Palifter’s competition log

Official start of my off-season. I will be doing this without a coach for the foreseeable future. Morning weight is 281lbs. I’ll throw up a pic from this morning - ignore tan lines lol


Current PED protocol and diet below:

750mg Test C
500mg EQ
500mg Deca
1 vial HGH/day
6iu Humalog pre workout

M1: 4 whole eggs, 300g egg whites, 3 English muffins
M2: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 10g Mac nut oil
M3: 8oz beef, 350g rice, veggie of choice
M4: 2.5 scoops whey, 90g COR, 30g PB
M5: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 80g carbs from cereal, 10g Mac nut oil
M6: 2 scoops whey, 200g Greek yogurt, 32g PB, 90g oats (dry)

Sometimes for M6 I’ll do another beef and rice meal.

Intra shake is 75g karbolyn, 2g salt, 5g creatine, 20g EAAs, 8g citrulline.

Off training days I remove the cereal and intra shake and reduce all rice to 250g portions.
Official start of my off-season. I will be doing this without a coach for the foreseeable future. Morning weight is 281lbs. I’ll throw up a pic from this morning - ignore tan lines lol

View attachment 265615

Current PED protocol and diet below:

750mg Test C
500mg EQ
500mg Deca
1 vial HGH/day
6iu Humalog pre workout

M1: 4 whole eggs, 300g egg whites, 3 English muffins
M2: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 10g Mac nut oil
M3: 8oz beef, 350g rice, veggie of choice
M4: 2.5 scoops whey, 90g COR, 30g PB
M5: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 80g carbs from cereal, 10g Mac nut oil
M6: 2 scoops whey, 200g Greek yogurt, 32g PB, 90g oats (dry)

Sometimes for M6 I’ll do another beef and rice meal.

Intra shake is 75g karbolyn, 2g salt, 5g creatine, 20g EAAs, 8g citrulline.

Off training days I remove the cereal and intra shake and reduce all rice to 250g portions.
Macros bro?
Official start of my off-season. I will be doing this without a coach for the foreseeable future. Morning weight is 281lbs. I’ll throw up a pic from this morning - ignore tan lines lol

View attachment 265615

Current PED protocol and diet below:

750mg Test C
500mg EQ
500mg Deca
1 vial HGH/day
6iu Humalog pre workout

M1: 4 whole eggs, 300g egg whites, 3 English muffins
M2: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 10g Mac nut oil
M3: 8oz beef, 350g rice, veggie of choice
M4: 2.5 scoops whey, 90g COR, 30g PB
M5: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 80g carbs from cereal, 10g Mac nut oil
M6: 2 scoops whey, 200g Greek yogurt, 32g PB, 90g oats (dry)

Sometimes for M6 I’ll do another beef and rice meal.

Intra shake is 75g karbolyn, 2g salt, 5g creatine, 20g EAAs, 8g citrulline.

Off training days I remove the cereal and intra shake and reduce all rice to 250g portions.
GH do you do 10 units all post workout or before bed? Or do you divide it into various times of the day?
Official start of my off-season. I will be doing this without a coach for the foreseeable future. Morning weight is 281lbs. I’ll throw up a pic from this morning - ignore tan lines lol

View attachment 265615

Current PED protocol and diet below:

750mg Test C
500mg EQ
500mg Deca
1 vial HGH/day
6iu Humalog pre workout

M1: 4 whole eggs, 300g egg whites, 3 English muffins
M2: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 10g Mac nut oil
M3: 8oz beef, 350g rice, veggie of choice
M4: 2.5 scoops whey, 90g COR, 30g PB
M5: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 80g carbs from cereal, 10g Mac nut oil
M6: 2 scoops whey, 200g Greek yogurt, 32g PB, 90g oats (dry)

Sometimes for M6 I’ll do another beef and rice meal.

Intra shake is 75g karbolyn, 2g salt, 5g creatine, 20g EAAs, 8g citrulline.

Off training days I remove the cereal and intra shake and reduce all rice to 250g portions.
With insulin how much progress more does that bring? I am terrified of trying.

The thought that it may be something to use forever is daunting.

