Ozempic (semaglutide) wtf?


Well-known Member
So I have finally decided to use it this strange pen, I injected 36 clicks which is 0.5mg (right?) and after couple hours I already feel like I hate eating?

Is it normal? Is it placebo x10 effect? I had this steak on my mind now I don't even want it?

What is food? Do we need to eat? Can I not eat and not die? Am I invincible?

But really though when is it supposed to work and do the effects wear off over time?

Do I need to inject it more frequently
than once a week?
Ty for advice!

0.25mg sounds like child's play, I have been debating whether to start at 0.5mg or 1mg. So I've decided to be safer and start at 0.5mg.

I also feel like I'm so full and my rate of processing food is slower? Stomach monster is sleeping, it was fast to act and after few hours big meal normally is gone and he's again asking for more...

My metabolism is pretty fast I think, I lose weight and fat very fast on 3000 calories. I normally eat 3600 and then over 4000 calories on more active days so I maintain this bf % which I estimate to be 14% maybe it's higher, but I have abs.

However, now, food looks boring and I don't want it. I do eat, because I need my calories and protein.

But I feel fat now, which is very strange, I feel like I'm super over my calories and same feel like back then when I used to "bulk up" on 6k calories...

But I'm not over my calories, in fact I'm in slight deficit without even trying now.
Increased fluid retention and your body adjusting to what you’ve put in it.

It’s never a good idea to start higher with HGH, it takes time to adjust to the increased levels, the stuff can actually make you sicker than shit if you use too much without adjusting gradually, I’ve been there and it ain’t pretty. Food is basically repulsive and you feel like you have the flu
Increased fluid retention and your body adjusting to what you’ve put in it.

It’s never a good idea to start higher with HGH, it takes time to adjust to the increased levels, the stuff can actually make you sicker than shit if you use too much without adjusting gradually, I’ve been there and it ain’t pretty. Food is basically repulsive and you feel like you have the flu
Hgh or semaglutide discussion?
I’m at .25 mg 4 days ago.

Shit works.

Also haven’t taken a decent shit in 3 days and I can’t drink enough water.

FOR sure works. I eat lunch and I am just satisfied for the rest of the day.
Not necessarily small. Just way too fit to be an average 5 foot 10 inch male. Your vascularity is very impressive. If I was gay, I would fuck you. I ordered equipoise a while ago. Haven't touched it yet. What is the closest thing you can compare equipoise too?
Ty for good words man! :)

I'd say closest was anavar for me.

Very good cosmetic effect, vein pop and pump. Some say primo is like equipoise but better, I never tried it as eq is my fav of all.
Ty for good words man! :)

I'd say closest was anavar for me.

Very good cosmetic effect, vein pop and pump. Some say primo is like equipoise but better, I never tried it as eq is my fav of all.
I do things in very low doses. And yeah, a very low dose of primo (1/2 ml) was a surprise for me. I saw color for the first time.
Ty, for clearing things up. After laying in bed for sometime it's much better now, I feel human again I think. Now where is that fucking ozempic, I'm ready to inject it all!!!

(Not really...) :rolleyes::)

@Type-IIx I appreciate your polite way of calling me an idiot and I agree sometimes I'm. What's important is to learn from mistakes, I think.
I don't think you're an idiot at all bro. I think you were acting a bit hypomanic perhaps. But nobody would feel well too quickly ramping up dose against the instructions for these GLP-1 agonists. I was just having a bit of fun, albeit at your expense. But you're not an idiot!
I don't think you're an idiot at all bro. I think you were acting a bit hypomanic perhaps. But nobody would feel well too quickly ramping up dose against the instructions for these GLP-1 agonists. I was just having a bit of fun, albeit at your expense. But you're not an idiot!
Yes, you're absolutely correct. I have some mental issues and sometimes my emotions are out of hand, but it's much, much better now and I really put in a lot of effort to battle it and I have successfully overcame it. Sometimes it's back but not like it was before.

A lot of bipolar people have manic/depressive phases. But I understand that you probably know it even better than me, as you seem so educated on a lot of things :)

I'm truly trying to be good, positive and helpful person but sometimes I just get this phase where I'm too aggressive and self centered and can't control anger.

Sorry, I got too much in to it... nobody needs to read this bs...

I'm just trying to be transparent and honest with people :)

You're a good guy and very helpful.
Okay, here we go. I just went to the German Pharmacy to buy my box of 3 pens Ozempic. I will start with 0.25mg.

230€ for a box of 3 pens is a great deal.

okay screw that, i started with 10 clicks (0.14mg) and will do another shot in 3 days. might be the better way.
Too fucking hard to follow simple instructions, eh? This is 40% > the initial dose.

0.25 / week * 4 week / month = 1 mg/1st month
0.14 * 10 days / month = 1.4 mg/1st month

Too fucking hard to follow simple instructions, eh? This is 40% > the initial dose.

0.25 / week * 4 week / month = 1 mg/1st month
0.14 * 10 days / month = 1.4 mg/1st month

Dude you should take your roid rage and go somewhere else. I will follow the advice of some members here and divide the once weekly shot of 0.25mg into 2 shots. its that simple. not sure what you are calculating there, i injected 0.14mg to begin with and the next will be 0.11mg (8 clicks on the pen).

anyway, thanks for your reply. Keep in mind I had my last shot of 1.5mg dulaglutid last thursday so it is still somehow active and I am not interested in testing how well they act together, so I start slowly and work my way up.
Dude you should take your roid rage and go somewhere else. I will follow the advice of some members here and divide the once weekly shot of 0.25mg into 2 shots. its that simple. not sure what you are calculating there, i injected 0.14mg to begin with and the next will be 0.11mg (8 clicks on the pen).

anyway, thanks for your reply. Keep in mind I had my last shot of 1.5mg dulaglutid last thursday so it is still somehow active.
I had an initial reply to this.

So I think the split dosing that you see some of us do was based off of semaglutide(generic). not the actual brand name. There is clearly something different about the brand name.

We have noticed generic definitely starts to fall off.

