Ozempic (semaglutide) wtf?


Well-known Member
So I have finally decided to use it this strange pen, I injected 36 clicks which is 0.5mg (right?) and after couple hours I already feel like I hate eating?

Is it normal? Is it placebo x10 effect? I had this steak on my mind now I don't even want it?

What is food? Do we need to eat? Can I not eat and not die? Am I invincible?

But really though when is it supposed to work and do the effects wear off over time?

Do I need to inject it more frequently
than once a week?
I am going to drop this here for people to use as a guide. I get alot of message on dosing of QSC Semaglutide.

I do not have experience with ozempic but I have experience with US Generic Semaglutide from a compounding pharmacy.

I am currently on 1.5mg of QSC. I started this on a recomp cycle to combat the hunger from NPP which was ridiculous. my hunger is still high. consuming 3k+ calories a day on semaglutide.

I am still eating a shitload but 3 other people who I started QSC semaglutide on(3 women) are all losing weight. 2 of them are down 10lbs within 2 months and appetite is completely suppressed. My wifes dose is 1mg a week.

Typical Ozempic dosing
0.25mg x 4 weeks
0.5mg x 4 weeks
1mg ongoing.

WEGOVY dosing
0.25mg x 4 weeks
0.5mg x 4 weeks
1mg x 4 weeks.
continue to as high as 2.4mg.

QSC dosing(I am doing this)
I treat each 5mg vial as 2.5mg. To me each vial feels like half the strength.
so assuming each vial is 2.5mg of what I have taken.

I say start at a higher dose than normal ozempic.
0.375mg x 4 weeks
0.5mg x 4 weeks
1mg x 4 weeks or ongoing
1.5mg x 4 weeks or ongoing(up to you)

Again, I am not bashing the source. It has been established this doesn't hit as hard as Ozempic. The price point is phenomenal and I just get a lot of messages on dosing

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Typical Ozempic dosing
0.25mg x 4 weeks
0.5mg x 4 weeks
1mg ongoing.

WEGOVY dosing
0.25mg x 4 weeks
0.5mg x 4 weeks
1mg x 4 weeks.
continue to as high as 2.4mg.

QSC dosing(I am doing this)
I treat each vial as 2.5mg instead of 5mg. To me each vial feels like half the strength.
so assuming each vial is 2.5mg
.35mg x 4 weeks
0.5mg x 4 weeks
1mg x 4 weeks or ongoing
1.5mg x 4 weeks or ongoing(up to you)

I do not have experience with ozempic but I have experience with US Generic Semaglutide from a compounding pharmacy.

I am currently on 1.5mg. I started this on a recomp to combat the hunger from NPP which was ridiculous.

Impressive. And semaglutide and DNP has to have you lean and mean!

I just ordered the 5mg Sema from Amino Asylum yesterday. Do you know if it’s dosed semi accurately by chance? Wondering if I should use it with your QSC dosing protocol.
QSC just released a lab test of their semaglutide and it came back as 4mg. I didnt try it myself yet, but its already on is way. Ozempic from German pharmacy is also on its way and probably getting here within the next 48 hours. Cant wait to compare them.
Impressive. And semaglutide and DNP has to have you lean and mean!

I just ordered the 5mg Sema from Amino Asylum yesterday. Do you know if it’s dosed semi accurately by chance? Wondering if I should use it with your QSC dosing protocol.
I wouldnt touch DNP. I would rather slam more HGH.

I would advise you to give yourself 0.25mg at the start(day 1). Wait 2 days(day 3), if you dont feel anything, give yourself another 0.25mg.
Thanks @Cridi887 for guiding me to this thread!

So for anyone interested, i got 30 tabs of Rybelsus 14mg from BG. I split the tabs in 2 so i can start with the 7mg dose. I'm currently on day 4 and i feel nothing.
I take them on an empty stomach with a sip of water and wait 45 minutes until i eat or drink again.

