Package seized

@a123 If You don't believe any of this then don't believe it. I'm not sure why people are so resistant to the possibility of arrest and criminal charges for acquiring illegal chemicals. I'm guessing it helps them feel better by convincing themselves that it's impossible they will get caught or in legal trouble? Yeah, odds are low if you're not a total idiot. But there is a chance. If you think it's impossible to get in trouble for doing something illegal, you're delusional. I'm not going to pretend to know the details of how that would work, but anything illegal you do there's a possibility of getting caught up in it.

I think the smart move is to conduct yourself in a very reasonable and rational way when buying UGL. Do things as stealth intelligent as possible and know that there is a chance of getting in trouble. It's not a high chance, but it's foolish to think there's no chance.
I think its needed to talk about, but its not a pleasant topic or something that increases sales:
It makes the seller feel worse and makes new sources more hesitant to start business.
Some people will just attack because of interest or straight up denial. They just don't want to acknowledge that even buying is some risk.

And makes the buyers buy less or stick to buying stuff from local sources without involving any postal trouble. (its usually worse quality and price is 2x+ but its a different topic)
I think its needed to talk about, but its not a pleasant topic or something that increases sales:
It makes the seller feel worse and makes new sources more hesitant to start business.
Some people will just attack because of interest or straight up denial. They just don't want to acknowledge that even buying is some risk.

And makes the buyers buy less or stick to buying stuff from local sources without involving any postal trouble. (its usually worse quality and price is 2x+ but its a different topic)

While an end user getting in trouble for buying steroids is theoretically possible, perhaps it's better to use evidence.

The evidence we have is that no one can point to anyone in the last 5 years+ having law enforcement show up at their door instead of a seizure letter for a small quantity of vials being discovered by customs (with a single oddball case where a high profile trainer shipped a box full to herself from Canada, using Fedex, who called the authorities after opening the leaking pack).

The only cases that have involved the mail were discovered by local authorities as a result of leaking vials (including the one above). Had the package been seized at the border the recipient would've been *safer*.

I could make the argument that since local authorities are the only ones who've pursued this tiny number of cases involving small quantities, and NOT Customs, it's riskier to order from domestic sources who could be under surveillance vs overseas sources where we know the worst outcome, at least for now, is a seizure letter.
Everyone is an expert on drug dealings in these forums lmao. Worse is people actually believe these random people giving legal advices, “yeah, its ok bro youll only get a letter you’re not Mellisa Bumstead or dude you’re going to jail 10 vials is equal to 100k dollars in street value”.

In reality, these guys won’t be around when shit happens, if it ever even happens. There’s that dude who just received his love letter from customs lately, he didn’t get charged or anything but now he is getting hassled coming back to the country, his luggage getting searched in the airport. Imagine the inconvenience lol, no legal issues but imagine getting delayed every time.

In the end of the day, it’s your choice, you’re an adult. Weigh your risk tolerance, save some money just in case of legal problems if you’re ordering lots of hgh, raws or 10+ vials of gear.

All the guys who have been caught aren’t in this boards anymore, there’s been few of them check them in Pro muscle or outlaw, there should be some record still lying around.

Anyway, in the end it doesn’t matter we are all addicts at this point, we’re not stopping even if they change gear to schedule I, for some of us it’s too late.
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While an end user getting in trouble for buying steroids is theoretically possible, perhaps it's better to use evidence.
We won't have hard evidence, we would need all the cases and see what % just got seized and what % actually got worse punishment. Its not possible to have that. So as you can just do your guess, all we can do is the same. so many psychological bias factors, even when you search for articles.

Its also very logical thing to say while in some countries they may pursue the users but they won't make it to the news. It's not an interesting case: ' in Berlin we found 10 vials of test in a postal package, then we went to do a house search, we found 3 more. After the process, the person got a 2k euro fine.

For example in the airports its daily that people try to smuggle 1-2 g of their shit on the airplane in a western country that not too harsh on them. Yet you won't see it in the news that the guy got caught with 2g of flower in their pants and got a 5k eur fine,but you will see news about the guy who tried smuggling 1kg of cocaine.
Same story. By not having these cases in online articles doesnt mean there are not many. You are not Bumstead to try to make an example out of you.