Palifter’s competition log

How far apart are your pre workout meal and intra shake? Did you ever notice a difference just doing the slin in the pre workout meal opposed to with intra?
Current cycle:

900mg Test cyp
700mg Mast e
1 vial generic HGH/day
40mcg Clen upon waking
Humalog 8iu pre workout
Lantus on high carb days - 20-25iu in AM

Current macros:

Training days - 360p/550c/80f

Non training - 360p/350c/90f

Training split:

Sunday: Quads
Monday: delts/tris
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Hams
Thursday: chest/bis
Friday: Back
Saturday: off

Cardio is 20min 5x/week
How far apart are your pre workout meal and intra shake? Did you ever notice a difference just doing the slin in the pre workout meal opposed to with intra?

My pre meal and intra shake are about 1.5hrs apart. I only ever use the Humalog right before entering gym.
Man, i genuinely like this guy very much. I'm trying to see every podcast with him to learn as much as i can. Best of luck on your journey brother!

Thanks! He’s a great coach and wealth of knowledge. Been with him about 2 years now.
I don’t get any of the good or bad sides that the forums always make a fuss about regarding deca or EQ. I take P5P to keep proclatin in check.

Impossible for me to try and quantify EQ + nand vs primo. I think they all have their place at various times.
Really interesting, for me primo vs eq was similar but also different in some ways. I still think Equipoise gives one of the best look. Primobolan provides very nice look too and definitely way better than masteron. Deca is a different animal altogether.

I guess we all react differently, that's why there's lots of talk that might seem confusing to some people, because of personal preferences and experiences of drugs.
Tightening up quickly now. Fasted pic from this morning.


Only changes since last pic:

Cardio bumped to 25min 5x/wk
Clen bumped to 80mcg
Carbs reduced by 50g

Starting today:

Adding tren a 350mg/wk
T3 50mcg EOD
Pulling Clen
Reduction in dietary fats
Cardio bumped to 55min 5x/wk
Current cycle:

900mg Test cyp
700mg Mast e
1 vial generic HGH/day
40mcg Clen upon waking
Humalog 8iu pre workout
Lantus on high carb days - 20-25iu in AM

Current macros:

Training days - 360p/550c/80f

Non training - 360p/350c/90f

Training split:

Sunday: Quads
Monday: delts/tris
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Hams
Thursday: chest/bis
Friday: Back
Saturday: off

Cardio is 20min 5x/week
Any ai ?
View attachment 282396

Starting today:

Adding tren a 350mg/wk
T3 50mcg EOD
Pulling Clen
Reduction in dietary fats
Cardio bumped to 55min 5x/wk
Damn, how’s the energy levels and fatigue on your legs doing that much cardio?

I just upped my cardio to 35 mins post workout at 5x a week and it’s killing me at work, I mostly stand on concrete 8hrs a day though.
No AI at this time
Damn, how’s the energy levels and fatigue on your legs doing that much cardio?

I just upped my cardio to 35 mins post workout at 5x a week and it’s killing me at work, I mostly stand on concrete 8hrs a day though.
When I get to this amount of cardio, I feel it. Both in terms of overall fatigue and general leg soreness. I have noticed the body will adapt over the weeks and it becomes easier but the first week is a pain…literally.
Cardio dropped down to 30min ED
Tren starting to work it’s magic
Food is still high, drugs are moderate and cardio is low. Ideal situation right now and gym performance is still high.

Sure, I have an off day diet and a training day diet. Ignore the Lantus before bed, that has been removed for months it’s just still on the write up

View attachment 284590View attachment 284591

Sure, I have an off day diet and a training day diet. Ignore the Lantus before bed, that has been removed for months it’s just still on the write up

View attachment 284590View attachment 284591
Poptarts,pasta & parmesean cheese! MUST BE NICE!