Palifter’s competition log

Start of rebound:

This rebound will be around 8 weeks in duration, after that, we’ll be doing a detox and cruise.

PED wise, starting with the following:

250mg test C EOD
200mg Primo EOD
Anadrol may be thrown in sporadically
Humalog - 8iu with pre meal, 10iu with post meal
GH- 10iu pinned all at once 30min before training
Pulling T3 down to 37.5mcg

Cardio is 20min a day

Diet is roughly 310p/500c/60f

Training wise I’ll be doing my normal bro split this week while we evaluate other possible training methodologies.
What is the difference between taking hgh pre or post wo?
Why is there so little fat in the diet? further reduce the amount of fat?
When on exogenous hormones like test, dietary fat intake can be lower without any negative repercussions. Also, since I am using insulin frequently, we want to keep fat intake at a minimum and put an emphasis on pushing carbs hard periworkout.
What is the difference between taking hgh pre or post wo?
In all honesty, there isn’t much of a difference - on paper or in real world results. I’ve ran HGH protocols every which way and always got the same benefits/results. This is just what my coach has me doing so I’ll adhere to that protocol. The most important thing with HGH is to be consistent with your dosing.
Do you use intra shake with carbs with hgh pre?
I do, my intra shake currently is 30g karbolyn, 15g EAAs and 5g creatine with a pinch of Himalayan pink salt.

My peri workout protocol is below:

When on exogenous hormones like test, dietary fat intake can be lower without any negative repercussions. Also, since I am using insulin frequently, we want to keep fat intake at a minimum and put an emphasis on pushing carbs hard periworkout.

In all honesty, there isn’t much of a difference - on paper or in real world results. I’ve ran HGH protocols every which way and always got the same benefits/results. This is just what my coach has me doing so I’ll adhere to that protocol. The most important thing with HGH is to be consistent with your dosing.

I do, my intra shake currently is 30g karbolyn, 15g EAAs and 5g creatine with a pinch of Himalayan pink salt.

My peri workout protocol is below:

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in the pre use humalog even with a share of fat? There are different opinions but in my opinion nothing changes with such a low share (10 g of fat)
I was away from the forum for a bit and missed the lead up to your win. Congratulations. You looked amazing.

Headed for a nationals this year?
I was away from the forum for a bit and missed the lead up to your win. Congratulations. You looked amazing.

Headed for a nationals this year?
Thanks man!

I was contemplating it, but the show I would be most inclined to do (North Americans) falls on the weekend of my annual vacation to OBX with friends. And honestly, I’m burnt out. I hadn’t competed in 5 years. My coach and I agreed a solid off-season then a show in 2023 would yield some great results and we’d be able to showcase an even better overall package.
When on exogenous hormones like test, dietary fat intake can be lower without any negative repercussions. Also, since I am using insulin frequently, we want to keep fat intake at a minimum and put an emphasis on pushing carbs hard periworkout.
Thank you very much for the explanations, and the reproductive system and endocrine system does not suffer from low fat content in food?
Officially the best thread on meso rx…. Keep it up @Palifter

I’ve one Q for you.

You know how you currently do legs, chest, arms, shoulders, back.

On which days do you train abs? Do you train everyday or just throw it in on a specific day e.g. leg day
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Thank you very much for the explanations, and the reproductive system and endocrine system does not suffer from low fat content in food?

I don’t personally. I have worked with female clients in the past that were over-dieted by coaches and it caused them to miss their period. I used to think this was solely due to low fat intake but I’ve seen it even when their fat intake is of normal standards but their carbs are super low or their cals are super low in general. @Type-IIx might be able to dive a little deeper here but I see it a lot in real world application.
Why is salt added?
I like to keep sodium intake pretty even throughout the day and slightly higher than that of the average person. I personally sweat a ton and my gym has zero AC. The salt intra workout helps me achieve and maintain a pump along with just helping over all muscle contraction and preventing cramping.
Officially the best thread on meso rx…. Keep it up @Palifter

I’ve one Q for you.

You know how you currently do legs, chest, arms, shoulders, back.

On which days do you train abs? Do you train everyday or just throw it in on a specific day e.g. leg day
Wooohoooo! Glad people are liking this.