Not sure if i should be experiencing an effect already. Maybe the pills reallt shouldn't be split as the coating prevents the stomach from breaking it down? Or just go with the 14 mg dose...

Just waiting on my Tirzepatide
Thanks @Cridi887 for guiding me to this thread!

So for anyone interested, i got 30 tabs of Rybelsus 14mg from BG. I split the tabs in 2 so i can start with the 7mg dose. I'm currently on day 4 and i feel nothing.
I take them on an empty stomach with a sip of water and wait 45 minutes until i eat or drink again.

Not sure if i should be experiencing an effect already. Maybe the pills reallt shouldn't be split as the coating prevents the stomach from breaking it down? Or just go with the 14 mg dose...

Just waiting on my Tirzepatide
That sounds weird, from the reviews I read you should def feel something. It might be worth trying one 14mg pill just so you know if it's the coating or not that makes the difference.
I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed how effective it is. As you know, I've injected 0.5mg once and it was a week ago and it's still killing my appetite!

P.S. I'm not bitching, just saying ;)

It helped me to slim my fat ass down a bit too, now I'm down to 228 pounds (103.7kg)

Bf is probably 14% I think?

I still wanna go down a bit in bf to say 12% I guess.

View attachment 169719
228, how tall are you?
I still find it crazy that you put pics of yourself on this forum without covering your face. Also, give me some tips for vascularity. You look like an expert in the subject.
Impressive. And semaglutide and DNP has to have you lean and mean!

I just ordered the 5mg Sema from Amino Asylum yesterday. Do you know if it’s dosed semi accurately by chance? Wondering if I should use it with your QSC dosing protocol.
I think it's dosed accurately. I did 1 mg last week assuming that it may not have been as strong as the real thing. After the nausea and consistent bathroom trips my assumption was wrong. I brought it down to a little over 0.5 this week.
Thanks @Cridi887 for guiding me to this thread!

So for anyone interested, i got 30 tabs of Rybelsus 14mg from BG. I split the tabs in 2 so i can start with the 7mg dose. I'm currently on day 4 and i feel nothing.
I take them on an empty stomach with a sip of water and wait 45 minutes until i eat or drink again.

Not sure if i should be experiencing an effect already. Maybe the pills reallt shouldn't be split as the coating prevents the stomach from breaking it down? Or just go with the 14 mg dose...

Just waiting on my Tirzepatide
I definitely feel a huge decrease in appetite with rybelsus. I felt it starting day 3. That’s a bummer you don’t feel anything. So sorry! I’m taking 7mg as well. Perhaps try the full dose and see what happens. I’m curious to see if that works for you. If it doesn’t then definitely go for tirzepatide and report back!
I definitely feel a huge decrease in appetite with rybelsus. I felt it starting day 3. That’s a bummer you don’t feel anything. So sorry! I’m taking 7mg as well. Perhaps try the full dose and see what happens. I’m curious to see if that works for you. If it doesn’t then definitely go for tirzepatide and report back!
I'll finish this week on the 7mg and starting next week i'll bump it up to 14mg. I'll report back!
228, how tall are you?
I still find it crazy that you put pics of yourself on this forum without covering your face. Also, give me some tips for vascularity. You look like an expert in the subject.
I'm like almost 6'2 when converted to imperial units. (I save ppl time to not convert so I almost always just list imperial units).

This mirror is slimming me down, I have full lenght pic outside in my profile post, you can see I'm not shortie and there I'm 222 pounds when I was a bit less fat than now.

I assume you're asking because I look small here :D

Covering my face is not necessary, nobody is gonna bust my ass. 80% I know they know I use, so idgaf really lol... as long as I'm not selling shit nobody cares, I can go to local PD show them steroids and say I swallow/inject this! :D

They would look at me like I'm idiot with some problems and politely tell me to put it away and show me the door lol...

Rec. drugs are 1000 times bigger problem here anyway. That shit can get you in jail for a long ass time if you're not careful, but I don't do that shit so...

