Palifter’s competition log

6 days out changes:

Carbs set at 300g
Cardio down to 20min
Vitamin C, B complex and dandelion root with each meal
Practice posing 3 times a day, 2 rounds each, holding each shot for a 5 count

I’m super flat right now but this was the plan all along. Now we slowly increase carbs and dry out. Should bring a very different look come show day. Pics from this morning - I think I look like dog shit and this is why bodybuilding is such a mind game lol

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You look good and I see that progress is being made and everything is according to your plan. Good luck and strength.
What most muscular do you guys prefer? 1 or 2? I like bits of each and realistically I’ll have time to transition and hit both so it’s not a huge deal.

I like both, but I think #1 gives the illusion that you're even bigger, because your elbows are outward compared to hands clasped
I prefer 2 as it shows your symmetry better, but like you said if you get to hit both it will allow the judges to look at you from both poses
Just discovered your log. Looking crazy bro and love how informative you are. Much love

Quick Q: Fucking hate feeling like a pin cushion. How high can I run HGH to just pin once a day in the am? Currently on 5ius before fasted cardio but want to add more. Should I just pin before bed another few IUS or can i get away with more in tve AM?
6 days out changes:

Carbs set at 300g
Cardio down to 20min
Vitamin C, B complex and dandelion root with each meal
Practice posing 3 times a day, 2 rounds each, holding each shot for a 5 count

I’m super flat right now but this was the plan all along. Now we slowly increase carbs and dry out. Should bring a very different look come show day. Pics from this morning - I think I look like dog shit and this is why bodybuilding is such a mind game lol

View attachment 170782View attachment 170783
Legs definitely shining now, looks like the reduced cardio did the trick, fucking symmetrical and balanced as fuck bro, hat tip.
2 displays the striations in the pecs and delts more. Arms look more freaky too. 1 looks great , as well and you look wider
Just discovered your log. Looking crazy bro and love how informative you are. Much love

Quick Q: Fucking hate feeling like a pin cushion. How high can I run HGH to just pin once a day in the am? Currently on 5ius before fasted cardio but want to add more. Should I just pin before bed another few IUS or can i get away with more in tve AM?

Welcome bud! Glad you’re finding the log helpful, I think the rebound/off-season will be even more informative for some…it’s technically my first with this current coach.

I’m on the belief with GH, just get it in you. People like to overthink this and over complicate it to try and find the “ideal” dosing protocol. Truth is, it’s all gonna work about the same so don’t lose sleep over it. I think you’re fine to do a few more IUs in the morning but I would shoot it in 2 subq spots. So if you’re pinning say 7iu in the am, shoot 3.5iu in your thigh, and the remaining 3.5iu in your stomach - just an example.
4 days out:

Carbs to 400g
Cardio at 20min
3 rounds of posing per day
Last training day will be Thursday

Simple and sweet. Key is to not make huge adjustments so close to show when everything as a whole has been going smoothly.
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4 days out:

Carbs to 400g
Cardio at 20min
3 rounds of posing per day
Last training day will be Thursday

Simple and sweet. Key is to not make huge adjustments so close to show when everything as a whole has been going smoothly.
How is your general condition, mood?