Palifter’s competition log

At last! I just finished reading your log from the beggining after the suggestion of another iron brother and admirer of yours. You're nailing it, i'm hooked to see your further progress.

I'm curious if you liked primo at all or not.
At last! I just finished reading your log from the beggining after the suggestion of another iron brother and admirer of yours. You're nailing it, i'm hooked to see your further progress.

I'm curious if you liked primo at all or not.
Welcome to the show! I’ve added about 10lbs of tissue over the last year, so this cut should be fun.

As for primo, I’m a huge fan and will most likely use it in my rebound like I did 2 years ago. It brings dry and consistent gains for me. Just need to watch E2 as it can drop it rapidly if test base isn’t high enough.
At last! I just finished reading your log from the beggining after the suggestion of another iron brother and admirer of yours. You're nailing it, i'm hooked to see your further progress.

I'm curious if you liked primo at all or not.
Can I spoil the secret lol...

He's the man, I learned some good stuff from him.

Fasted check in pics from this morning. This marks the start of my cut. Will post diet and PED’s later on.

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Looking good big bro, maybe one day I catch up a bit. Waiting for your log update. Good luck amigo.
Has the chemistry/nutrition changed since the last bulk? or is it a question of time and training? excellent condition, I believe you are preparing for NPC USA (or similar)
PED usage has been the same essentially. Protein specifically is a tad bit higher, but only slightly. This recent offseason was so successful due to the following:

1. I have a history of falling off during the offseason. I approached this latest one with a contest prep mentality - no missed meals, no cheating, no missed workouts/cardio etc.

2. I’ve incorporated insulin more routinely this last year or so. Primarily by way of Humalog pre training but also utilizing Lantus as needed.

3. I split up my leg training into 2 separate days (hamstring day/quad day) rather than trying to cram it all into one day. This has helped me increase both weekly volume and overall intensity. My legs have made the greatest improvement over everything else because of this.

Excited to see this. Lots of good superheavies this year going for a card, going to make for some really exciting shows

I won’t be competing this year I don’t think. This current cut is for some events I have coming this summer and as a mock prep. Sights are set on 2025 competition season.
Current cycle:

900mg Test cyp
700mg Mast e
1 vial generic HGH/day
40mcg Clen upon waking
Humalog 8iu pre workout
Lantus on high carb days - 20-25iu in AM

Current macros:

Training days - 360p/550c/80f

Non training - 360p/350c/90f

Training split:

Sunday: Quads
Monday: delts/tris
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Hams
Thursday: chest/bis
Friday: Back
Saturday: off

Cardio is 20min 5x/week
Current cycle:

900mg Test cyp
700mg Mast e
1 vial generic HGH/day
40mcg Clen upon waking
Humalog 8iu pre workout
Lantus on high carb days - 20-25iu in AM

Current macros:

Training days - 360p/550c/80f

Non training - 360p/350c/90f

Training split:

Sunday: Quads
Monday: delts/tris
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Hams
Thursday: chest/bis
Friday: Back
Saturday: off

Cardio is 20min 5x/week
I love to split up leg days, i find it much more managable, way to taxing to get the same effect 2x a week doing whole leg.

I also do hammy/Glutes then Quads/Calf
Current cycle:

900mg Test cyp
700mg Mast e
1 vial generic HGH/day
40mcg Clen upon waking
Humalog 8iu pre workout
Lantus on high carb days - 20-25iu in AM

Current macros:

Training days - 360p/550c/80f

Non training - 360p/350c/90f

Training split:

Sunday: Quads
Monday: delts/tris
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Hams
Thursday: chest/bis
Friday: Back
Saturday: off

Cardio is 20min 5x/week
two questions

1)Humalog with meals or shake intra work?

2)You take 10ui GH in one dose or split AM/PM?
two questions

1)Humalog with meals or shake intra work?

2)You take 10ui GH in one dose or split AM/PM?

1. I use the Humalog right before entering gym then sip on my intra which is currently 80g Karbolyn, 20g EAA, 5g creatine and a little sea salt

2. I split AM/PM.
They was my rebound cycle. Off-season has been primarily:

Do experience any of the deca or eq sides negative or positive?

Any joint relief if u have any issues from them? hunger increase from eq? Deca dick or nandrolone serotonin stuff like feeling blah?

Taking ancillaries to offset / pre-empt them?

Presuming you find nandrolone and eq better for massing than primo? Can you try to quantify? Or just cheaper and no pip?

Thank you in advance. I appreciate your experience and insight.
Do experience any of the deca or eq sides negative or positive?

Any joint relief if u have any issues from them? hunger increase from eq? Deca dick or nandrolone serotonin stuff like feeling blah?

Taking ancillaries to offset / pre-empt them?

Presuming you find nandrolone and eq better for massing than primo? Can you try to quantify? Or just cheaper and no pip?

Thank you in advance. I appreciate your experience and insight.
I don’t get any of the good or bad sides that the forums always make a fuss about regarding deca or EQ. I take P5P to keep proclatin in check.

Impossible for me to try and quantify EQ + nand vs primo. I think they all have their place at various times.
I don’t get any of the good or bad sides that the forums always make a fuss about regarding deca or EQ. I take P5P to keep proclatin in check.

Impossible for me to try and quantify EQ + nand vs primo. I think they all have their place at various times.
Thank you. Much appreciated.