Palifter’s competition log


Woke up 3.5lbs lighter than yesterday and super flat. Today I’ve been instructed to eat 600g carbs spaced evenly throughout the day and pin 4iu Humalog with each meal.

I also have to take pics between each meal hitting certain poses and sending over to my coach to monitor.
Refeed did me well yesterday. I woke up only 1lb heavier so my body is now just burning through food. My legs are still not as full as we’d like so we’re reducing cardio to only 30min/day, also, tomorrow will be my last leg day prior to the show in an effort to give them a rest and hold/regain some size come stage time.

Carbs are at 200g today. I’m hitting chest after work. No other diet/PED/training changes.

Happy Friday!

Woke up 3.5lbs lighter than yesterday and super flat. Today I’ve been instructed to eat 600g carbs spaced evenly throughout the day and pin 4iu Humalog with each meal.

I also have to take pics between each meal hitting certain poses and sending over to my coach to monitor.
I take it this should fill you up right? I would also like to see a photo if possible.
Refeed did me well yesterday. I woke up only 1lb heavier so my body is now just burning through food. My legs are still not as full as we’d like so we’re reducing cardio to only 30min/day, also, tomorrow will be my last leg day prior to the show in an effort to give them a rest and hold/regain some size come stage time.

Carbs are at 200g today. I’m hitting chest after work. No other diet/PED/training changes.

Happy Friday!
Refeed, as for me, is always a plus, I just like doing them and after that there is no feeling of heaviness and fullness of the body. And if the power and fullness. Good shape for you.
I take it this should fill you up right? I would also like to see a photo if possible.
It did fill me out but unfortunately the uptick in carbs plus using too much Splenda caused major intestinal problems and bloating. I had to get my abdomen rolled out and do a yoga class to get all the gas out. It was awful lol.

I probably won’t be posting any more progress pics until closer to the show. Changes are so minute day to day.
1 week out:

Last leg day will be today. Nothing crazy or heavy, just getting a pump and partitioning all the food accordingly.

Water intake is bumped to 2 gallons today. I will likely be pissing every 10min.

Carbs are bumped to 250g today. Insulin has been removed.

We’re so close boys!
Yeah looking good. We appreciate the log and your time answering questions. Smart folks will take your advice cause you're doing things right and way ahead of most of us.
1 week out:

Last leg day will be today. Nothing crazy or heavy, just getting a pump and partitioning all the food accordingly.

Water intake is bumped to 2 gallons today. I will likely be pissing every 10min.

Carbs are bumped to 250g today. Insulin has been removed.

We’re so close boys!
You got this
l gotta say @Palifter l have been reading your thread since you started it. l never realised how much commitment you guys put in to get ready for your shows, me being an old natty guy who eats super clean and trains hard just to keep fit, stay strong and look okay, always thought bodybuilders did pretty much the same, except for the use of different steroids to get that extra size and leanness. l must say l am blown away by the attention to detail and dedication you have to show to prepare for stage. You certainly deserve every success you get.
It did fill me out but unfortunately the uptick in carbs plus using too much Splenda caused major intestinal problems and bloating. I had to get my abdomen rolled out and do a yoga class to get all the gas out. It was awful lol.

I probably won’t be posting any more progress pics until closer to the show. Changes are so minute day to day.
I wish your gastrointestinal tract to normalize, I think it’s worth publishing a photo and describing it. We follow your progress and support you all.
1 week out:

Last leg day will be today. Nothing crazy or heavy, just getting a pump and partitioning all the food accordingly.

Water intake is bumped to 2 gallons today. I will likely be pissing every 10min.

Carbs are bumped to 250g today. Insulin has been removed.

We’re so close boys!
That moment when you drink a lot of water and the feeling that you have to live in the toilet. It often helped me to switch my thoughts from food when I drank a lot of water.
On your leg day routine what is a pit shark?

It’s a belt squat, just a specific brand. They’re awesome if you’ve never seen them and suffer from any kind of back issues. I’d argue they actually decompress the spine a little when under heavy enough load and the right belt placement - I notice a little relief from back tightness when I perform the movement.
It’s a belt squat, just a specific brand. They’re awesome if you’ve never seen them and suffer from any kind of back issues. I’d argue they actually decompress the spine a little when under heavy enough load and the right belt placement - I notice a little relief from back tightness when I perform the movement.
Ahh ok, yeah belt squats are amazing, wish my.gym had one, I throw in a dip belt standing on benches but it's not exactly the same loll
6 days out changes:

Carbs set at 300g
Cardio down to 20min
Vitamin C, B complex and dandelion root with each meal
Practice posing 3 times a day, 2 rounds each, holding each shot for a 5 count

I’m super flat right now but this was the plan all along. Now we slowly increase carbs and dry out. Should bring a very different look come show day. Pics from this morning - I think I look like dog shit and this is why bodybuilding is such a mind game lol

New protein find I wanted to share. This stuff came today and the flavoring is so spot on, it’s scary. Mixes great and digests quickly. 9.3/10

5 days out:

Carbs bumped to 350g today. I’ll be hitting shoulders today.

Got a solid forearm pump grilling up chicken this morning ;)
