Palifter’s competition log

I think this is your pose/shot/angle idk, standing like this you look insane! Not so sure about that emoji though... pick a better one!

Awesome, keep going and you'll wreck them all! :)
I think this is your pose/shot/angle idk, standing like this you look insane! Not so sure about that emoji though... pick a better one!

Awesome, keep going and you'll wreck them all! :)
The shape really comes out very cool, and it will be even better. I'm sure he'll break everything :)
Sorry for lack of updates. The GF and I are away for the week at the beach!

Training and diet haven’t missed a beat. I’ll be training back later today. I hit shoulders yesterday. The gym nearby is actually very well equipped. I plan to post up my workouts later today.

Ps, I’m not always in posing trunks lol. My GF is 5’10 for height reference.

Do you have a beach holiday or where do you go on excursions. Have a nice rest.
Sorry for lack of updates. The GF and I are away for the week at the beach!

Training and diet haven’t missed a beat. I’ll be training back later today. I hit shoulders yesterday. The gym nearby is actually very well equipped. I plan to post up my workouts later today.

Ps, I’m not always in posing trunks lol. My GF is 5’10 for height reference.

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Do you have a beach holiday or where do you go on excursions. Have a nice rest.
Sorry for lack of updates. The GF and I are away for the week at the beach!

Training and diet haven’t missed a beat. I’ll be training back later today. I hit shoulders yesterday. The gym nearby is actually very well equipped. I plan to post up my workouts later today.

Ps, I’m not always in posing trunks lol. My GF is 5’10 for height reference.

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that's the kind of body I want; not that of a mass monster and aesthetic. but this is way lower than 10-12%, so not sure even if I or many other achieved this, it would be sustainable for the year
Do you have a beach holiday or where do you go on excursions. Have a nice rest.

Do you have a beach holiday or where do you go on excursions. Have a nice rest.

We do 3 beach trips a year where we rent a house with people and stay for the week. The first trip is with my side of the fam, the second (this current one) is with her side of the fam and the third is a large group of couples including ourselves all getting a house.
that's the kind of body I want; not that of a mass monster and aesthetic. but this is way lower than 10-12%, so not sure even if I or many other achieved this, it would be sustainable for the year

I wouldn’t recommend staying this lean year round, too taxing on the body and gym progress would take a hit (mine has). I will admit, the longer you stay leaner, the easier it is and the body tends to fight you less on staying below a certain body fat %.
I wouldn’t recommend staying this lean year round, too taxing on the body and gym progress would take a hit (mine has). I will admit, the longer you stay leaner, the easier it is and the body tends to fight you less on staying below a certain body fat %.
What kind of time span was it for you?
What kind of time span was it for you?
I don’t have an exact number here. I’m around 255-260 in the pic because it was later in day- prob 4 whole meals in. I started my cut around 275-280. The start of cut was 15 weeks ago, give or take.
I don’t have an exact number here. I’m around 255-260 in the pic because it was later in day- prob 4 whole meals in. I started my cut around 275-280. The start of cut was 15 weeks ago, give or take.
So is it safe to say, that after 3 months at a new lower bf% the body stops fighting, and it's the new set point?
So is it safe to say, that after 3 months at a new lower bf% the body stops fighting, and it's the new set point?
No, I wouldn’t say that. For instance, once I remove Clen and T3, my body fat would rise a little to a new constant. There’s honestly too many variables going on this close to a show to make any definite statements.
I see you posted the Captain Crunch but this new cereal is really good.


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I see you posted the Captain Crunch but this new cereal is really good.
Yep, I’ve had that flavor and the mixed Berry. Both were good for the protein content. Cereal has since been removed from my diet but when it was in, it needed to be pretty much straight carbs which is why I opted for the basic sugary kids cereals.
We do 3 beach trips a year where we rent a house with people and stay for the week. The first trip is with my side of the fam, the second (this current one) is with her side of the fam and the third is a large group of couples including ourselves all getting a house.
You have planned it well, I am sure that your vacation was a success and everyone received a lot of positive emotions.
2 weeks out changes:

Clen -bump to 120mcg
Proviron - 100mg

Steak and fries refeed tonight

I now check in every other day. We may do a few zero carb days this week to put the nail in the coffin, will reassess Monday.

Also, my custom blue trunks arrived today!

Weight is 250lbs

I finally see better emojis! Is that a negative (<0) body fat % already? :oops:

But srs, you are bringing this forum a hope! A hope that there are people like yourself, who have profile picture and can show themselves while also motivating others and helping people out, such a great qualities you have :)

If I would be somewhere not that very far away I'd go to the show where you gonna compete to witness how you defeat everyone. Obviously I may be exaggerating but I still mean it in a good way.
Leg day yesterday:

Adductor machine 4x15
Leg extensions 4 x12
Seated leg curl 4x12
Horizontal leg press 4x12
Pit shark 4x12
Single leg press 4x12
Seated calf raise 4x20

Simple and sweet. Got a great pump and got out of there.

I checked in this morning. I will be limiting myself to 100g of carbs for the day- spread out peri workout. Check in again tomorrow.

Also, I got my steak and fries on Saturday from Texas Roadhouse. It had been years since I’d been there and I recall thinking it wasn’t half bad…not this time. Got their 16oz sirloin (wanted a leaner cut) and it was supposed to be medium, sucker came well done and dry. I still devoured it (was seasoned well and had good flavor) along with the soggy fries but man was that disappointing to blow my refeed meal on such a place :(
Hey Pal, since your show is pretty soon I think, how is your mood? You never seem to talk about how you feel. What is your mood like? How do you deal with being so deprived and grinding and training so much? Tell us more about it. I think it's pretty important part of the log too.