rd week with 0.5mg and, don't feel it much, should I increase the dose?
I have read that it depends a lot on the person and some do not feel the suppression until 1mg.
I'll give basically the same answer I gave you in the other thread because this thread is actually relevant to it and others should read it.
I didn't feel the effects until a couple weeks into 1mg.
It snuck in quickly though. One day I was like "oh shit I haven't even touched my water bottle today...and I forgot to eat lunch...?!?" and the next thing I knew I was so disinterested in food I had to set reminders so I could put away a whopping 2,500 calories. Staying hydrated became a problem because I was never thirsty. Ever.
I'm always glad to see people doing it properly like you are. Always titrate this stuff slowly.
If you're having side effects like nausea just stay at that dose and tough it out. It should go away. I usually had a day or 2 of pretty good nausea each time I upped the dose.
Básicamente daré la misma respuesta que te di en el otro hilo porque este hilo es realmente relevante y otros deberían leerlo.
No sentí los efectos hasta un par de semanas después de tomar 1 mg.
Aunque se coló rápidamente. Un día pensé: "Oh, mierda, ni siquiera he tocado mi botella de agua hoy... ¿¡¿y me olvidé de almorzar...?!?" y lo siguiente que supe fue que estaba tan desinteresado en la comida que tuve que configurar recordatorios para poder consumir la friolera de 2500 calorías. Mantenerme hidratado se convirtió en un problema porque nunca tenía sed. Alguna vez.
Siempre me alegra ver gente haciéndolo correctamente como tú. Valore siempre esto lentamente.
Si tiene efectos secundarios como náuseas, simplemente mantenga esa dosis y aguante. Debería desaparecer. Por lo general, tenía uno o dos días de náuseas bastante fuertes cada vez que aumentaba la dosis.
thanks friend! Next week i try with 0.75
Wow this stuff works

6.1 205lbs
Started with 0.25g yesterday and felt nothing. If anything I had more cravings than usual.

Spoke to a bodybuilder friend who said just go to .5 off the bat. So I injected another .25 at 8am.

It’s 20.48 and I had my last meal at 12.30.

I had 4 eggs, sourdough, sirloin and raw honey + a kefir smoothie. Probably around 1200 good cals.

I really find it extremely hard to stick to 2600 cals (500 deficit) and tbh most days fail. Yes will power is shit, but i just love food. I eat clean, don’t smoke, don’t drink, gym 4-6 days a week and 2600 Cals isn’t a lot.

Anyway I’m still full from earlier. I managed to force a protein shake down but feel awful now.

I have had nausea all day and a full feeling that was unpleasant. Cardio today was horrid.

100% dropping to .25 next week and I’ve ordered some nausea tablets. I’ve ate half my cals today and that’s not good. Protein intake is down by 80 grams. Hopefully I can dial it in and be able to comfortably eat 2250 cals then down to 2000 for the last 3/4 weeks to get to 10%.

Test 140 / Tren 60 / Var 80 should help with muscle retention.

Anyway if you’re doing everything right but struggle with eating over, this is “potentially a good short term solution”. My partner competes and her will power is outrageous. She can go 3 months on prep and not have a SINGLE bad calorie. I just can’t do it. I guess this is a little hack for keeping cravings at bay.