Ozempic (semaglutide) wtf?


Well-known Member
So I have finally decided to use it this strange pen, I injected 36 clicks which is 0.5mg (right?) and after couple hours I already feel like I hate eating?

Is it normal? Is it placebo x10 effect? I had this steak on my mind now I don't even want it?

What is food? Do we need to eat? Can I not eat and not die? Am I invincible?

But really though when is it supposed to work and do the effects wear off over time?

Do I need to inject it more frequently
than once a week?
yup, here I am before bed and I have zero hunger pangs. This is usually the worst time for me. I crave everything right about now. It gets painful. I argue with myself in my head telling myself no. I don’t have to do that right now. I feel so much better not fighting with myself. This is unbelievable. Wow
Are you sure your estrogen isn’t out of wack? You’re acting like a school girl who just got called fat at school and went home to make herself throw up saying you feel fat.

Or a depressed house wife one or the other.

You’re usually a dick what happened to you man? Snap out of it.
What did you say!!?

I'm in the right mood to do this, so let's fucking go...

No, actually, I'm all good and back on the track, I got out of it. It was my good old "friend" bipolar trying to get back in to my life, but no, I punched it in the face and told it to fuck off...

I have beat it once, I can do it again, I'm just too strong for this bs, I'm not gonna give in that's for sure :)

In life it's all about the balance. Just have to control yourself in certain situations and everything is possible.

All is going good right now, I'm happy. How are you? :)
What did you say!!?

I'm in the right mood to do this, so let's fucking go...

No, actually, I'm all good and back on the track, I got out of it. It was my good old "friend" bipolar trying to get back in to my life, but no, I punched it in the face and told it to fuck off...

I have beat it once, I can do it again, I'm just too strong for this bs, I'm not gonna give in that's for sure :)

In life it's all about the balance. Just have to control yourself in certain situations and everything is possible.

All is going good right now, I'm happy. How are you? :)
Happy for you king.
I only know that the liraglutid pens from saxenda can be used within a month without keeping them cool.
Because the instructions said so? Pretty sure the instructions are the same for ozem. I can only tell you that weight loss continued outside of refrigeration. I think the creators will tell you best case scenario for freshness. But I can confirm that nothing bad will happen if you don't. I wouldn't put it on the window sill in the summer, but basement should be fine.
I have not refrigerated my semaglutide vials. Just kept in a drawer with test. No issues thus far. It probably does effect shelf life but it's not something you'll be keeping around a long time.
They say it does, but that's bullshit. Keep it in the basement, you will be fine.
I think either or is fine. Per manufacturer it must be used within 56 days. Fridge or not.

What I'm not sure about is if it will last longer in the fridge but the semaglutide will probably be empty by the time 2 months is up
I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed how effective it is. As you know, I've injected 0.5mg once and it was a week ago and it's still killing my appetite!

P.S. I'm not bitching, just saying ;)

It helped me to slim my fat ass down a bit too, now I'm down to 228 pounds (103.7kg)

Bf is probably 14% I think?

I still wanna go down a bit in bf to say 12% I guess.

I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed how effective it is. As you know, I've injected 0.5mg once and it was a week ago and it's still killing my appetite!

P.S. I'm not bitching, just saying ;)

It helped me to slim my fat ass down a bit too, now I'm down to 228 pounds (103.7kg)

Bf is probably 14% I think?

I still wanna go down a bit in bf to say 12% I guess.

View attachment 169719
you look about 13%