I’ll be honest, I don’t do any direct ab training. I think this has allowed me to keep a relatively small waist for my frame but I also think my abs would “pop” more if I did train them. Abs are also highly genetic- you’ll see relatively chubby guys maintain them year round and others only start to show abs when they’re 10% bf and under. I will start incorporating some direct work this off-season and see how that carry’s over to my look on stage. In the end, the key to good abs is getting absolutely shredded.
I don’t personally. I have worked with female clients in the past that were over-dieted by coaches and it caused them to miss their period. I used to think this was solely due to low fat intake but I’ve seen it even when their fat intake is of normal standards but their carbs are super low or their cals are super low in general. @Type-IIx might be able to dive a little deeper here but I see it a lot in real world application.
I believe that 60 g fats/lipids is not even particularly low, you could take it even lower (even naturals do well on 40 g [or even as low as 20 g, short term] fats/lipids, sufficient to support endocrine function). As you said previously, exogenous androgen obviates any need for fats and since insulin suppresses fat oxidation, reducing fats/lipids during its activity is logical. Further, caloric restriction has to come from somewhere, and fats/lipids are very calorie dense, the primary reason supporting reduced intake.
I believe that 60 g fats/lipids is not even particularly low, you could take it even lower (even naturals do well on 40 g [or even as low as 20 g, short term] fats/lipids, sufficient to support endocrine function). As you said previously, exogenous androgen obviates any need for fats and since insulin suppresses fat oxidation, reducing fats/lipids during its activity is logical. Further, caloric restriction has to come from somewhere, and fats/lipids are very calorie dense, the primary reason supporting reduced intake.
As always, thanks for chiming in. Your input is invaluable.
Thanks man!

I was contemplating it, but the show I would be most inclined to do (North Americans) falls on the weekend of my annual vacation to OBX with friends. And honestly, I’m burnt out. I hadn’t competed in 5 years. My coach and I agreed a solid off-season then a show in 2023 would yield some great results and we’d be able to showcase an even better overall package.
I used to live by the coast in North Carolina. Emarld Isle and Nags Head were usually my go too's
I don’t personally. I have worked with female clients in the past that were over-dieted by coaches and it caused them to miss their period. I used to think this was solely due to low fat intake but I’ve seen it even when their fat intake is of normal standards but their carbs are super low or their cals are super low in general. @Type-IIx might be able to dive a little deeper here but I see it a lot in real world application.
Now I understand, not how much fat affects, but how much a low amount of nutrients, in particular carbohydrates, right?
I believe that 60 g fats/lipids is not even particularly low, you could take it even lower (even naturals do well on 40 g [or even as low as 20 g, short term] fats/lipids, sufficient to support endocrine function). As you said previously, exogenous androgen obviates any need for fats and since insulin suppresses fat oxidation, reducing fats/lipids during its activity is logical. Further, caloric restriction has to come from somewhere, and fats/lipids are very calorie dense, the primary reason supporting reduced intake.
thank you for the explanation on fats.
I like to keep sodium intake pretty even throughout the day and slightly higher than that of the average person. I personally sweat a ton and my gym has zero AC. The salt intra workout helps me achieve and maintain a pump along with just helping over all muscle contraction and preventing cramping.
Thank you, now I understand, yes you are correct. I thought there might be another role. thanks again.
Yesterdays shoulder day:

. . .

Bb shrugs 4x10 - I use Mike Van Wyk style here
Well, that explains why your traps look like they do. Light bulb moment for me when I went to YouTube and watched him explain how to do it - an entirely different feel from the way I have been doing it (which is standing upright and pulling up in that little range of motion to pinch my traps up with extended arms). Doing it Wyck's way results in feeling it even down between and below my shoulder blades - very different.

Well, that explains why your traps look like they do. Light bulb moment for me when I went to YouTube and watched him explain how to do it - an entirely different feel from the way I have been doing it (which is standing upright and pulling up in that little range of motion to pinch my traps up with extended arms). Doing it Wyck's way results in feeling it even down between and below my shoulder blades - very different.

Yep! I do zero deadlifting so my trap development (aside from genetics) is all direct shrug work or indirect stimulus on back day.

I think in general if people cut the weight in half they typically shrug and really started to focus on the intended muscle, they’d be much better off - that almost goes for every exercise though.

But yes, Wyck is a breath of fresh air and I really like his training philosophy and in depth explanations for exercise execution.