Palifter’s competition log

Hello everyone!
I’ve been on the fence about committing to such a log but in the end, decided it was good for my own accountability and may even help others on the board. So here goes!

I’m 29 y/o, I’ve done 4 shows and I’m currently 6 weeks out from my latest show. This is a regional/state show. The plan is to place well at this show and qualify for a national level show which I plan to enter sometime in 2023. I do work with a coach and this is our first prep together. The end goal is a pro card.

This log will serve to outline the last 6 weeks of this prep along with the rebound/off-season to follow leading into nationals prep.

I will outline my current diet and training later on today. As for current PED’s, I’m currently on the following:

525mg tren a/wk
525mg test p/wk
525mg mast p/wk
10iu HGH - split am and post workout
6iu humalog pre training
.5mg adex mon/Thursday
25mcg T3
80mcg Clen

Oral AAS will be thrown in within the week if I were to guess. I’m assuming this will be a mix of proviron, winny and anavar. Halo will come in at the very end for 2 weeks or so. I will update when my coach confirms things.

I’m using @GoodLyfe for all AAS as well as GH. I can’t say enough good things about this source. I am also using @BG pharmaceuticals for my insulin and T3. Again, can’t go wrong here.

Below I will attach a few pics from yesterday mornings check in. I’m currently 255lbs fasted. I’m 6’1 for what it’s worth.

Thanks for following along!
Hi Pal, looking great although I have two Qs for you after reading your log.

1.) How do you manage the insomnia from trenbolone and clenbuterol (especially when combined).

2.) Can you give us a more detailed explanation about your exercise routine.

You are currently running a bro split but could you gone into detail about which exercises you do and for how many sets.

Thanks Pal! Stay huge.
Fuck me you actually won it!

Should be well proud of yourself man, it ain’t easy winning a show like that.

Although not everyone has a physique like yours either.

Well done man stay huge.

Many more to come.
Hello everyone!

Hi Pal, looking great although I have two Qs for you after reading your log.

1.) How do you manage the insomnia from trenbolone and clenbuterol (especially when combined).

2.) Can you give us a more detailed explanation about your exercise routine.

You are currently running a bro split but could you gone into detail about which exercises you do and for how many sets.

Thanks Pal! Stay huge.

1. So this is very individual and I personally don’t get terrible sleep from either compounds or when combined. I have noticed using marijuana an hour before bed helps take the edge off. I’ll smoke an indica dominant strain or use a THC tincture sublingually geared towards sleep. Aside from that, try not to take your Clen dose inside of 4-5 hrs away from bed time. If tren alone is really messing you up, lower the dose. Sleep is paramount in recovery and thus “gains”.

2. Yes, I’ve outlined specifically what certain days consist of and the sets and rep ranges to follow but I can definitely go into more detail here in the coming weeks. I’ll be following a bro split for another week or 2 at minimum while my coach and I outline what this rebound looks like.
Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone! It’s been a ton of fun outlining this prep for this show and the great end result is just the cherry on top.
1. So this is very individual and I personally don’t get terrible sleep from either compounds or when combined. I have noticed using marijuana an hour before bed helps take the edge off. I’ll smoke an indica dominant strain or use a THC tincture sublingually geared towards sleep. Aside from that, try not to take your Clen dose inside of 4-5 hrs away from bed time. If tren alone is really messing you up, lower the dose. Sleep is paramount in recovery and thus “gains”.

2. Yes, I’ve outlined specifically what certain days consist of and the sets and rep ranges to follow but I can definitely go into more detail here in the coming weeks. I’ll be following a bro split for another week or 2 at minimum while my coach and I outline what this rebound looks like.
Very good response man, thanks for replying.

Yes it would be epic if you could give a full workout analysis, take your time obviously!

There’s no rush.

I could only handle 350mg of tren for 4 weeks. After that I said screw this and threw it away.

350mg of tren is a lot for me though, I am much… much smaller than you lol.
Very good response man, thanks for replying.

Yes it would be epic if you could give a full workout analysis, take your time obviously!

There’s no rush.

I could only handle 350mg of tren for 4 weeks. After that I said screw this and threw it away.

