Palifter’s competition log

I used to live by the coast in North Carolina. Emarld Isle and Nags Head were usually my go too's
Yep, been to Nags Head a number of times. Really like that area. I also do a sea isle NJ trip and a Bethany Beach DE trip every year. OBX might be my favorite of the bunch.
Yep! I do zero deadlifting so my trap development (aside from genetics) is all direct shrug work or indirect stimulus on back day.

I think in general if people cut the weight in half they typically shrug and really started to focus on the intended muscle, they’d be much better off - that almost goes for every exercise though.

But yes, Wyck is a breath of fresh air and I really like his training philosophy and in depth explanations for exercise execution.
I just watched his video on this and I'll be giving it a try thanks for sharing.
I just watched his video on this and I'll be giving it a try thanks for sharing.
For sure, just make sure you start out lighter than you normally would. I’ve found it can put your lower back in a somewhat vulnerable position. Luckily, you shouldn’t need near the same amount of load. I’ve found squeezing my glutes also helps.

Let us know what you think!
Sure will, I'll definitely approach it with caution to my lower back as its always been one of my weaker points. I'm just getting over pulling it while deadlifting, I thinks its best I avoided them going forward.
Yep, been to Nags Head a number of times. Really like that area. I also do a sea isle NJ trip and a Bethany Beach DE trip every year. OBX might be my favorite of the bunch.
Yes Sir. Used to love it there until I moved south now I'm spoiled with Mexico beaches. Water there is like no other.


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Well, that explains why your traps look like they do. Light bulb moment for me when I went to YouTube and watched him explain how to do it - an entirely different feel from the way I have been doing it (which is standing upright and pulling up in that little range of motion to pinch my traps up with extended arms). Doing it Wyck's way results in feeling it even down between and below my shoulder blades - very different.

By the way, I also tried to do this, completely different muscle sensations.
1 week post show update:

Morning fasted weight is 260lbs.

I’ve got Covid! Tested positive Tuesday and have been hit by a train ever since. Unable to hit all meals due to lack of appetite and zero taste. I have managed to still do my 20min cardio and train at like 60%. Not an ideal start to a rebound but at least we’re getting it out of the way.

Had a decent arm day yesterday that consisted of:

Tricep dip machine - 4x10
Plate loaded preacher curl- 4x10
V bar rope pushdown- 4x10
Alternating standing db curls - 4x10
Overhead rope tricep extension- 4x10
Hammer db curls - 4x8

Then I finished with a burnout set of bench dips super setted with a strict bicep rope curl.

Had trouble fitting everything in pic sorry .
1 week post show update:

Morning fasted weight is 260lbs.

I’ve got Covid! Tested positive Tuesday and have been hit by a train ever since. Unable to hit all meals due to lack of appetite and zero taste. I have managed to still do my 20min cardio and train at like 60%. Not an ideal start to a rebound but at least we’re getting it out of the way.

Had a decent arm day yesterday that consisted of:

Tricep dip machine - 4x10
Plate loaded preacher curl- 4x10
V bar rope pushdown- 4x10
Alternating standing db curls - 4x10
Overhead rope tricep extension- 4x10
Hammer db curls - 4x8

Then I finished with a burnout set of bench dips super setted with a strict bicep rope curl.

Had trouble fitting everything in pic sorry .
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jesus fuck looks like you doubled in size!
Changes to plan - a lot of this is once im healthy again and able to eat/train.

Weight is still 260.

Add aromasin 12.5mg Monday/thurs
T3 down to 25mcg this week
Protein and fat are still 320p/60f roughly
Carbs are 550g on training days, 450 on non

Peri workout insulin protocol on training days:

75g carbs with pre meal
Intra - 100g carbs - 10iu slin (Humalog)
Take GH right after training
Post - 100g carbs - 10iu slin
Post post - 75-100g carbs

No Lantus just yet
How long does it take from the last meal to bedtime?
do you have bg problems in the morning with the last meal close to bedtime? thank you
How long does it take from the last meal to bedtime?
do you have bg problems in the morning with the last meal close to bedtime? thank you
Usually it’s around 1hr from last meal to bed time. Keep in mind, I haven’t yet started the above protocol as I’m still pretty sick but I’ve never had issues with BG levels upon waking personally.
Love big Mike; I've learned so much from his stuff, and his advice really makes a difference.
They way he’s able to explain and articulate his message is really impressive. It’s one thing to know how to do a movement perfectly, it’s another to be able to explain it to someone else and have them get it as well. He’s a gem.
Usually it’s around 1hr from last meal to bed time. Keep in mind, I haven’t yet started the above protocol as I’m still pretty sick but I’ve never had issues with BG levels upon waking personally.

They way he’s able to explain and articulate his message is really impressive. It’s one thing to know how to do a movement perfectly, it’s another to be able to explain it to someone else and have them get it as well. He’s a gem.
I wish you a quick recovery