I also decided instead of the kitchen sink approach I'll try to keep the androgens lower. With insulin and gh I think the 3 way synergy can be more effective than high androgens long term. My body grows better when I'm healthy and I want to stay healthy long as possible.
Some of the really big guys on PM that I look up to encourage the very high doses but I want to stay under a gram and see what I can do.
I think this is wise and it ties into a few things I've been thinking about myself recently. Here are my thoughts incase they help:
- We know that total dose over time (as in, lifetime) is what truly matters. Therefore, with that in mind, high doses are really an attempt to speed up this tissue accrual process rather than necessary achieve something moderate doses can't (assuming we don't drift to stupid extremes or consider non-responders here to try find the exceptions)
- Following this logic, consider that even the most gear-tolerant individual (including on PM) are going to hit a tolerance limit. Therefore high doses are always going to have a limit on duration. Smaller to moderate ones could potentially be run long enough to outpace the overall dose of the heavier cycles. Tortoise and hare style.
Long story short, if you want to hit high doses, try split it up over longer time-frames. So for example, someone who couldn't tolerate 2g TEST for 16 weeks might just do 500 Test, 500 Mast or some other sort of synergy for 32 weeks instead. Or split into two sepearate 16-week ones with a break between.
Yes, being on for that long is usually not even considered - but within reasonable doses you can see how this could play out. 1g over a course of 12 weeks could be 500mg over 24 instead. Naturally, the higher the doses the greater the risk tolerance regardless anyway.
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