But that said…lol

If diet and gear is the same, how much more results does insulin bring? Do the results subside as like gear when stopping? Or would they stay as if continued cycling? Hope these make sense.

At what experience level and weight did you start bringing insulin into the picture?
Official start of my off-season. I will be doing this without a coach for the foreseeable future. Morning weight is 281lbs. I’ll throw up a pic from this morning - ignore tan lines lol

View attachment 265615

Current PED protocol and diet below:

750mg Test C
500mg EQ
500mg Deca
1 vial HGH/day
6iu Humalog pre workout

M1: 4 whole eggs, 300g egg whites, 3 English muffins
M2: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 10g Mac nut oil
M3: 8oz beef, 350g rice, veggie of choice
M4: 2.5 scoops whey, 90g COR, 30g PB
M5: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 80g carbs from cereal, 10g Mac nut oil
M6: 2 scoops whey, 200g Greek yogurt, 32g PB, 90g oats (dry)

Sometimes for M6 I’ll do another beef and rice meal.

Intra shake is 75g karbolyn, 2g salt, 5g creatine, 20g EAAs, 8g citrulline.

Off training days I remove the cereal and intra shake and reduce all rice to 250g portions.
Looking great brother. Keep up the hard work. I’ll definitely be following along for off-season progress.
With insulin how much progress more does that bring? I am terrified of trying.

The thought that it may be something to use forever is daunting.

But that said…lol

If diet and gear is the same, how much more results does insulin bring? Do the results subside as like gear when stopping? Or would they stay as if continued cycling? Hope these make sense.

At what experience level and weight did you start bringing insulin into the picture?
I didn’t notice much from just adding insulin, the truth you seek is in the most basic components.

If your body requires you to eat an exaggerated amount of carbohydrates, using insulin cushioned your pancreas from having to do all the work. Making it a healthy option.

Palifter uses it as a performance enhancer, driving and shuttling the good stuffs through you body;)

When I use it around my workouts, I feel it does the exact opposite for my body. Zero blood flow as if I’m dehydrated, no pumps.
Lantus gives me good pumps for the first 3 weeks the has the same diminishing effect as a rapid insulin.

P.s it’s not the time capsule we all hoped it’s be.
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Official start of my off-season. I will be doing this without a coach for the foreseeable future. Morning weight is 281lbs. I’ll throw up a pic from this morning - ignore tan lines lol

View attachment 265615

Current PED protocol and diet below:

750mg Test C
500mg EQ
500mg Deca
1 vial HGH/day
6iu Humalog pre workout

M1: 4 whole eggs, 300g egg whites, 3 English muffins
M2: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 10g Mac nut oil
M3: 8oz beef, 350g rice, veggie of choice
M4: 2.5 scoops whey, 90g COR, 30g PB
M5: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 80g carbs from cereal, 10g Mac nut oil
M6: 2 scoops whey, 200g Greek yogurt, 32g PB, 90g oats (dry)

Sometimes for M6 I’ll do another beef and rice meal.

Intra shake is 75g karbolyn, 2g salt, 5g creatine, 20g EAAs, 8g citrulline.

Off training days I remove the cereal and intra shake and reduce all rice to 250g portions.
3 hundo will be a nice goal this go around!
How long have you been going at this program? Weekly adjustments?
I eat a similar diet;)
With insulin how much progress more does that bring? I am terrified of trying.

The thought that it may be something to use forever is daunting.

But that said…lol

If diet and gear is the same, how much more results does insulin bring? Do the results subside as like gear when stopping? Or would they stay as if continued cycling? Hope these make sense.

At what experience level and weight did you start bringing insulin into the picture?
@Frozen summed up insulin expectations pretty well. It’s just another tool in our toolbox. If you’re thinking it’s the magic key, you’ll be disappointed. All things perfect, insulin can be of benefit. It’s very safe if used wisely (start low- base dosage on diet, not the other way around.)
How's your blood pressure and resting heart rate holding serious mass? Are you on any medications?
My systolic reading is typically a little elevated - usually 135-140. Hypertension runs in my family and it’s been the case long before PED’s. I will be exploring meds for this soon. RHR is 60’s. Adding GH raised HR acutely then returned to baseline within a few weeks.
3 hundo will be a nice goal this go around!
How long have you been going at this program? Weekly adjustments?
I eat a similar diet;)
I agree, 300 should be a good attainable number without becoming a whale.

