Palifter’s competition log

Hey everyone! I’ve recently started a cut for the summer. I’ll lay out my current meals with pics below - this is a full day of eating on a non training day.

Current cycle:

600 test c
400 tren e
400 mast e

Will be taking some updated pics soon.

Let’s get shredded!
Hello man, could I ask you about the cycle. Do you just keep the doses same for the whole time or you up the doses later on like every 2-3 weeks and then taper down in the end? Also do you take any AI or caber?
Also I am curious for how long are you planning to run the tren? For me personaly I dont feel any negative effects of tren (prolly the lucky person) I dont get sleep problems, bad sweats etc. I just respond very well but I know its very bad for my health so I did like 8-10 weeks max on tren. Last year I started on very low dose (50mg/week) and tappered it slowly up. I wanna try to go a bit higher this summer.
Hello man, could I ask you about the cycle. Do you just keep the doses same for the whole time or you up the doses later on like every 2-3 weeks and then taper down in the end? Also do you take any AI or caber?
Also I am curious for how long are you planning to run the tren? For me personaly I dont feel any negative effects of tren (prolly the lucky person) I dont get sleep problems, bad sweats etc. I just respond very well but I know its very bad for my health so I did like 8-10 weeks max on tren. Last year I started on very low dose (50mg/week) and tappered it slowly up. I wanna try to go a bit higher this summer.
Hey bud, so this cycle is new territory for me - usually I only use short ester variations but I’ll do my best to field your questions.

The doses will most likely go up at some point - max 800 for test then maybe 600mg for both tren and mast. I will not taper down. AI and/or caber I have on hand but I won’t incorporate until I need to which will be dictated by blood work at the 8 week mark. I’m like yourself in that I do very well on tren, in terms of limited sides. Again, I will let blood work dictate my cycle duration along with any negative sides but 20 weeks maybe on tren - keeping in mind it’s tren E.
Hey bud, so this cycle is new territory for me - usually I only use short ester variations but I’ll do my best to field your questions.

The doses will most likely go up at some point - max 800 for test then maybe 600mg for both tren and mast. I will not taper down. AI and/or caber I have on hand but I won’t incorporate until I need to which will be dictated by blood work at the 8 week mark. I’m like yourself in that I do very well on tren, in terms of limited sides. Again, I will let blood work dictate my cycle duration along with any negative sides but 20 weeks maybe on tren - keeping in mind it’s tren E.
Thank you for this answer it was very helpful. I might try to also stay a bit longer on tren this time and just go for bloodwork after 8-10 weeks so I can see how much it is affecting my body.
I kinda use caber and ai in the same way as you described. I have them on hand and only use it if I feel I need it or after the bloodwork depends on the results.
Good luck with your cycle and keep posting man. I am very interested in this one.
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If you don't want to answer this, its alright. What is your delt routine? Because they look like fucking bowling balls.

Looking forward to seeing your cut progress. Looking great bro
If you don't want to answer this, its alright. What is your delt routine? Because they look like fucking bowling balls.

Looking forward to seeing your cut progress. Looking great bro
Thanks man! My delts are one of my strongest body parts, this wasn’t always the case. I attribute this to 2 things: 1. HGH 2. Moving away from heavy pressing movements and putting an emphasis on rear delt work and lateral raises. At one point I was smith shoulder pressing 405 for 12 reps but my delts weren’t budging. I still do a pressing movement on my shoulder day but it’s not my “main” lift.

These days I’ll start with a rear delt movement then go into a compound press (I like a converging machine of some kind) then I’ll go into dumbbell lateral raises followed by a high cable pull then partial laterals (John Meadows popularized these I think) or a seated lateral machine then end with dumbbell shrugs. 4 sets of 8-15 reps for everything. Form is everything for lateral raises, I see so many people doing them wrong and recruiting all the muscles they don’t want. I would look up Justin Shier on YouTube - my form and tempo are like his and he performs lateral raises perfectly imo.
Thanks man! My delts are one of my strongest body parts, this wasn’t always the case. I attribute this to 2 things: 1. HGH 2. Moving away from heavy pressing movements and putting an emphasis on rear delt work and lateral raises. At one point I was smith shoulder pressing 405 for 12 reps but my delts weren’t budging. I still do a pressing movement on my shoulder day but it’s not my “main” lift.