As far as vascularity goes, for me it's pretty much body fat %, equipoise, cialis, citrulline malate, years of swimming and underwater stuff, genetics and muscle maturity/mass. I have never been fat or very soft so my skin is pretty tight. I'm def no expert, there are dudes who know their shit waaaay better and I'm just small peasant :)
Thanks @Cridi887 for guiding me to this thread!

So for anyone interested, i got 30 tabs of Rybelsus 14mg from BG. I split the tabs in 2 so i can start with the 7mg dose. I'm currently on day 4 and i feel nothing.
I take them on an empty stomach with a sip of water and wait 45 minutes until i eat or drink again.

Not sure if i should be experiencing an effect already. Maybe the pills reallt shouldn't be split as the coating prevents the stomach from breaking it down? Or just go with the 14 mg dose...

Just waiting on my Tirzepatide
Tirzepatide isn’t out yet is it ? At least not from a reputable source ?
Finally someone with some sense, now days everyone seems to think DNP is harmless lol
I feel like learning about fat burners 10 years ago(When I was natural) was that

EC was the safest
Clen was a concern because of dead cardiac cells
and DNP is ideal if you want to shorten your life.
1st injection was 1mg?
No, I've done the real ozem before. For this round it was AA. I started with 0.5 mg. The small AA vial can only fit 2.5 ml. So, the initial week was 0.5 mg aka 0.25 ml.

Then it was a mix of not feeling it the first week, which I knew about. As well as just wanting to ensure that AA was legit, as well as how easy it is to pin BAC compared to oil. So I said fuck it. Took 1 mg aka 0.5 mg.

So, yes, hunger subsided, nausea ensued. I've been shitting like a central Park horse. Passed out at 730 pm last night to steer clear of the stomach discomfort.
I'm like almost 6'2 when converted to imperial units. (I save ppl time to not convert so I almost always just list imperial units).

This mirror is slimming me down, I have full lenght pic outside in my profile post, you can see I'm not shortie and there I'm 222 pounds when I was a bit less fat than now.

I assume you're asking because I look small here :D

Covering my face is not necessary, nobody is gonna bust my ass. 80% I know they know I use, so idgaf really lol... as long as I'm not selling shit nobody cares, I can go to local PD show them steroids and say I swallow/inject this! :D

They would look at me like I'm idiot with some problems and politely tell me to put it away and show me the door lol...

Rec. drugs are 1000 times bigger problem here anyway. That shit can get you in jail for a long ass time if you're not careful, but I don't do that shit so...

As far as vascularity goes, for me it's pretty much body fat %, equipoise, cialis, citrulline malate, years of swimming and underwater stuff, genetics and muscle maturity/mass. I have never been fat or very soft so my skin is pretty tight. I'm def no expert, there are dudes who know their shit waaaay better and I'm just small peasant :)
Not necessarily small. Just way too fit to be an average 5 foot 10 inch male. Your vascularity is very impressive. If I was gay, I would fuck you. I ordered equipoise a while ago. Haven't touched it yet. What is the closest thing you can compare equipoise too?
I havent had any side effects. No nausea or constipation/diarrhea. But it makes me wonder just how different the oral version is than the injectable. I want to finish this round and then try the injectable next month. Everyone I’ve talked to has had side effects aside from myself.
I feel like learning about fat burners 10 years ago(When I was natural) was that

EC was the safest
Clen was a concern because of dead cardiac cells
and DNP is ideal if you want to shorten your life.
Clen is a good time. And I went against my own rules and ordered DNP recently. My rules being that it shouldn't be a summer treat. I work in an air conditioned office all day (my reasoning). I was actually about to give a shot out to nutra on his thread. From order to receiving, only 1 week. I don't know if he or she or non-binary would appreciate the shot out. Maybe enjoying summer is more of his/her/their thing. But if interested in quick turn around, stock up now. I think DNP in low doses isn't bad. There is even some that say it has the ability to kill certain cancers at a low dose. And unfortunately kill you at the wrong dose.


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