350mg of tren is a lot for me though, I am much… much smaller than you lol.

When you say you could no longer handle it, what specific issues were you having? Tren a or E? What else were you running gear wise and ancillaries? Did you ever get any baseline bloods or post bloods?
When you say you could no longer handle it, what specific issues were you having? Tren a or E? What else were you running gear wise and ancillaries? Did you ever get any baseline bloods or post bloods?
Tren Ace 50mg a day for 4 weeks.

It’s the insomnia and nausea are the reasons I had to stop.

Mainly the insomnia it was just pissing me off lmao.

I tried taking honey before bed but it didn’t do anything.

Also I’m not a big fan of sleeping tablets or sleep aids or any of that stuff.
Tren Ace 50mg a day for 4 weeks.

It’s the insomnia and nausea are the reasons I had to stop.

Mainly the insomnia it was just pissing me off lmao.

I tried taking honey before bed but it didn’t do anything.

Also I’m not a big fan of sleeping tablets or sleep aids or any of that stuff.
Yea just goes to show tren isn’t for everyone. Even when it does jive well with people, that could change year to year. Luckily, there’s many ways to skin a cat and a ton of them don’t incorporate tren so no need to get hung up on one compound, ever.
1. So this is very individual and I personally don’t get terrible sleep from either compounds or when combined. I have noticed using marijuana an hour before bed helps take the edge off. I’ll smoke an indica dominant strain or use a THC tincture sublingually geared towards sleep. Aside from that, try not to take your Clen dose inside of 4-5 hrs away from bed time. If tren alone is really messing you up, lower the dose. Sleep is paramount in recovery and thus “gains”.

2. Yes, I’ve outlined specifically what certain days consist of and the sets and rep ranges to follow but I can definitely go into more detail here in the coming weeks. I’ll be following a bro split for another week or 2 at minimum while my coach and I outline what this rebound looks like.
Thanks bro for sharing your experience with us. Yes, many have been able to neutralize the negative effects of clenbuterol and tren with marijuana at night.
Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone! It’s been a ton of fun outlining this prep for this show and the great end result is just the cherry on top.
Also, accept my sincere congratulations, it was just unrealistically cool, you are a cool man. Keep it up.!!!!
Tren Ace 50mg a day for 4 weeks.

It’s the insomnia and nausea are the reasons I had to stop.

Mainly the insomnia it was just pissing me off lmao.

I tried taking honey before bed but it didn’t do anything.

Also I’m not a big fan of sleeping tablets or sleep aids or any of that stuff.
lower the dose; you don't need that much tren; it will work literally at 150mg per week.
Start of rebound:

This rebound will be around 8 weeks in duration, after that, we’ll be doing a detox and cruise.

PED wise, starting with the following:

250mg test C EOD
200mg Primo EOD
Anadrol may be thrown in sporadically
Humalog - 8iu with pre meal, 10iu with post meal
GH- 10iu pinned all at once 30min before training
Pulling T3 down to 37.5mcg

Cardio is 20min a day

Diet is roughly 310p/500c/60f

Training wise I’ll be doing my normal bro split this week while we evaluate other possible training methodologies.
Current shape as of this morning. Weight is 255lbs, 5lbs up from stage weight. I ate about 10k calories Saturday and 10k cals Sunday. I feel awful lol.

Decided to continue to use @GoodLyfe especially since he has tested and verified primo. I refuse to buy primo that doesn’t come along with verifiable HPLC testing…stuff ain’t cheap.

Start of rebound:

This rebound will be around 8 weeks in duration, after that, we’ll be doing a detox and cruise.

PED wise, starting with the following:

250mg test C EOD
200mg Primo EOD
Anadrol may be thrown in sporadically
Humalog - 8iu with pre meal, 10iu with post meal
GH- 10iu pinned all at once 30min before training
Pulling T3 down to 37.5mcg

Cardio is 20min a day

Diet is roughly 310p/500c/60f

Training wise I’ll be doing my normal bro split this week while we evaluate other possible training methodologies.
Why is there so little fat in the diet? further reduce the amount of fat?