These days I’ll start with a rear delt movement then go into a compound press (I like a converging machine of some kind) then I’ll go into dumbbell lateral raises followed by a high cable pull then partial laterals (John Meadows popularized these I think) or a seated lateral machine then end with dumbbell shrugs. 4 sets of 8-15 reps for everything. Form is everything for lateral raises, I see so many people doing them wrong and recruiting all the muscles they don’t want. I would look up Justin Shier on YouTube - my form and tempo are like his and he performs lateral raises perfectly imo.
I really appreciate the suggestions and information! I'll check out partials and Justin Shier!
Hey bud, so this cycle is new territory for me - usually I only use short ester variations but I’ll do my best to field your questions.

The doses will most likely go up at some point - max 800 for test then maybe 600mg for both tren and mast. I will not taper down. AI and/or caber I have on hand but I won’t incorporate until I need to which will be dictated by blood work at the 8 week mark. I’m like yourself in that I do very well on tren, in terms of limited sides. Again, I will let blood work dictate my cycle duration along with any negative sides but 20 weeks maybe on tren - keeping in mind it’s tren E.
I am a super high aromatizer. I need 20mg/week of exemestane for 130mg/week of Test c/e. This puts my e2 around 45. How would a cycle look for you if this was your reality?
I am a super high aromatizer. I need 20mg/week of exemestane for 130mg/week of Test c/e. This puts my e2 around 45. How would a cycle look for you if this was your reality?
I have or had the same problem. I was forced to use ai even when I was on 125mg tst/week to keep my estrogen low or I would be getting slight gyno. I just decided to go for gyno surgery to remove the glads for good eventho my gyno was not visible at all but just to make sure I can stop overdoing ai and can let my estrogen go up higher which doesn't affect me in any other bad way. Also you can start injecting daily divided into small doses it will make huge difference in your e2 and your levels will be overall more stable.
Right now I can be on 300 tst/week without using any ai and feel comfortable with e2 above the ref range but not getting any sides since my glands are removed.
Just joined forum and following your log, I am taller guy too 6'3". Your 1st diet is very similar to mine, however I am not bodybuilding. Just saying macros and food.
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New routine:

Day 1 (upper)

DB Flat Bench 6 x 4-6
Flat DB Flye 4 x 8-10
Hex Press 4 x 12-15
Triceps Dip 4 x 12-15
21s 3 x 21

Day 2 (lower)
Bulgarian Split Squat 4 x 10-12
DB Box Step-up 4 x 10-12
Lying Hamstring Curl 5 x 12-15
Standing Calf Raise 4 x 10-12
Seated Calf Raise 3 x 18-20

Day 3 (push)
Standing Overhead Press 4 x 8-10
Incline DB Bench Press 4 x 8-10
JM Press 5 x 10-12
French Press 3 x 8-10
Triceps Pushdown 2 x 15-18

Day 4 (pull)
Romanian Deadlift 4 x 8-10
Chest Supported Mid Grip Row 5 x 10-12
Lat Pulldown 4 x 12-15
Alternating Incline Dumbbell Curl 5 x 10-12
Hammer Curl 4 x 12-15

Day 5 (legs)
Leg Press 4 x 18-20
Alternating DB Lunge 4 x 10-12
Leg Extensions 3 x 12-15
Standing Calf Raise 4 x 8-10
Seated Calf Raise 4 x 12-15
hate to bump this from last year. I am not on gear, and do very similar to this, pretty much same volume, maybe 1 set lower each exercise. I would be nowhere near weight you are pushing, I am just wondering since I am not enhanced and 41 should I be doing less than this. However considering at very least doing TRT at my age.