Just started this program a week ago. Will monitor and adjust weekly as needed.
With insulin how much progress more does that bring? I am terrified of trying.

The thought that it may be something to use forever is daunting.

But that said…lol

If diet and gear is the same, how much more results does insulin bring? Do the results subside as like gear when stopping? Or would they stay as if continued cycling? Hope these make sense.

At what experience level and weight did you start bringing insulin into the picture?
It's not that dangerous. I was scares too but I started small, 3iu and worked my way up 1 iu per week. Until I was at the maximum I felt comfortable, 18iu

I wasn't concerned about being on insulin forever because I'm already on testosterone forever.

Insulin adds a lot of size, water weight mostly. I went up 17lb just from hgh and insulin within two weeks. It def helps recover imo and i like the look it gives. Muscles so full, constant pumps, just round solid full sexy.

I only use insulin post workout

Match your ius to your CURRENT carb intake instead of matching carbs to ius and you won't get fat or die. Check your blood sugar every hour after you use it, for the duration of its half life and you'll be good.

I went low once and luckily my sister notice and made me eat some peanut butter. She said I looked pale and I was acting odd. Turned out I accidentally forgot my post workout shake (dumb mistake)

You absolutely must use hgh when on insulin. Or you'll get fat
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Official start of my off-season. I will be doing this without a coach for the foreseeable future. Morning weight is 281lbs. I’ll throw up a pic from this morning - ignore tan lines lol

View attachment 265615

Current PED protocol and diet below:

750mg Test C
500mg EQ
500mg Deca
1 vial HGH/day
6iu Humalog pre workout

M1: 4 whole eggs, 300g egg whites, 3 English muffins
M2: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 10g Mac nut oil
M3: 8oz beef, 350g rice, veggie of choice
M4: 2.5 scoops whey, 90g COR, 30g PB
M5: 8oz chicken, 350g rice, 80g carbs from cereal, 10g Mac nut oil
M6: 2 scoops whey, 200g Greek yogurt, 32g PB, 90g oats (dry)

Sometimes for M6 I’ll do another beef and rice meal.

Intra shake is 75g karbolyn, 2g salt, 5g creatine, 20g EAAs, 8g citrulline.

Off training days I remove the cereal and intra shake and reduce all rice to 250g portions.
Looking fucking solid
Also I should point out, if you plan to use insulin. Tell whoever you live with so they know in case your blood sugar gets very low
@Palifter just found this thread just want to say this was a great fucken read. Do you plan on continuing this series? Any updates on where you’re at now
Glad you’re liking it! I will continuously update the thread, more so in prep since that’s when I’m more active on the forums and tend to have better updates. I plan to do a national show later this year or early next.

As for now, weight is just shy of 290. Changes from my post at the top of this page are mostly a bump in overall carbs, Humalog is now 8iu pre workout and Lantus has been thrown in at 30iu on training days in the AM.

Im also experimenting with IGF LR3 on training days - 100mcg in the AM and 100mcg post training. Too soon to say anything definitive but I have noticed an uptick in pumps which is always fun.
Glad you’re liking it! I will continuously update the thread, more so in prep since that’s when I’m more active on the forums and tend to have better updates. I plan to do a national show later this year or early next.

As for now, weight is just shy of 290. Changes from my post at the top of this page are mostly a bump in overall carbs, Humalog is now 8iu pre workout and Lantus has been thrown in at 30iu on training days in the AM.

Im also experimenting with IGF LR3 on training days - 100mcg in the AM and 100mcg post training. Too soon to say anything definitive but I have noticed an uptick in pumps which is always fun.
Damn 10 pounds in 4 months?. Assuming you’re still doing your own offseason. Is there a specific goal you have with this offseason?
Damn 10 pounds in 4 months?. Assuming you’re still doing your own offseason. Is there a specific goal you have with this offseason?
I am working with a coach for this offseason. Goal is to not add too much more scale weight at this point but to solidify the current weight we’re at if that makes sense.