Awesome log, just went thru all 22 pages
I have or had the same problem. I was forced to use ai even when I was on 125mg tst/week to keep my estrogen low or I would be getting slight gyno. I just decided to go for gyno surgery to remove the glads for good eventho my gyno was not visible at all but just to make sure I can stop overdoing ai and can let my estrogen go up higher which doesn't affect me in any other bad way. Also you can start injecting daily divided into small doses it will make huge difference in your e2 and your levels will be overall more stable.
Right now I can be on 300 tst/week without using any ai and feel comfortable with e2 above the ref range but not getting any sides since my glands are removed.
Good info here man thanks for sharing. Do you have any bloods to show the stability of e2 with smaller daily doses? I know a lot of guys who have this same issue with “larger”, spread out injections. Also, how was your recovery with the gyno surg?
hate to bump this from last year. I am not on gear, and do very similar to this, pretty much same volume, maybe 1 set lower each exercise. I would be nowhere near weight you are pushing, I am just wondering since I am not enhanced and 41 should I be doing less than this. However considering at very least doing TRT at my age.

Awesome log, just went thru all 22 pages
Hard question to answer. Typically if you’re stalling in weight progression and feeling run down, it’s a clear indicator you’re over training. If you’re not experiencing those however, I say continue the course. If you wanted to keep it simple and you are stalling, I would just do a max of 3 working sets as opposed to 4.
Good info here man thanks for sharing. Do you have any bloods to show the stability of e2 with smaller daily doses? I know a lot of guys who have this same issue with “larger”, spread out injections. Also, how was your recovery with the gyno surg?
Hello man. Sorry for late reply. I did some bloodwork and my e2 was around 30% lower when I was doing ed or e2d injections but I was not trying it for long period of time.
Anyways I was still on the edge of gyno flare all the time so I had to do the ai anyways before I went for the surgery.
Surgery was fine I did it when I was completely off everything and my e2 and test was crashed. And still recovered from surgery after 3 weeks (did some easy training) and could train normaly after 4 weeks. It was only about making the decision to go for it and now I am happy its done.
Surgery took like 30-45 mins in local anaesthesia - it was very easy.
Hello man. Sorry for late reply. I did some bloodwork and my e2 was around 30% lower when I was doing ed or e2d injections but I was not trying it for long period of time.
Anyways I was still on the edge of gyno flare all the time so I had to do the ai anyways before I went for the surgery.
Surgery was fine I did it when I was completely off everything and my e2 and test was crashed. And still recovered from surgery after 3 weeks (did some easy training) and could train normaly after 4 weeks. It was only about making the decision to go for it and now I am happy its done.
Surgery took like 30-45 mins in local anaesthesia - it was very easy.
Did you have to get put to sleep at all? Or were you awake?

Last time for my pec surgery apparently i just found out, i did not do well when i was put to sleep, apparently it was really close to something bad.

I have some gyno and if they can do it while awake that would be amazing, would be nice to not have to worry about it anymore one day.

Did you have to get put to sleep at all? Or were you awake?

Last time for my pec surgery apparently i just found out, i did not do well when i was put to sleep, apparently it was really close to something bad.

I have some gyno and if they can do it while awake that would be amazing, would be nice to not have to worry about it anymore one day.
Hey, yes as I wrote - it was done in local anaesthesia in 30-45mins. It means I wasn't put into sleep. then I instantly drove back home and got some pills for pain if needed. Was very smooth and easy.
Hey, yes as I wrote - it was done in local anaesthesia in 30-45mins. It means I wasn't put into sleep. then I instantly drove back home and got some pills for pain if needed. Was very smooth and easy.
Thats what i thought, just wanted to make sure thats what you meant. Thank You

Did you have to get put to sleep at all? Or were you awake?

Last time for my pec surgery apparently i just found out, i did not do well when i was put to sleep, apparently it was really close to something bad.

I have some gyno and if they can do it while awake that would be amazing, would be nice to not have to worry about it anymore one day.
They will do it local anesthesia. If you have any questions about going through with the surgery, feel free to contact me I can help with the dos and donts, I went through it last year.